Logan23 205 Posted August 14, 2011 Revenge of Revan Demo (Beta) 1.08 gigs Zip (1.99 gigs unzip) The mod is a sequel to The Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Sith Lords). The game takes place 8 years after kotor2 where you will find the Jedi Order starting to rebuild as they find their place in the Republic that has been absent of the Jedi Order for some years. An event on Corellia will set events in motion as you try to unravel this mystery before its too late. RoR is a stand alone original story that allows you, the player, to continue your saga with whatever choices you made in kotor1 and kotor2 whether you use the canon setup or your own personal version. The mod is a bridge between kotor2 and TOR. You will see cameos and interact with some former characters from kotor1 and kotor2, depending on your choice setup. New Features: Well over 50 PC heads including aliens with the ability to wear head gear. Species optional based attributes setup. Around 2 hours of gameplay There is a new Lightsaber Creation system as well as the old looting/inventory system will be tweaked and allow more crafting. Also within the Lightsaber Creation System is a Progressive lightsaber/hilt system which will allow you to follow certain progression trees as you advance in levels and hilt design. This system will be user friendly and allow the player to switch from one progression tree to another with out a penalty. A New Trust System which will be connected to the existing Influence system for kotor2. You will have moments to gain and lose Trust with party members. If you gain enough Trust then you will be able to Influence their alignment as seen in kotor2. Dialogues will not be simple black and white in the area of receiving Dark Side and Light Side points. With the newly added motive feature the player can actually do something that is considered nice to manipulate a NPC and gain Dark Side points. The player will have a ( ) similar to when a player can show they are going to lie but in RoR you will have options in the ( ) for example: Diplomatic, Aggressive, Empower them/encourage, Manipulate/control. These will lead to dialogue that match your motive during the conversation. With these new features and RoR's new NPCs, modeled and skinned by Redrob41, which not only include Party members but even mid to high level NPCs. In the Demo some of these features are only introduced and not fully active based on story and game play layout. The next installment will see all of these functioning and being used through out the game on a larger scale. -------------------------------------- Note: This is a work in progress so not all the human VOs are in the game, there will be a VO patch released later. This is a link for now till its reviewed and up at moddb.com and deadlystreams. Enjoy! MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTALL DOC. Moddb.com's link http://www.moddb.com/mods/revenge-of-revan/downloads/revenge-of-revan-demo-beta Video/audio install direction is coming soon. Logan23 (Tom) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Yeti Posted August 14, 2011 Congratulations on your first release Logan I assume you'll be accepting player feedback, correct? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mr_dad Posted August 14, 2011 I'm freaking out, I'm so excited. THANK YOU LOGAN. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted August 14, 2011 Player feedback will be great just don't mention spoilers. Anything related to spoilers PM the feedback Thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Luminous Being Posted August 14, 2011 Wow, can't wait to play. Will definitely give feedback! Thanks Logan! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Plastic Posted August 14, 2011 I'm sorry, but can we have another mirror? That one forces rediculous waiting times on non-premium people. Looking forward to it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darth_Shan Posted August 14, 2011 Downloading as I'm typing this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted August 14, 2011 I'm downloading. No idea when I'll play it, but I'll be sure to give some feedbacks when I do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darth_Shan Posted August 14, 2011 Played a bit, now arrived at Corellia. So far everything looks well executed and voice actos are good. However the long, long conversation in the intro cinematic is really boring and unneccesary, maybe you could just skip from the space stations desctruction to the Jedi temple exterior? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Yeti Posted August 14, 2011 Played a bit, now arrived at Corellia. So far everything looks well executed and voice actos are good. However the long, long conversation in the intro cinematic is really boring and unneccesary, maybe you could just skip from the space stations desctruction to the Jedi temple exterior? IMO that scene does a good job of setting up the plot and introduces the Republic governments feelings towards the Jedi. It will likely be more intersting when it has Voice overs. (Of course, it would also be better as an ingame scene, rather than a video. That way the quality of the scene would be better and people would have the choice to skp through the dialouge.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted August 14, 2011 The opening chancellor scene is done using Blue screen...like in the movies.... Those NPCs are not in that module... That module does not exist. I am looking over how the scene can be tweaked to keep the same information but cut the time in half. VO tests will also let me know if editing will simply fix it. Blue screening is a tool we are using in the game to create a scene that could not be done or shown due to in game limitations. More advance usage of blue screen will be used later in the game. Logan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Yeti Posted August 14, 2011 The opening chancellor scene is done using Blue screen...like in the movies.... Those NPCs are not in that module... That module does not exist. I am looking over how the scene can be tweaked to keep the same information but cut the time in half. VO tests will also let me know if editing will simply fix it. Blue screening is a tool we are using in the game to create a scene that could not be done or shown due to in game limitations. More advance usage of blue screen will be used later in the game. Logan Thank's for explaining that Logan. You can ignore the number 2 suggestion in the feedback I just pmed you I honestly think the length of the scene is perfect. Voice overs will definately improve it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeWJ 11 Posted August 14, 2011 Congrats on finally releasing the demo Logan. For those who don't like the waiting time, upload the demo to deadlystream? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted August 14, 2011 Some people seem to complain about wait time before download, makes me wonder why I didn't have to wait at all. Anyway, I played RoR for a bit and it's been moderatly enjoyable so far ; ) Some random comments I made during my play, no spoilers: * Lots of nice, high quality new faces. Really liked them, great kudos to Redrob - I'd probably go insane if I tried to get so many of them. * Didn't like opening cutscene. Crawl and CG things were fine, but the semi-ingame cutscene was worse, to be honest. I agree it would be better as in-game cutscene, but if it's not possible then nevermind. It really needs voice acting though; reason this scene seems to be so long (it goes on forever) is lack of VOs. I usually had to wait at least few seconds between when I read a line and when it went on to another one; lip movement stopping halfway trough the line didn't help either. * There are a lot of NPCs I can't interact with; all of them should at least have one random line when I click them, as in KotORs. It was especially irritating with droid in training room; he told me I could ask him questions if I had any, but then I couldn't talk to him again. * There was some line before Master Drayen's convo with some dots in it. Blank line would have been much better. * Love lightsaber hilts! * Training with remote was pretty cool, although it would be better if we could perhaps train with more than one, or even do some "level of difficulty" thing, which we'd choose trough dialog, and remote would be stronger/weaker depending on what we choose; just random idea. * Dialogs themselves were fine so far. Noticed some spelling issues (most noticeable would be sentences not starting with capital letter as they should, on numerous occasions). * Voice overs; from what I've heard so far - droid at the beginning had really good voice, though acting could be better; Master Drayen and the black guy from Jedi Council's VOs were worse, though (fault of worse mic, probably). I guess I can get used to it eventually. Also, some VOs (I think it was Correlian soldier just outside landing pad - he had first few lines voiced) should be louder, because I couldn't hear a thing he was saying. * My lightsaber kept getting deactivated during fight in Jedi Temple. I guess you might want to fix that. * No unskippable conversations, please? At least until you get voice overs. Same problem as with opening cutscene, wait between reading line and next line is annoying. * I like new music. Honestly, I didn't expect that many new tracks - it's really good so far! * Any chance to get Council members sitting? I don't know how many aliens have sitting animation, so I don't know if it wouldn't make things worse, though. * Man, those skins are really amazing. * Music in BIK movie, when flying to Correlia. The music changes were quite awkward, made whole thing look bad. Good music is really important, especially in sequences like this. I'll go more into that after I play whole thing. * The guy in Sith's uniform on Correlia was great. His reaction to "you're saying this to all your customers" made me laugh - great use of animation. There's one more thing I'd like to note but that would require me to go into spoilers; you asked not to do that here, so I'll PM it... eventually. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 14, 2011 I'm going to touch on parts not touched on by other folks - namely the opening crawl and the end creits. CRAWL: 1. The font you used on the "REVENGE OF REVAN" title line if you're trying to replicate the movies exactly should be It's especially noticeable when comparing the "G" in revenge to the correct font. END CREDITS: Your end credits are a different color than the movies but i figure you did that intentionally. However the font also wrong here as well. Franklin Gothic LT Med Condensed Edit: Speaking of the end credits, thanks for including me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted August 14, 2011 Hey everyone! For those who don't like the waiting time, upload the demo to deadlystream? It has been uploaded to deadlystreams but still needs to reviewed. Thanks to Doc to helping me get it onto Deadlysteams since this mod is really big and can not go through usual channels due to the 1.08 gig Rar file. Some random comments I made during my play, no spoilers:* Lots of nice, high quality new faces. Really liked them, great kudos to Redrob - I'd probably go insane if I tried to get so many of them. * Didn't like opening cutscene. Crawl and CG things were fine, but the semi-ingame cutscene was worse, to be honest. I agree it would be better as in-game cutscene, but if it's not possible then nevermind. It really needs voice acting though; reason this scene seems to be so long (it goes on forever) is lack of VOs. I usually had to wait at least few seconds between when I read a line and when it went on to another one; lip movement stopping halfway trough the line didn't help either. * There are a lot of NPCs I can't interact with; all of them should at least have one random line when I click them, as in KotORs. It was especially irritating with droid in training room; he told me I could ask him questions if I had any, but then I couldn't talk to him again. * There was some line before Master Drayen's convo with some dots in it. Blank line would have been much better. * Love lightsaber hilts! * Training with remote was pretty cool, although it would be better if we could perhaps train with more than one, or even do some "level of difficulty" thing, which we'd choose trough dialog, and remote would be stronger/weaker depending on what we choose; just random idea. * Dialogs themselves were fine so far. Noticed some spelling issues (most noticeable would be sentences not starting with capital letter as they should, on numerous occasions). * Voice overs; from what I've heard so far - droid at the beginning had really good voice, though acting could be better; Master Drayen and the black guy from Jedi Council's VOs were worse, though (fault of worse mic, probably). I guess I can get used to it eventually. Also, some VOs (I think it was Correlian soldier just outside landing pad - he had first few lines voiced) should be louder, because I couldn't hear a thing he was saying. * My lightsaber kept getting deactivated during fight in Jedi Temple. I guess you might want to fix that. * No unskippable conversations, please? At least until you get voice overs. Same problem as with opening cutscene, wait between reading line and next line is annoying. * I like new music. Honestly, I didn't expect that many new tracks - it's really good so far! * Any chance to get Council members sitting? I don't know how many aliens have sitting animation, so I don't know if it wouldn't make things worse, though. * Man, those skins are really amazing. * Music in BIK movie, when flying to Correlia. The music changes were quite awkward, made whole thing look bad. Good music is really important, especially in sequences like this. I'll go more into that after I play whole thing. * The guy in Sith's uniform on Correlia was great. His reaction to "you're saying this to all your customers" made me laugh - great use of animation. There's one more thing I'd like to note but that would require me to go into spoilers; you asked not to do that here, so I'll PM it... eventually. I'm glad you enjoyed it zbyl2, it is always great to get feed back from a modder with your skill. The intro movie from crawler and blue screened conversation scene are roughs. The final one will be in Act 1. The Chancellor scene will be tweaked so it can be shorted if the dlg does not help with the flow. The reason for it not being in game is that there is no module, it was shot in blue screen like you find in movies which forced it to be a bink movie. I will look over and see which ones don't have lines. I do remember some soldiers in the merchant square did not have a dlg but the rest should have dlgs. Could you PM which module and i will take a look. thanks Dialogue is constantly being updated and I know some scenes will get some heavy polishing. One of the reasons for the limit of VOs were due to this re working of dialogue and the VOice actor we used will need to be around for another year or so which leads to a wait on those lines being voiced. The VO quality in the area of mics will simply be some will be better then others due to the mics people are using are not the same as a game studio. We are trying to get the best from them but its a limitation we can not control due to the number of total VOs you will find in the final game. The light saber kept turning off was an issue related to to a script which is being fired to keep the assassin from losing all his HP, its a glitch we will be resolving and that scene its self will be getting more polish so that will not be found in the next release. Unskippable conversations are found in a few points mainly since I found if you do a blitz on clicking the mouse to jump through the dlg you might get a bug like shutting the door on the assassin is in the room. Its on our wall of polish to get it to run so we can remove the unskippable block in the dlg. I tried a few times to get the council to sit but once they had a talking line they would stand up so I felt it was better to just have them standing. The Bink videos which most of them are over 2 years old are all getting re worked which will then include the new music from the RoR's soundtrack. The NPC in the Sith uniform was a fun character to write and conceive. We are looking to add more content as you visit Corellia again and have more conversations with the Droid merchant. =) I'm actually building a Doc of items to be Polished so these feedbacks will find their way into the content here being tweaked for when you play RoR these issues will be resolved. =) Thanks for the info Sith Holocron Thanks you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted August 14, 2011 I will look over and see which ones don't have lines. I do remember some soldiers in the merchant square did not have a dlg but the rest should have dlgs. Could you PM which module and I will take a look. thanks Sure, I'll PM you sometime soon. Probably after I finish whole thing. Dialogue is constantly being updated and I know some scenes will get some heavy polishing. One of the reasons for the limit of VOs were due to this re working of dialogue and the VOice actor we used will need to be around for another year or so which leads to a wait on those lines being voiced. Yeah, I totally get it, I know how much changes dialogs get when making storyline mod and I imagine voice actors go insane if you sent them new lines every time you change something. The VO quality in the area of mics will simply be some will be better then others due to the mics people are using are not the same as a game studio. We are trying to get the best from them but its a limitation we can not control due to the number of total VOs you will find in the final game. Yup, I know you don't have access to studio or anything and it's not all that easy to find willing voice actors with really good mics. Still, in the very beginning, there's huge difference between droid's and Drayen's VO quality, and since one dialog starts immediately after another, it's really noticeable. Don't think there's anything you can do about it, though. The light saber kept turning off was an issue related to to a script which is being fired to keep the assassin from losing all his HP, its a glitch we will be resolving and that scene its self will be getting more polish so that will not be found in the next release. Can't you just check Min1HP in assassin's utc? Unskippable conversations are found in a few points mainly since I found if you do a blitz on clicking the mouse to jump through the dlg you might get a bug like shutting the door on the assassin is in the room. Its on our wall of polish to get it to run so we can remove the unskippable block in the dlg. Fair enough, I guess. Though it would be better if only some lines were unskippable, not whole convos. I tried a few times to get the council to sit but once they had a talking line they would stand up so I felt it was better to just have them standing. I suggest you check out how it was done in TSL's council scene (950COR). The Bink videos which most of them are over 2 years old are all getting re worked which will then include the new music from the RoR's soundtrack. OK, sounds good. I'll post some more stuff after I play a bit more. It has been uploaded to deadlystreams but still needs to reviewed. It has? I don't see it in download section nor did I get PM about it being submitted, and I always do (might be because the Doctor did some cool stuff to get such a big mod up though). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 14, 2011 Can't see it appearing either. Doesn't look like it's uploaded at all. Maybe Doc still needs to do so though??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted August 14, 2011 It is on a FTP site so that's why. The mod is to large for the usual system. I don't know where it is on the process. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Plastic Posted August 15, 2011 Well, I hope it gets up somehow! :-D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted August 15, 2011 I posted moddb.com's download link It is in the first post/ edited Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Plastic Posted August 15, 2011 I've requested it to be put on this site: http://www.3fl.net.au/ as I can get it unmetered (it won't count towards my downloads) if it goes there. I hope this is fine. I've given credit to Logan, and linked to his wetpaint website. EDIT: Beacause of Logan's message on my profile, I have asked that the request be withdrawn. I did not mean any offense to Logan in this, and I hope none was taken. :-D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 15, 2011 Approved here now too... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hib Posted August 15, 2011 I noticed that most conversations with no VO just speed through which is really annoying and also breaks lip sync. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted August 15, 2011 Just finished whole demo-beta thing. I wasn't making any notes while playing, so I'll just list some random things off the top of my head. There are some plot related things which I don't like but I won't list them here, as requested; I'll PM them to you, Logan, sometime soon. Anyway: * Totally love cantina music. * "You're never gonna leave this planet. You should just get drunk with Correlian Ale". Great line. * Overall, NPCs in cantina were pretty good. * There was this one time I got Force Perusade option, even though I don't have this power. * There were some conversation loops, meaning I got the same dialog over and over again when I restarted convo, which is NOT good. * I've got some item with no name nor description, and I think it's been in my inventory since the very beginning. * Republic soldier in Correlian jungle told me to talk to Bao-Dur; then he said that again and again, even though I already talked to Bao-Dur. * Near the temple-like thing, Drayen's line about "them overwhelming us with numbers" doesn't make sense until you see more assassins that are... down there, and you don't see them when line is being spoken. * I feel there weren't enough conversations in Correlian base. Most NPCs had just one line, while it seems like a good place to have all kind of soldiers with different personalities, views etc. * Also, said base had map note mentioning Kex. * Not sure how the effect when speaking to Master Drayen's ghost was done, but it was rather amazing. * Serious bug: when fighting Jedi that's supposed to escort us to Coruscant, dialog starts after convo, but then it breaks because republic soldiers are still hostile, which basically makes you stuck. * It ended just when it was getting interesting. I hate you for that I remember anything more, I'll post it. Or just include in PM I'm supposed to send anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites