Flawed K1 Atton Rand Mod Idea
What if Atton Rand appeared in K1 as a Sith Special Forces operative? What if Revan, ran into one of the deathsquads he was apart of.
Were the Jedi responding to their disappearances or was it believed to be merely casualties of war without anyone noticing a pattern?
The idea has already begun to form, can I add a sidequest that allows Revan to investigate missing Jedi who were sent on diplomatic missions to Manaan, or doing research on Tatooine for the Jedi Archives, or captured Jedi sent to Korriban for "re-institution?"
Before I get your hopes up, let me clear the air. Kotor 1 takes place at the end of the Jedi Civil War; therefore, it cannot include Atton Rand at all, simply because he deserted nearly a year prior to end of the war. This came as a sad realization, because having an Atton Rand cameo in k1 would be so interesting to write.
Without Atton Rand being inside the mod, I simply lost all motivation to actually make it. Still the idea of Sith Special Forces abducting Jedi, and Revan being sent to investigate their disappearances would be a decent mod idea.
Structure of the mod, would include the other door of the Jedi Enclave opening to a reskined module of the Matele Estate with several Jedi Characters. There the PC would be informed that Padawan Zeeru and his master N'iedin were investigating a distress call by a missing Jedi. This was a trap laid by the Sith to capture more Jedi.
This is my rough draft of the plot development:
Jedi Knight = Jawa = N’iedin > home planet Tatooine
Two apprentices, only one stands beside him on Dantooine
Apprentice 1 = Qrixy = female Twi’lek jedi
Zeeru = Jedi Padawan 2, Zeeru stands beside Master, while Qrixy is on Manaan for Jedi diplomacy training with Ambassador Roland.
N’iedin informs the PC that Jedi are being hunted down, and he intends to investigate the missing Jedi on Tatooine. There was a jedi distress single emitting from that planet. The council commissioned him to investigate it. An hour ago. A team of Jedi lead by female Master Leyana has gone missing after crash landing on Tatooine.
Close the gap and have the Female Jedi Knight get captured by Atton, the rest of his squad dies while staying behind to stop the PC who is known as “a jedi padawan.”
Qrixy ends up captured on Manaan, shows up as a Sith on Korriban
PC finds Zeeru who’s lost in the dessert, his master was killed by Sith Special Forces, and he is being hunted. He’s trying to make it to back to Anchorage when you meet him. Battle ensues, PC wins, but dialogue about Qrixy being in danger and needing to know their master is dead.. then Jaq snipes him. Jaq is Atton Rand's alias; according to wookiepedia, this was his first name during the Civil War.
Scene works like this very far off in the distance you can see Jaq and a speeder, that speeder responds and disappears several times using DelayCommand script so that it appears to be moving!
Reprogram Sith Droids on Manaan (optional) before entering the hangar (they walk with you), so that they attack Jaq providing some backstory on why Atton hates droids.
Qrixy is being escorted onto the shuttle with Master Leyana, Master Leyana does a force push before being gassed by Jaq (mine goes off) All of them escape, but PC fights a bunch of Sith
How do they escape the PC, board a shuttle? Then what?
Qrixy on Korriban can either be killed or swear fealty to Revan, there is no redeeming her.
She enjoys the Darkside.
Her master’s death means nothing to her, her dead friend meant nothing to her. Only a short time has passed, but she is already excelling in her training > has a Sith Master = Darth Lavernius
Takes pride in having a master, doesn’t have to abide by the Academy rules, is already a Sith.
Well, that was my rough draft of a large side quest that involved Dantooine, Tatooine, Manaan, and Korriban (4 planets).
As you can see it was ambitious and it was very much in its development stage.
An interesting thing I stumbled upon while making the Jedi Quarters (reskinned Matele Estate module), was the ability to change the head of children and the garments of them with other civilians in the appearance.2da. I could make a dwarf, or a child, depending upon if the head used had facial hair! So I tried to do just that, and actually succeeded. It was rather hilarious. I believe I got all of the children to bow as well.
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I hope this was not a waste of your time!
Thanks for reading my ramblings.
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