Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted February 28, 2011 When you play TSL, is there a particular order that you do the planets? If so, what is it? I'm curious how other people are playing the game using TSLRCM. If there's a reasoning for your planet order, insert that in your response as well. Add-on planets such as Coruscant and M4-78 should be mentioned in your planet order but only if you use them. PS: You needn't include Prologue/Peragus and Malachor V as those are the beginning and end for everyone's playthrough. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HaVoKeR Posted February 28, 2011 I'm doing it randon by now, before i used to go first to nar shaada to rush my lightsaber, but now with all the mods i dont need it anymore, so i am doing random.... this time i left onderon for the last, korriban before it, i even forget to explore the newbyemodder korriban expansion mod, will have to do it in my next playthrough haha... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pazaak 12 Posted February 28, 2011 Peragus (Forced) Telos (Forced) So, these two don't count, OTHERWISE though. Dantooine- Not sure why I always go here first. I always sort of considered it the 'beginner' planet I suppose, even though it can sometimes be the most difficult. I always sorta thought the Exile should meet with Vrook first as well, as he's the only familiar name among the masters. I'll usually bring Brianna here to try her out for the first time, and Atton/Bao-Dur for the other member. Dxun- If Dantooine was a beginner planet, then this REALLY is. Dxun is by far the most 'tame' planet, having almost no enemies that use ranged attacks, and apart from being a small maze, has lots of fun sidequests. I always rather enjoy coming here, and I like getting Mandalore early. I ALWAYS bring Brianna and Visas here. Visas to try her out for the first time, and Brianna because she's her foil. I love bringing characters who don't get along with one another, makes it interesting. Onderon (Forced) Well, you're forced to come here after Dxun, so I go. In the normal TSL I'd always bring Mandalore & Visas, dunno why. Two evil people getting angry at my good actions always makes me laugh. In TSLRCM however, I bring HK, so he can get the final coordinates to the factory here. While by going here you technically meet Kavar before Zez, you still actually get a chance to talk to him last, which I always thought was best, Kavar seems like the 'leader' of the council in my opinion. Nar Shadaa- This place is always sacred to me, being my favorite planet, which makes it odd that I save it for so late in the game, but whatever. I ALWAYS bring Atton here, because I sort of consider it his planet, about his past, and whatnot. As for the other member, it's never varied so much before. I've brought Brianna/Visas/Mandalore/Bao-Dur and more in the original TSL. in TSLRCM, I switch much more often, Bao-Dur for certain restored events, Brianna for some, Visas and Mandalore for others. The party changes often, is the point. As for Zez, I always thought he was the most mysterious of the masters, so putting him this late in the game always made sense to me, not sure why. This is where all of my party is becoming jedi too, everyone except Atton by now, so it makes his 'coming of age' jedi talk all the more powerful when he spills his guts about his past. The one thing I hate about leaving Nar Shadaa for so late is that I barely get time to know Mira/G0-T0, and while I always make Mira a jedi afterwards, I never feel like I really knew her that well, no matter what my allies claim about how I'm 'making friends with the bounty hunter'. M4-78- While I don't use this currently, when the redux version is released, this is where I'll play it in the game. The plan here is to invite along Mira and G0-T0 so I can learn to like them, and of course, to enjoy the almost entirely new planet and say hey to Vash. Korriban- I've always thought this should be last. For a number of reasons. One, you fight Sion here, which I always thought was a nice final fight before endgame was initiated, and there would pretty much be a boss every half hour or so. The other reason is because of the Exile's visions in the tombs. I ALWAYS relate this to Luke on Dagobah. I think the visions of the self and the future should be saved for late in any story, not to mention that it foreshadows the future, and outright almost spoils it if you haven't been talking to Kreia very much. You go through so much here too, fighting visions of Bastila, Malak, Revan, your friends, the Mandalorians, yourself for gods sake. It's a pretty epic part of the game, and definitely deserves a spot right before endgame. And, well, the rest of the game is forced, one way track to end game, so I can't really say what order I go through them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jswartz0181 18 Posted February 28, 2011 Typically I do Dantooine first, 1.) for my lightsaber, and 2.) since I usually play a female Exile, get another Jedi for my team (since Mical is pretty much instantly Jedifiable. Then Nar Shaddaa for HK and another nearly instantly Jedifiable Mira (just have to board and unboard the EH a couple times). From there, Dxun/Onderon, Korriban, Dxun/Onderon, all the while jumping back and forth between worlds for whatever character reasons. When M4-78 comes out.... I have no idea where I'll play that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fallerup 10 Posted March 1, 2011 I go like this: Peragus (skip, as I hate it), Telos (base skipped)-> coruscant (added planet mod, to get lightsabers and what not) -> Nar Shadaa (to get Mira and make Atton a Jedi asap) -> Duxun -> Onderon -> Dantooine -> Duxun/Onderon (final) -> Korriban -> Dantooine -> Telos (forced) -> Malacor (forced). this is light side, mind you. Why? Well, to get as many jedi I can as fast as I can (Atton, Mira & Visas). Of course, if I have enough awareness, I don't need to go to Duxun -> Onderon so fast, as I can make Mira a Jedi before I leave Nar Shadaa (req. 11+ awareness I think), but if not, those 2 give +INF with her. I read somewhere that M4-78 doesn't work if you have this mod? I've never played that planet, as I think this mod is superb. Nar Shadaa is one of the best planets in game imo. Especially with this mod, there are so many new things that were missing in the original game, the other planets are pretty much the same, except for the HK-50 droids everywhere. the mods included here are: Jedi temple ( coruscant, added planet), Skip peragus and skip telos (base), as well as this mod, so just skip to Nar Shadaa if you want to read this mod only . I usually do this as darkside as well, as it is the order I'm used to play. Now, if only they would finish that Malacor project they're working on, then I'd so replay this game for the 10000 time , Malacor is still a little broken. Mical is instant Jedi, so I don't really care that much about him, the others need more work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bendarby24 Posted March 1, 2011 The way I usually go is to go to Dantooine (so I can get the lightsaber and Vrook starts off by saying to have gaver them at Dantooine, Korriban (so I get Sion to say follow him were ever it goes so when I go to Onderon and Coruscant (mod) and soon to come Nar Shaddaa. It seems to make more sense when they attack me. When the M4-78 mod is out I will go there next. Then it's to Coruscant, then Dxun, ondarion, nar Nar Shaddaa, then back to Onderon so I can get the best out of the story Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow3514 10 Posted March 1, 2011 Dantooine - because of the Exile Lightsaber Crystal Nar Shadaa - to get most of my team together and to jedify most of them Coruscant - Mod added planet Dxun/Onderon (first time) - because i was scared of Korriban the first time i played and i just kept that order in latter playthroughs Korriban Onderon (second time) I am pretty stagnant in the order i play the game and so this is my list for nearly all playthroughs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catagurin 11 Posted March 1, 2011 I always go like this: 1.Dantooine 2.Korriban 3.Nar Shaddaa 4.Onderon/Dxun 5.M4-78 ( Already planned that for M478EP, but without, I remain on Dxun to meet Kavar on Onderon. ) There's not much of an explanation, only that this is the way I feel to play it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 2, 2011 I usually go Nar Shaddaa first (to get the team together), then random on the rest. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darth Hayze Posted March 2, 2011 I always head to Nar Shaddaa first, because that is where Atton said to go and Zez is the easiest master to defeat if I go DS. Second I do Dxun/Onderon because I want to get Manadalore. I then head to Korriban/M4-78 I go to Dantooine 2nd to last because Vrook is the hardest Master to kill if you go DS. Finally I return to Onderon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ancient46 12 Posted March 2, 2011 I don't see any reason for the whole lightsaber quest I use the No Lightsaber Quest along with the Coruscant Mods. After I am free to go where I want I head to Coruscant for equipment. Dantooine for Visas, Nar Shaddaa for Mira and Telos Quest , Dxun for fun, and Korriban. I go back to Nar Shaddaa as soon as I can make Mira a Jedi. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted March 2, 2011 I go: Nar Shaddaa to get G0-T0, Mira, Visas and Jedify Atton (Mira's easily Jedified, so that's 3 Jedi in one planet) Dxun/Onderon for Mandalore Dantooine for the Exile Crystal Back to Onderon/Dxun Korriban I have no idea where I'm going to fit M4-78 into things. And I use the No Lightsaber Quest mod, which is one less reason for Nar Shaddaa, and I use a little script I made that gives me the HK parts and a lightsaber when I first enter the Ebon Hawk, which makes things even easier. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 3, 2011 I pretty much always go to Nar Shaddaa first since much of the team is assembled there and there are lots of influence and Jedification opportunities. Also, I'll sometimes play through Peragus, Telos, and Nar Shaddaa as neutral to get Mira (one of my favorite characters) and then fall to the Dark Side. The rest vary, but I'll usually go to Dantooine afterward (to pick up the Exile crystal, Jedify Bao-Dur, and get Disciple if I play female), then Dxun/Onderon (after which I'll backtrack to Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine to help Mandalore gather the clans), then Korriban, and finish with the second visit to Onderon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lumber 4 Posted March 5, 2011 1.) Skip Peragus using the mod (Too time consuming. I'll do it every now and then to get the full experience when I get a new set of mods into my personal stash of goodies that is overide. But I'll trash the lightsaber it gives me, less fun.) 2.) Telos (with as many quests as possible before going to the surface.) 3.) Nar Shaddar (To get Mira. Also get Visas about halfway through.) 4.) Dantoine (For the sake of doing it? I dunno.) 5.) Onderon/Dxun (I hold out on this for later so I can buy out the stores for their unique stuff and make sure I have the credits/gear to get every drop of stuff from the planet as you can't return which annoys me cause it's nice.) 6.) Korriban (No characters to be gained here, just some higher-level equips and exp.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 5, 2011 Personally after Telos I head to Dantooine, then Nar Shaddaa then Coruscant courtesy of the Jedi Temple and the expansion mods then Dxun/Onderon but I have to say I like the ideas and the rationale behind going to Nar Shaddaa after Telos. While Dantooine is the best place to build then stock your saber there is definitely something to be said for going to NS then Jedifying at the very least Atton and if you're a DS'er killing Zez is indeed easier than beating Vrook--great thread and some very thought-provoking responses...on this, I will meditate... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HaVoKeR Posted March 5, 2011 I just discovered that you should start with Dxun to get mandalore and the qixoni crystal, then nar shaada (mira/XP/Items), dantoine (your crystal, theres no point starting there, since your crystal suck at low lvls), korriban and onderon again. Thats a great way if you want to max/minimize influence points and Ls/Ds points. I left full onderon for the last and now i think i wont be able to max inf neither on mandalore, nor HK and g0t0 influence, nor my LS points... because dont matter what you say, be it as evil as HK himself, or as good as Yoda, you dont get LS/DS points after these parts of the game. ^^ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 6, 2011 Nar Shaddaa - up until I get a lightsaber Dantooine - To get me some crystals Nar Shaddaa - To finish up my stuff with the Exchange Dxun/Onderon - To get Mandalore, work on my HK-47 influence Dantooine - Finish exploring the ruins and find Vrook Dxun/Onderon - To fight the onslaught of sith Korriban - Because that's usually what's left, plus it more sense to me to confront your inner demons in that Shyrack cave more towards the end of the game. Even with M4-78 being part of the game, I still think that would be one of the latest things I'd do in-game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 6, 2011 Very interesting path do make a compelling case especially in regards to the YOUR NAME crystal--the one question I do have is you meet 3 teams of HK-50's on Dxun/Onderon, do they drop the parts necessary for you to reassemble HK-47 in time to get the location of the HK factory? I just discovered that you should start with Dxun to get mandalore and the qixoni crystal, then nar shaada (mira/XP/Items), dantoine (your crystal, theres no point starting there, since your crystal suck at low lvls), korriban and onderon again. Thats a great way if you want to max/minimize influence points and Ls/Ds points. I left full onderon for the last and now i think i wont be able to max inf neither on mandalore, nor HK and g0t0 influence, nor my LS points... because dont matter what you say, be it as evil as HK himself, or as good as Yoda, you dont get LS/DS points after these parts of the game. ^^ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 6, 2011 Another intriguing path option... Nar Shaddaa - up until I get a lightsaber Dantooine - To get me some crystals Nar Shaddaa - To finish up my stuff with the Exchange Dxun/Onderon - To get Mandalore, work on my HK-47 influence Dantooine - Finish exploring the ruins and find Vrook Dxun/Onderon - To fight the onslaught of sith Korriban - Because that's usually what's left, plus it more sense to me to confront your inner demons in that Shyrack cave more towards the end of the game. Even with M4-78 being part of the game, I still think that would be one of the latest things I'd do in-game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted March 6, 2011 There are 6 Jedi (or potential Jedi) and 5 Masters to meet. The Jedi team is quickly complete. Péragus - Kreia (And one!) Polar Academy - Atris (And one!) EH anywhere - Visas (And two!) Dantooine 1 - Bao-Dur immediately Jedi (And three!) - Disciple immediately Jedi (or Handmaiden) (And four!) - Exile Crystal - First Light Saber Nar Shaddaa - Atton Jedi (And five!) - Mira Jedi (or get Hanharr) (And six! The Jedi team is complete! Powers and strength! LS or DS! And for cheaters, run unlimited XPs and super sabers and have fun!) - Master Zez-Kai Ell (And two!) Korriban - Master Vash (And three!) Dantooine 2 return - Initiate the fight (in order to recover the thorium explosive from Akerre) Onderon 1 - (Dxun + Iziz) up to meet Kavar Dantooine 3 return - Fight - Master Vrook (And four!) Onderon 2 return - Master Kavarr (And five!) Nar Shaddaa return - Mini games and Geeda Dantooine 4 return - Jedi Concil Telos Polar Academy return Citadel return Ravager Malachor V Trayus Academy For the record, the numbering of the modules of the game let think that Obsidian suggests the following progression: # Peragus # Harbinger # Télos # Nar Shaddaa # Dxun # Ondéron # Dantooine # Dxun - Return # Ondéron - Return # Korriban # Télos - Return # Ravager # Malachor V Extracted from Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 7, 2011 Another intriguing path option... I'm of the opinion that interplanetary travel should be encouraged, even if you're in the middle of an important plot. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ivak 0 Posted March 9, 2011 Nar Shadaa first. In every playthrough i've ever had (either modded or vanilla) i had game breaking problems there and had to revert to an earlier save or even start from scratch. So, call me superstitious, but i'm going there first just to be sure that it's all right and than i'm doing the rest in random order. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 10, 2011 I used to do this before I started modding my game--playing the DS and going to Dantooine right after Telos and having to fight Vrook was tough so I would usually go to Dxun/Onderon to level up then come back to fight that final battle and at that point I'd kick the crap out of him I'm of the opinion that interplanetary travel should be encouraged, even if you're in the middle of an important plot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HaVoKeR Posted March 15, 2011 Very interesting path do make a compelling case especially in regards to the YOUR NAME crystal--the one question I do have is you meet 3 teams of HK-50's on Dxun/Onderon, do they drop the parts necessary for you to reassemble HK-47 in time to get the location of the HK factory? I guess you can... I forgot to say that you could start with nar shaada (easist planet for Lightsaber) and skip before the end to dxun, get mandole/qixoni crystal and follow my previous list. OR if you use the No lightsaber quest mod/Ultimate Personal Items mod, you can go and start with dxun already, following just what i said before. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Qui-Don Jorn Posted April 18, 2011 After Telos/Atris.. Nar Shaddaa- turn Atton and BD into Jedi's, get Visas...then split Dantooine- get crystals, usually finish all of it. return to NS and finish with exchange/Zez. after that, I'm pretty random these days..sometimes Dxun/Iziz, sometimes Korriban. then at some point return to Citadel to finish fuel quest and tell Grenn I killed the criminals on Telos. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites