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Cryptic (?) words from Admiral Karath during Leviathan interrogation

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I would like to hear your opinion about something that I find rather weird. 

When the Protagonist, Bastila and Carth are being held prisoner in the Leviathan and the interrogation is about to begin, Admiral Karath says something that does make sense if he is talking to Bastila but doesn't make sense if he is talking to Carth.

Karath talks to Bastila if the Pratgonist is male and to Carth if female.

The line he speaks (in both cases) is the same and follows Bastila's or Carth's words that are also the same:

Carth/Bastila: Don't waste your breath, Saul! We won't answer any of your questions.

Karath: I'm sure you won't. However, we both know your friend's loyalties have proven in the past to be somewhat... flexible.



Karath's answer makes sense as he is implying that the Protagonist has been a Jedi first, then a Dark Lord and now he is working for the Jedi again and Bastila does know that since she is directly involved.

But Carth learns about the Protagonist's true identity only later when Karath is killed so I think that there is a rather sloppy inconsistency here.


What do you think?

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4 minutes ago, Salk said:

Admiral Karath says something that does make sense if he is talking to Bastila

5 minutes ago, Salk said:

Karath talks to Bastila if the Pratgonist is male

It's as simple as that. 9 times out of 10 a game like this will be written for a male PC, and then that script gets tweaked to make a female version. Sad but true. There's no deeper meaning, they just goofed on this bit when swapping the sexes.

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I agree with you and I proceeded to remedy to the sloppiness.

I made a duplicate of the original line and of the original audio file then removed the part that would not sit well if spoken to Carth ("we both know") so that the inconsistency is gone.

Now Karath will use the new line if the Protagonist is female.


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33 minutes ago, Salk said:

I agree with you and I proceeded to remedy to the sloppiness.

I made a duplicate of the original line and of the original audio file then removed the part that would not sit well if spoken to Carth ("we both know") so that the inconsistency is gone.

Now Karath will use the new line if the Protagonist is female.


Sounds like a great fix for the vanilla game!

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On 2/1/2022 at 9:31 PM, TamerBill said:

It's as simple as that. 9 times out of 10 a game like this will be written for a male PC, and then that script gets tweaked to make a female version. Sad but true. There's no deeper meaning, they just goofed on this bit when swapping the sexes.

Bingo. The sloppiness on this front also shows up with Canderous, who has voiced dialogue that refers to Revan as "He" regardless of what the player chose at character creation and in contrast to the game's usual policy of avoiding using pronouns for Revan prior to the reveal. Bioware tried to wallpaper over this by correcting it in the subtitles, but they evidently did not manage (or could not be arsed) to rerecord the lines.

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