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Photography advice WANTED > for a mod

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Does anybody have any experience with photography? 


Could they give me a few basic pointers regarding how to take solid photos?


Or could someone act as a reviewer of the photos I take, and give advice. 




What I'm trying to do is, is take a few screenshots of several Custom battles scenes in kotor1 and put them inside a cutscene.  Don't worry about which or how, I've got that covered. 


If you know nothing about photos, but would still be willing to be a reviewer. I would love to get your feedback as well! 

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Well, here's a reviewer, i was sent by Yelp... Jk xD

Thanks! Once I have taken the photos, I will send some over to you for inspection. 

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Look up the rule of thirds. That's probably the most important photography related concept I learned and understanding it significantly improved my pictures.

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Yea, i am aware of that, but what you don't know about me, i was one year Photography in middle school as free-time activity 

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I'm not much of a photographer, but I always had an eye for cinematography, so if you're doing this for a cutscene, maybe I could give my opinion. Can't guarantee I'll do much of a difference, though.

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