
Taris Force Persuade

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I want to add some Force Persuade options to Taris for Jedi from the Start. I know Bastila opens up 1, persuading Holdan to drop the bounty (I don't know about any others).

VO is obviously an issue, so aliens are preferable, though some humans might have the right lines. If anyone has any suggestions that would be awesome. Here's some that I was thinking about:

- Affect Mind, Get Gorton Colu to stop (Light Side) (No VO) (deathsticks joke obviously)
- Affect Mind, get T3 for free (Dark Side)
- Affect Mind, convince Zelka republic troops are friends
- Affect Mind, get more info from Bek Spy with uniforms
- Affect Mind, get more info from Coward Vulkar
- Affect Mind, convince lab gammorean you are a lab tech (K1R only)
- Affect Mind, more info from sith patrol in the undercity (not enough dialogue for this I think)

- Dominate Mind, Get Selven to turn herself in (Light Side) (No VO)
- Dominate Mind, get T3 without permission (this might cause issues)
- Dominate Mind, Get access card from old mechanic (K1R only) (No VO) (Dark Side)
- Dominate Mind, get Sith Base receptionist to leave
- Dominate Mind, more info from sith patrol in the sewers (not enough dialogue for this I think) (K1R only)

- Always Fails, ask either Hutt for more money

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Might I suggest something in the Undercity?

Perhaps FP the merchant to charge less, or to be more kind to the community he is apart instead of stealing and ripping them off. 

FP the village holy man that his quest to find the promise land is fictional. 

FP the red Sith Commander to "move along," I think his voice over leaves room for this. 

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I'm imagining convincing Gorton that the sith are actually Wookiees in disguise

Have him panic and then get shot by the sith in self-defense? :evil:

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I'm imagining convincing Gorton that the sith are actually Wookiees in disguise


Have him panic and then get shot by the sith in self-defense? :evil:

Have him approach one of them who says his "Out of our way citizen" full line then he attacks only to get shot.

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