
Some files needed

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I currently don't have TSL at hand to install it, and I'd like to use 2 specific files from that game to mod Kotor. If someone is so kind to send me those files I'd appreciate it  :)

The files are:  exile's armband and exile datapad .uti files from the harbinger .mod file

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It sounds more like this person wants to transcribe the values and information in the files to make equivalents.

In that case, it would make more sense to request what the items have in their descriptions or properties, but I'll wait for the guy to answer.

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I'd like to look at the files and find a way to make some other objects to have the character's name on them, and as those files have that characteristic I thought they have the key

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I know, I tried to make the lightsaber you get when you become jedi unique, but it only says <FullName>'s Lightsaber :(

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I know, I tried to make the lightsaber you get when you become jedi unique, but it only says 's Lightsaber :(

I've tried it with various tokens and even the custom tokens, but it seems that it just isn't a part of the tokens' functionality. The engine simply will not parse them unless it's in dialog in K1.

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