Blog #62 - Mods / Ideas that Never Came to Pass

Sith Holocron


1. The Fate of Bao-Dur, Version 1 (Death on Telos)

This one's in movie script type format.


Brackets indicate the trim that needs to be made in the line.


Location: On board Citadel Station, near the shuttle bay module
To Remote (use soundfile: 003baokreia001.wav)
“It is time for you to leave. [You are harming him with your presence.]”


Sad beep from Remote. Remote floats away (sadly) and out of scene. Bao-Dur frowns, turns from camera. Both HK-47 and Bao-Dur walk from camera towards a docking bay door. You can use the unused Telos Citadel area – if you want a new area to do this in. Fade to black.


New Location: In the landing portion of the video
Bao-Dur to HK-47: (use soundfile: 231231mrcc001..wav)
“There’s the landing pad. [There should be a computer terminal I can access from there.]”


Bao-Dur to HK-47: (use soundfile: 231231bdur017.wav)
“[Mercenaries] …Right where we need to go. [That sentry droid probably spotted us already.]”


New Location: On Telos, next to the shuttle in the military facility
HK-47 to Bao-Dur: (use soundfile: Gblhk47959.wav)
“Statement: [i mean, ] I have only just been re-activated, only to find that there are sub-standard duplicates of me running all over the galaxy, corroding my good name.”


Bao-Dur to HK-47: (use soundfile: 231231sntry027.wav)
“We’re gonna have to work together. [i came hoping for repair whatever damage your shuttle took but not even I can fix that wreck.]”


HK-47 to Bao-Dur: (use soundfile: Gblhk47960.wav)
[but if they are, in fact, hunting you, then] I look forward to the opportunity to meet these units - and educate them in proper assassination protocols.”


Bao-Dur to HK-47: (use soundfile: 231231bdur043.wav)
“[bold!. All right.] Let’s do it.”


Insert a few standard battle taunts from HK – HK-47 is psyching himself up for the upcoming battle with the HK-50’s


Bao-Dur to HK-47: (use soundfile: 231231bdur044.wav)
“We can talk later. [Right now, we’ve got to find a way back to Citadel Station.]”


Before HK-47 and Bao-Dur get to the magnetically sealed door that leads to the HK Factory,
Bao-Dur gets gunned down by a turret. HK-47 blasts the turret but it’s too late for Bao-Dur.


Combine the “Make my sacrifice matter” sound file with “New_mus_main.wav” music file. It’s also known as “The Sith Lords” in the most common renaming conventions. If possible, HK-47 kneels and looks at Bao-Dur, then rises after a brief pause and walks toward the sealed door. (According to Khrizby, HK-47 can do a kneeling animation.) He can walk slowly to allow the rest of the above music selection to play until a fadeout. I’ll see if PastramiX can combine the “sacrifice” line with the music because he’s awfully good with sound editing.


2. The Fate of Bao-Dur, Version 1 (Death occurs fighting alongside the Mandalorians)


This one I grabbed from an email I sent to Darth Stoney. Do any of you remember Stoney? He was one of the guys that made the original TSLRCM and the original M4-78. (I just don't think he gets enough credit nowadays.)




Once again I was thinking about good ol' Bao-Dur and that mysterious line of his - "Make my sacrifice matter." Had an idea while having a cigarette when I stepped off the boat.


Instead of either splicing or re-recording lines for Bao-Dur, have the perspective switch from our PC to a first person for Bao-Dur (like the TSLRP plans for HK-47.) This way, all of his lines will be handled via dialogue.


Where this would all start: when Grenn says "Where's Bao-Dur - I thought I saw him on board Citadel Station" (or words to that effect), the PC character would have the option of saying "I don't know." Then it would immediately jump to Bao-Dur in the new area described below. After Bao-Dur's mission is done, it would jump back to the PC in front of Grenn, to continue the conversation normally. The idea being, our PC doesn't know what happened to Bao-Dur either. But we *the player* would now know.


I think for Bao-Dur's character arc needs to deal with his coming to terms with the Mandalorians. Since there are more than a few Mandalorians headed to the Ravager and they can’t all fit on that one shuttle that lands on the Ravager, here's my concept. The Mandalorians need to board a shuttle to get to Ravager to destroy it with another strike team. Bao-Dur - choosing to assist the lesser of two evils - decides to help the Mandalorians by escorting them to a shuttle bay. End result, he succeeds.


Of course, you'd have to recolor the modules with the shuttle bays as they were lit with red emergency lights - as those were usually unavailable because they are locked off in the "Under Siege" version of Citadel Station.


Cue a new cutscene: beginning with showing a shuttle (presumably filled with Mandalorians) taking off towards Ravager. You don't even need to show that event from outside as the action is (mostly) based in the hangar. Then show a lot of Sith soldiers rushing towards the landing bay. Bao-Dur faces Remote and says both the above "sacrifice" line and a clipped version of his final words "Remember your programming." (Perhaps the second line as from Remote’s POV.) Remote zips the hell out of there, right before the Sith enter the landing bay, and fade to black. This way, we don't see him die which leaves the situation open-ended.


Personally, I always thought that Bao-Dur would have a light sided ending though even a dark sider could make a sacrifice, I'd imagine.


After the cutscene was planned out and timed, PastramiX could weave the "Sacrifice" line into music - as it already has some K2 music behind it. If you're having difficulty coming up with dialogue for Bao-Dur, I'd tap the talents of Allronix as she made a well-thought of mod dealing with new dialogue in the past for K1.


Amazing what you can think of when having a cigarette! LOL



3. The Fate of Colonel Tobin (Death on the Ravager)


I was mentioned this in N-DreW25's recent thread but I'll repeat it here.


Unfortunately, the original thread I made about this was on LucasForums, but the general gist was a thought I had about this way back in 2010 - where if you convinced Tobin to do the honorable thing and help destroy Nihilus' ship - then he died in the explosion that destroyed the fourth proton bomb. It never got implemented in either TSLRCM or the Ravager Rewrite mod that Zbyl put together but seeing what happened to Tobin would tie up that loose end in a nice way. The advantage of this is you wouldn't need to record any new lines - the major lifting would be the scripting and the making of a new cutscene including Tobin.

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Technically you could include both idea 1 and 2 in the same mod. The Ravager one would only be playable if either you never found three sets of HK-50 droids so HK-47 could triangulate the location of the HK Factory or if you never rebuilt HK-47.

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The first would explain how HK got to the surface. The lines for the first one would be super easy to splice together.


The second could also be used as a dark side alternative. Bao goes into the Mandalorian hangar, and in his hate fueled view of the Mandalorians that you've encouraged (if I'm remembering right), he attacks the Mandalorians in the bay and succeeds, but dies in the process (big explosion).


The third would do as you mentioned in the summary.

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