Tatooine Job Office Mod Fix

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Can anyone confirm that the "Tatooine Job Office" mod by TimBob12 is still having problems? There were comments stating that Mission's Brother and Bastila's Mother no longer spawn in their proper locations and that this in turn breaks both quest-lines for those companions. TimBob12 doesn't seem to have been active on here for several years and no "fix" seems to have been reported on there aside from a fix for the Brotherhood of Shadow Expansion. 

Would someone be interested in fixing this mod and/or advising me on how I could possibly fix it and the errors/incompatibilities caused by it? I was looking forward to trying it but I would rather not break the game.


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Mate, I think what's happened is he's missed out scripts for his mod... 

I think you need to extract these two vanilla scripts and rename them with _old against them...



Extract the above vanilla scripts into a seperate folder and rename them to: 



And then place them in your override folder, I could be wrong though haha. 

This is the decompiled k_ptat18ac_enter.ncs file I extracted with DeNCS: 

void main() {
    if (((!GetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 40)) && (GetEnteringObject() == GetFirstPC()))) {
        SetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 40, 1);
        object oKrayt_skel = CreateObject(64, "krayt_skel", Location(Vector(344.99, 327.62, 81.32), 90.0), 0);
        CreateItemOnObject("info_pad", oKrayt_skel, 1);
    ExecuteScript("k_ptat18ac_enter_old", OBJECT_SELF, 0xFFFFFFFF);

But there is no k_ptat18ac_enter_old.ncs file in the tslpatchdata folder

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@djh269 I may try to edit the .git files for tat_m17af where Helena is, and tat_m20aa where Griff is, since those each appear in the same module as either an NPC or placeable associated with the Tatooine Job Office mod. I could copy the data and coordinates for each NPC and put it into the .git file using K-GFF and see if that works, and just make the dialog/coversation conditional rather than their spawning itself.

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15 hours ago, EAF97 said:

@djh269 I may try to edit the .git files for tat_m17af where Helena is, and tat_m20aa where Griff is, since those each appear in the same module as either an NPC or placeable associated with the Tatooine Job Office mod. I could copy the data and coordinates for each NPC and put it into the .git file using K-GFF and see if that works, and just make the dialog/coversation conditional rather than their spawning itself.

No need to make a job of it, djh has the right answer. The author simply forgot to include some base-game scripts.

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Sorry for the Necro but uh so dumb here (me) has Tatooine Job Office installed and you all are so far the only people I can find that have a fix to get Griff and Helena to spawn, problem on my end is that I can't find those two scripts so something happened to them and I am too stubborn to just end the run and reinstall everything. Do y'all have either those files on hand or a fix for the (most likely abandoned at this point) mod? I'm at my wit's end here so I figured here is the best ask for help.


So uh again, sorry for the necro but you guys seem to be the most knowledgeable I can find at the moment and the most likely to be able to actually help me.

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