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Idea is for a mod that gives bastila Sith Eyes when she goes to the dark side, but with no other changes. Like no grey skin.


The skin I would prefer this to be made from is:


This is my favorite Bastila reskin and I am glad these talented authors made it!

I found a mod that does this but uses the vanilla skins so I am unsure how to combine them:

This mod has cool sith eyes too, I just don't want the grey skin:

Basically I think having Dark Hope and Quanon's HD Bastila when bastila is lightside and a version of it with Sith eyes being the only change when she is turned to the darkside would be awesome and I wish I knew how to do it myself.

Hopefully I am allowed to make a post like this, if I'm breaking rules I will remove it.

Thanks for reading.


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The problem is that a mod like this would require Quanon's approval and I don't think he's been very active as of late.

The good news is that something like this is actually fairly easy to do. I like taking DIY approaches for stuff like this so I can walk you through it but the use of the end result needs to be restricted to yourself and yourself only: no uploading or sharing via private message without Quanon's approval since this is based on assets he has made.

With that out of the way, here's the tutorial. You're gonna need an image editor such as Photoshop or Gimp. You won't need to do anything fancy but you'll need an image editing software.

  • Grab the following file from Quanon's mod: "P_BastilaH04.tga" and place it in a folder somewhere on your computer.
  • Extract "P_BastilaH04D.tga" from the other mod you have listed, this one contains the dark side eyes that you want. Place it in the same folder as the other .tga file.
  • The "D" at the end of the file name indicates that it is the dark side texture variant for Bastila. Rename that last file to something like "P_BastilaH04D001.tga" or whatever to avoid conflict later on.
  • Now copy the first file, the Bastila texture made by Quanon and rename it to "P_BastilaH04D.tga". This is the one you're going to work on and that you'll place in your override folder in the end.
  • Now open the two dark side textures (the newly created "P_BastilaH04D.tga" and the one you had renamed, I'm gonna assume you used "P_BastilaH04D001.tga") into your image editor
  Reveal hidden contents
  • What you need to do is simple: You need to grab the dark side eye texture from "P_BstilaH04D001" and move it onto the copy of Quanon's texture. You can do so using a lasso tool, a polygonal lasso tool or any similar mean of selection your image editor might have. Select the eye as best as you can and move it onto the other texture and place it exactly over the existing eye texture.
  • And that's it! Save "P_BastilaH04D" (you need to keep the .tga file format) and copy/paste the file into your swkotor/override folder.

I want to add that the dark side eye texture on the mod you've chosen is not of great quality. I suggest you take a look at Shem's movie style dark side transition mod for your eye texture. The following files in that mod use a similar UV map for the eye texture to Bastila's, allowing you to use them without too much trouble:

  • PFHA02d3
  • PFHA03d3
  • PFHC04d3

I want to stress again that whatever you chose to do with this, you can under no circumstances share your files without original authors' consent. Good luck.

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Thanks so much for the tutorial! Going to attempt it, this will be the first mod I have ever attempted, as minor as it is. What you said is very helpful, I will follow your instructions and let you know how it went. II won't upload it unless I somehow can get approval from the original mod authors.

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Here is the editing I did, I just can't get it to show up in the game. Idk if I haven't properly converted the file back to being tga or what.


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Screenshot of the edit I am trying to get working currently on my bastila. When I try to put this in the game it shows up with her eye in the middle of her forehead and her teeth in the back of her head.  idk what the problem is. Help!


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lol, I vaguely remember reading about GIMP doing things like that, I've only used Photoshop.
Try flipping the image vertically so that the eye is in the top left corner, save as tga and test again.

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Thanks for the info!

  On 11/28/2019 at 5:08 PM, Effix said:

lol, I vaguely remember reading about GIMP doing things like that, I've only used Photoshop.
Try flipping the image vertically so that the eye is in the top left corner, save as tga and test again.

I got it! Results are amazing! Thanks for the help! Basically, the image was to big and I had to scale it down to 256x256

Here is a screenshot. First mod ever! Happy!

KotOR0004.tgaFetching info...

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I am still learning how to use this site properly, in fact I just learned how to enable cheats, use the save game editor and take screenshots a few days ago after years and years of playing this game. Here is the very first edit of a mod that I have ever done. Credit should be given to dark hope and Quanon for making the original mod in the first place, plus I have many other mods altering bastila's body and head model such as bastila'sgotback for the body and party model fixes and HD bastila for the head and the organa hair and so many others, all I did was edit the eye skin. Here is the completed work:



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For an update I am now using a version that is (1024x1024). Idk why it didn't work the first time but it does now.

Here is a screenshot of the higher quality texture:


Edited by Cytaris
Add Higher Quality Screenshot

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