KotOR Save Importer for TSL 1.0.0

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About This File

This is both a mod in itself, and a resource for modders to use. It allows data from KotOR 1 to be imported into TSL. It is extensible, so modders can very easily map variable values from KotOR 1 to KotOR 2 without any scripting required.

There are several reasons why it might be useful to allow TSL to load data from a KotOR 1 save. The obvious example of where this would be useful is at the start of TSL when talking to Atton for the first time (where the player's choices determine what the game believes happened in the first game). It would be better if the game were aware of this without asking the player directly. Ideally, this would be TSL itself reading a KotOR 1 save, but for several reasons this is not feasible.

Modders might also want to create new content which bridges between KotOR 1 and KotOR 2. For example, a mod which extends the KotOR/TSL storyline might benefit from knowing decisions that the player made in both games. Alongside the app (app.exe) is a folder called "requirements". This contains a yaml file "revan.yaml", which is an example of how you can dynamically tell the save importer which variables to import from KotOR 1, what variables to assign them to, and how to map the variables across.

You can optionally install the file "101atton.dlg", which will change the initial conversation with Atton to no longer ask the player for information about KotOR 1 (because the game already knows this information, since you imported the data directly from your KotOR 1 save). 

 - You need to have a KotOR save which is far enough into the game that the ending has been determined. A save during the final battle of the game should be sufficient for this. If you don't have such a save, the variable "G_FinalChoice" can be manually set it in the GUI interface to the appropriate value (0 for LS ending, 1 for DS ending).
 - You can set/change variables within the tool using the GUI.
 - The mod was tested with TSLRCM; I make no guarantees about whether it would work without it.

This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. This mod changes the script "k_kreia_spawn", and (optionally) the DLG 101atton.dlg, and therefore should be compatible with any mod that does not change either of these scripts (except for TSLRCM, whose changes are incorporated into our files). Please ensure you install TSLRCM before installing this mod.

Please ensure you install TSLRCM before installing this mod. To use this tool, please follow these instructions:
 1. Extract the compressed files, and run the executable "app.exe".
 2. If you want to automatically import data from a KotOR 1 save, press the button "Load from KotOR 1 save". This will open a file selection box; navigate to the KotOR 1 save you wish to load from (it should be a folder). Select the folder and press "Select Folder". You can also manually edit/change the values in the GUI to your liking. Pressing "Create without KotOR 1 save" resets all values to their defaults.
 3. Once you've imported and/or set the values to your liking, press "Write Script". The tool will then generate a file "k_kreia_spawn.ncs" in the folder alongside "app.exe".
 4. Copy the file "k_kreia_spawn.ncs" into your TSL overrides folder. If you want to include the Atton dialog changes as well, copy the DLG file "101atton.dlg" into the TSL overrides folder too.

Delete the files "k_kreia_spawn.ncs", and "101atton.dlg" (if you installed it), from your overrides folder. 

Anyone who wants to use this in their mod is free to do so, with appropriate attribution.

This mod is created by me (lachjames), Thor110, and VarsityPuppet. Thanks for VarsityPuppet for the idea for this tool, and our discussions on its implementation. Thanks also to Thor110 for his great advice and assistance with editing the DLG files (which I've never done before as I'm new to KOTOR modding).

Thanks to the Xoreos team for allowing us to include xoreos-tools with this mod. We use the unerf and gff2xml tools from xoreos-tools to read data from KotOR 1 saves. Xoreos-tools is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3; more information can be found here.

Thanks also to Fred Tetra for creating the KotOR version of nwnnsscomp.exe, which is also used in this tool for compilation.

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


Added a better screenshot of the tool.

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23 hours ago, Domino5555 said:

Excellent idea!

Thanks, that means a lot :) if you have any suggestions or issues, please let me know!

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Hey, I'm having a problem with the installation. 

Error: Couldn't initialize the NwnStdLoader

It says that in the app.exe after I run it and select the save I wanna use. 

Also, the G_final choice doesn't have 0 or 1 but a value of 2 ? After running app.exe, it doesn't create a k_kreia_spawn.ncs file for me?

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