Ashton Scorpius

Rendering New Lightmaps to Match Originals?

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I've been helping @Salk restore a second crashed pod in the Undercity. This involved some heavy terrain modification, and the last step on my behalf is to render a couple of new lightmaps. I want to keep them as close to the originals as possible, and would appreciate help figuring out how.

I've been able to get the Mental Ray renderer working after following Quanon's tutorials. I replaced all AuroraLights with Omnis and have somewhat been able to match the baked lighting. I'm mainly having issues with shadows. From this, you'll probably see what I mean.



(The final UV layout isn't as choppy as the new stuff on the right, I'm using the original layout for testing purposes)

And an in-game comparison:




I know that I still need to adjust some lighting and probably add yellow lights around the pillars for the shadows that're missing. How do I achieve softer/lighter shadows like the original lightmap has?

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3 hours ago, Ashton Scorpius said:

I want to keep them as close to the originals as possible

This is literally impossible. The lights in the module are not the lights that were used to generate the baked lighting. I'd suggest not getting too caught up in even trying considering that the vanilla lightmaps are terrible anyway. Just focus on placing light sources that make logical sense based on the the scene (like those light panels on the pillars in the background).

3 hours ago, Ashton Scorpius said:

How do I achieve softer/lighter shadows like the original lightmap has?

You can adjust shadows per light or globally in the individual light properties rollout.

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