About This File
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...
Not SO long ago, Don Kain asked me to edit Sion model to look like his TFU skin. I added flaps and bolts to the model, modeled pauldron. He was going to make the actual skin for it (I almost didn't worked on the textures), but his mod was never released.
After that, Drewton asked my permission to use this model in his Sion reskin. I allowed that, but his mod too was not released.
So I release this model as a modder's resource. Use it as you like, just give credit to me.
Known issues:
It's possible, that his flaps will not be animated in some cutscenes. I never really tested, so it's up to you to find out.
This mod is not suppored by LucasArts, BioWare, Obsidian and ME. I don't plan to work on this model anymore, so don't contact me if something is wrong. I release it 'as is', use at your own risk. gMax scene is included so you can fix everything yourself. If you can't - I don't care.