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Modding Sith Fighter Speed in KotOR Turret Minigame

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Question in the subject - is it possible to adjust the speed of the Sith fighters as they fly around their paths in the KotOR turret minigame? I'm fairly new to modding but something I'd like to try is making the turret minigame a little deadlier. I've reskinned the fighters so they have the ruby red of the Sith heavy troopers, I've bumped up their hp and damage, and given them a new fire sound effect. What I'd like to do next is make them faster. I remade the "on create" script for the fighters - while the script ran without issue, it appears that Sith fighters are not affected by the increase speed effect (not too surprised given they are not NPCs in a traditional sense).

Anyone aware of a way to make Sith fighters move at a different rate? The only reference to Sith fighter speed in the .are file determines the speed of their blaster shots, not what I wanted to change. If the Sith fighter speed is hardcoded then I will try something else like making the models and hitboxes smaller, but ideally I would like those buggers flying around faster.

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Yes! Finally someone who isn't complaining about how "hard" it is.

I look forward to this being released!

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12 hours ago, jc2 said:

Yes! Finally someone who isn't complaining about how "hard" it is.

I look forward to this being released!

Me, too. Because it is hard. It's hard to stay awake!

Maybe now I don't have to figure out a way to remove it. :)

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I also agree that the Turret Minigame needs some beefing up but that is only one issue.

There are two more glaring ones, in my opinion:

1) At least for me, the enemies start shooting and damaging the Ebon Hawk while the screen is still black and the Player has no control over the game. I can easily start shooting while the screen is yet not visible and destroy some fighters without even seeing them because apparently they are right on my reticule.

2) The enemies sometimes cannot be aimed at since they fly lower than the reticule allows you to go. That would be fine if the enemy didn't shoot while in that position of invulnerability but they do and can damage you unfairly.

Said that, once those two issues above are fixed, then I would all be for a more challenging minigame. It would have to be tied to the difficulty level the player has chosen for the game though.

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At this point I've got the speed of the fighters increased by about 33%, I have four normal fighters and two distinct red-coloured fighters, the TIE fighter attack music from A New Hope playing (instead of the generic combat music), new sounds for interceptors blowing up and your turrets now sound like the Millenium Falcon's. The best way to have the minigame affected by difficulty appears to be to duplicate the minigame module and adjust these copies with personalised hp, damage, number of fighters etc. I would then adjust the galaxmap and galaxymap scripts so that you are loaded into an instance of the minigame module based on what difficulty setting you have.

Something I am having trouble with is triggering scripts to play sounds. What I would like to do is play a ratcheting gear sound when your turret turns ( and have TIE fighter flyby sounds ( play as they go past you, but I'm struggling to find a trigger that will run the sound-playing scripts I've written. Anyone aware of how to trigger these scripts within the minigame? I've tried using other script triggers mentioned in the .are (heartbeat, onfire, I tried adding values to the engine field under sounds, no luck). Any ideas? 


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