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The Star Wars Saga: Introducing Machete Order

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Fellow Star Wars fans! I just found a very nice blog post about viewing the Star Wars movie saga in a new order.

I guess most of us do it in these 2 orders:


Episode order:

EpI => Ep VI


Or released order:


Ep IV => EP VI and then EPI => EPIII


Now this blog suggests something new and gives some explaining why it actually might work better.

Since I just love the SW movies I might give this a try!


Here's a linky to the blog:


So what you guys think? Absolute bollocks? Or "I did this myself ages ago, nothing new!"

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IDK, I guess if you are only watching it to see Luke then sure - but - I have always believed that the Prequel Trilogy was less about Anakin's path to the dark side and more about the way in which Palpatine corrupted the republic (Especially since all 3 PT movies take place at pinnacle moments of Palpatine's rise in power)

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Fellow Star Wars fans! I just found a very nice blog post about viewing the Star Wars movie saga in a new order.

I guess most of us do it in these 2 orders:


Episode order:

EpI => Ep VI


Or released order:


Ep IV => EP VI and then EPI => EPIII


Now this blog suggests something new and gives some explaining why it actually might work better.

Since I just love the SW movies I might give this a try!


Here's a linky to the blog:


So what you guys think? Absolute bollocks? Or "I did this myself ages ago, nothing new!"


Ugh, this is exactly the type of Star Wars nerd I despise. Not you, Quanon, the writer of that article you linked. The pretentious context of the article is nothing short of annoying.


That said, some comments:


Firstly, don't do his Machete cut. Instead of Episode II and III, watch A Phantom Edit. Since he's so concerned with relevancy, why not take it to the next level and cut out irrelevant plot lines from 2 and 3, and include relevant content from Episode I?


Secondly, beware of Harmy's Despecialized Editions.


Many cite the selling point of Harmy's cuts are that they are "original theatrical cuts" of the movies. This is a blatant lie. While they do remove many of the Special Edition CGI and restore many scenes to their original state, they are NOT the "original theatrical cuts". I've watched the VHS version enough times, and there are several aspects that Harmy does not restore.



Lastly, just watch Star Wars in whatever order you want, probably something closer to chronological release.

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Not sure about for watching it for myself, but it sounds good for introducing someone to the series.

This was my train of thought as well.


For me, I like to go in Episodic order but that's simply because I know the whole story.


I do disagree about TPM.


I like the dynamic built for Obi-Wan's character. Qui-Gon takes on a second Apprentice but is then killed, Obi-Wan has to take up the burden from Qui-Gon to train Anakin, little did Obi-Wan know the tremendous burden that would be in the many years to follow. Darth Maul is also one of my favorite villains.

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