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Def not the sandvich

Kotor 2 Game Crashes Upon Entering the Telos Acedemy

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Okay so some context first. Mods I've installed are as follows.

TSL restored content mod.
The Graphical overhaul
Schematic Lightsaber Mod and the Coruscant Jedi Temple mod.

I also should note that I saw the cutsceen of Nilius and visas mar early but that didn't really cause any bugs after I loaded a previous save when finishing the last ithorian quest. But this time the load previous save trick didn't work.

I've been getting some crashes here and there but nothing I couldn't troubleshoot myself. Until now that is. Once I got to the polar region of Telos for the first time and walked to the academy doors the cutscene would automatically trigger that shows two handmaidens approaching the crashed shuttle and then the game closes itself. I'm not even shown the cutscene where you're surrounded. it just strait up plays the cutscene and then closes. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

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2 hours ago, Def not the sandvich said:

No workshop mods.

Nothing else has changed in your game and mod setup in over a year?

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Okay I found the problem. It was because I had disable vertex buffer objects=1 and not disablevertexbufferobjects=1

  1. and to answer your question Mr. Holocron No. I was actually without a computer for the better part of a year and only installed the mods from my list to make sure things where consistant.

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18 hours ago, Def not the sandvich said:
  1. And to answer your question Mr. Holocron: No. I was actually without a computer for the better part of a year and only installed the mods from my list to make sure things were consistent.

Mr. Holocron.  LOL  That's my dad's name.  Just call me Sith.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 3

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