Stoffe 11 Posted March 6, 2016 File Name: High-Level Force Powers File Submitter: Stoffe File Submitted: 06 Mar 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Warning:==========Both the 2.0 and the 2.1 update are available from the download button. You MUST download the 2.0 and install that BEFORE the 2.1 is installed. So, download "stlhforcep2.rar", install that, then come back and grab "sthlforcepowerv2u1.rar" and install that.========== 2.0 Original Review on Filefront: Been a while since this was released, but it's popular and the original review was in AOL speak... Should you be unaware of what this mod does, it adds some, as the name implies, high-level Force powers to your game. Cheaters and non-cheaters alike should find it useful, as you can make it to about level 30 in TSL (and the highest-level regular powers at at 21). Details of the powers are found in the readme under this review, which explains them a lot better than I could. And lastly, make sure you have the update for it! Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Emperor Devon 2.1 Update Original Review on Filefront: As many have observed, Stoffe has made some very creative mods. This time it's the High Level Force Powers mod. Ah, some of you are already saying... "I already have this mod. It's right here..." Very true, but do you have the 2.1 update? You do need the 2.0 version found here (found in the link above) or this mod will screw up your game, but to make the mod complete, you must download the 2.1 version found here. This update includes some new Force Powers, which are...-New Light Side Power: Force Deception-New Universal Power: Spirit Exodus-New Dark Side Power: Force Blindness A couple of fixes are...-Fixed Force Power descriptions to display the correct prerequisites for a handful of powers that had gotten outdated descriptions-Fixed occurrences where beasts or droids killed when knocked down by the powers Strike, Pull, Hold or Destruction would not play their "lying dead" animation correctly, but instead "stand idle" instead, due to missing animations in the game for their models See the readme to find out more about these new powers. This mod uses the TSL Patcher to combine a .2da file that is needed for this mod. You must use this to install the mod correctly and you must read the info.rtf file for installation instructions. Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem Click here to download this file Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eauxps I. Fourgott 81 Posted March 7, 2016 Ah yes, this mod's fun. Really makes the force power selection in the late game much more interesting. Good to see it coming to Deadlystream. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted March 7, 2016 Force Storm and Force Freeze are so OP, but so much fun to use. The Static Blast was also great against the HK factory.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sovietshipgirl 17 Posted May 28, 2021 It seems like after a bit of play, all of the powers suddenly disappeared. A few others have reported this as well. Reinstalling the mod also hasn't helped much at all. Any idea what could be happening? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathScepter 49 Posted May 28, 2021 i would love it if Stoffe did a Kotor 1 version of this mod. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites