
.lyt and .vis files

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Since I've had some problems with editing a few area models I figured I'd look into the possibility of just creating a new model and add it to the area using the .lyt and .vis files.


Now my first problem is that I can't find the .vis files, so I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me :D

Edit: Found them right after posting this...


And the second question would be: What are the best editors for those? I was able to open the .lyt with Kotor Tool, I assume that works fine?


Also, if there's anything special to know about these files that I should know, please tell me. Thanks :D

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You can open both types of files in notepad. They are essentially text files with special extensions. If you're adding a model to the layout file, make sure to add it to the vis file in the appropriate places so that it's visible.

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Two more questions:


Can I have two models at the same coordinates in the .lyt file?

And is it necessary to load a savegame from before entering the module for these changes to be applied?

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I don't know about the second of the two new questions, but the coordinates in the .lyt file are where to spawn the Aurora Base of the model.


Let's say you had a floor in a model that's 10 meters to the left of the Aurora Base (so an X of -10.0 in GMax). If you entered 10.0, 0.0, 0.0 in the .lyt file, the floor would be at 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 in-game, because it's positioned relative to the Aurora Base's starting coordinates from the .lyt file.


The .lyt file just tells what to spawn and where, similar to the .git file. The .vis file cooperates with the .lyt file and can be read like so:


// This model has this # of "connections"





Any model named as a "connection" of the is rendered when you're in 's area. So it's a cheap rendering hack, which was very useful at the time and still is today.

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And is it necessary to load a savegame from before entering the module for these changes to be applied?

No, it's not - but you do need to reload the module if you're currently in it.

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