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Star Wars 1313 Coming Back?

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Lucasfilm May Revive Star Wars 1313 & Star Wars: Underworld TV Show


From Kathleen Kennedy:




No. No, interestingly enough, that’s an area we’ve spent a lot of time, reading through the material that he developed is something we very much would like to explore. And there was 1313 the game… So our attitude is, we don’t want to throw any of that stuff away. It’s gold. And it’s something we’re spending a lot of time looking at, pouring through, discussing, and we may very well develop those things further. We definitely want to.




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Seriously, as long as EA develops any Star Wars games, I can guarantee they will disappoint. I do not want EA to tarnish the sheer potential awesomeness of this game, please. I hope Disney instead gets someone else to develop 1313 other than EA's puppets (Visceral, Bioware, and Dice), just keep it away from EA's greedy DLC loving hands















shouldn't this be in "other games?"

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No, Bioware confirmed they are not making a Kotor 3, but they do have a similar, rpg like SW game in the works from my understanding


you mean a gears of war clone with RPG elements, yes? Because that's now their specialty thanks to EA

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I really, really hope 1313 comes back. It looked awesome, but EA has that exclusivity contract so I'm not sure if it could really live up to expectation.

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