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Points Won by mines recovered

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If I do not make a mistake, we win now 15 PX by level / mine instead of 10.


Am I right ?



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TSLRCM doesn't change anything about mines (on account of apparently hardcoded...). Wish we could (to fix the infinite XP exploit) though.

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TSLRCM doesn't change anything about mines (on account of apparently hardcoded...). Wish we could (to fix the infinite XP exploit) though.


Well, I have work hard enough on the Peragus walkthrough to know what I am talking about.


At level 4, usualy, you gain 40 PX by mine (it's the same all thru the game, begining in 2004 : you gain 10 PX by level and by mine recovered).

At level 5 : 50 PX

At level 6 : 60 PX aso...


Actually, with TSLRCM, at level 4, you gain 60 PX.


When you begin Peragus tunels, you are at 2120 PX.


At the end of the Peragus tunels, you, at the max, are at 6465 PX (I've done and verify this hundreds of times). With TSLRCM, you are at 6715 PX (done and verify many times).


The only question to wich I am not able to respond is : were the 6465 PX reached on my XBox K2 or on my vanilla PC version ? I do not remember.


Therefore, is there a difference between XBox and PC version (vanilla and restored version) about the mines recovered or is there a difference between Vanilla PC K2 and TSLRCM PC K2 ?



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What a lucky person you are to remember these numbers. Guess what, now that you found you had too much PX, all that remains to do is this: at the end of the Peragus Tunnel, make a quick save.

Then, open Kotor Save Editor

then find the quicksave

Then edit the experience points from 6715 PX to 6465 PX.


Et voilà :P


Oh and there is something else that works great: use the uber exile to walk through half the mines, ensuring yourself not to gain too much XP from disarming them :P

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Heavier mines (higher DC) give 15XP per mine, but they aren't on Peragus.


And I have played often enough too to never notice anything else but 10x XP, also on Peragus.


The XP difference may be from spawning in an additional droid, forcing them to "open doors" does that. May also be XP from repairing the droid in the start?

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Wait, don't you get some more XP from disabling mines with more demo skill?

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Yeah, editing the XP gained from mines is pretty much untouched by TSLRCM. I don't think there is a way to do it except by changing the DC of said mines.

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Uh, okay. Can't find the info back in game, but I will. Until then, from this walktrough:

The amount of experience you get for disarming mines is your Demolitions Skill x 10. The amount of XP you get for recovering a mine is Demolitions Skill x 15. [from Martin Richer]

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That's a typo. It's "character level", not "demolition skill"...


EDIT: And I am preeeety sure both disarming and recovering give the same XP, just higher leveled mines give more XP.

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