About This File
Knights Of The Old Republic II: [THE SITH LORDS]
Author: MetaBee
Name: More Powerful Sith Lords v1.4
Note: TSLRCM 1.8.5 is Recommended for this Mod! If you want to use this Mod without TSLRCM - Then refer to the
ReadMeInstall.txt that comes with this mod.
This Mod is intended to enhance the Sith Lords... Traya, Sion & Nihilus to be tougher opponents. The mod increases their Attributes,
Feats, Force Powers & Bonuses. It also gives tweaks to their Class & Level - Making them true Sith.
Their is Four options available [ Moderate ] [ Hard ] [ Impossible ] [ Doomed ]
Warning!!: Impossible and Doomed are not for the feint of heart. Seriously its Rough! lol, Good Luck!
This Mod Is TSLRCM 1.8.5 Compatible. Should be compatible with most Mods.
With any mod that alters the same files inside the override folder. Example: n_darthsion_002.utc
Please refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt that comes with this Mod for more information.
For more information refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt provided in the Mod.
Bugs: None that i know of. Let me know if you find something.
Permission: I give full permission for anyone that wants to update this mod.
Modders & Tools Needed