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Guest UltraBoy2011

Help with missing (or non-existent?) HK-50 squad on Korriban

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Guest UltraBoy2011

I know a there's been quite a bit of discussion over the years about accessing the HK factory. I'm a new Mac player of KOTOR 2 having played the original on console. Loving TSLRCM for the first time.


Anyhow - like others I missed triggering HK-47's 'sonic sensor' dialogue until after meeting all the Masters. Having read a few threads here and elsewhere I realised I needed to go back and have three HK-50 squad encounters. I retraced my steps about 12 hours to a save at the end of Onderon (part 1, already done Nar Shadaar, Dantooine, Dxun), figuring I could get the squad as you depart by shuttle from Onderon then the two on Korriban). 


All good until the end of Korriban where the second HK-50 squad didn't appear. The only Korriban squad was as I left the Valley to head to the Academy at the bottom of the hill. I swear when I played Korriban a few days ago there was also a squad by the Ebon Hawk as I re-entered the valley after the cave/tomb. 


Can anyone shed any light on why they might be missing or if I just hallucinated it the first time!?


Otherwise the only save I have is pre-Dxun and that is another 18 hours for me. 


Any help/advice would be great.

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I only remember ever seeing the one squad on Korriban, and I've played through that quite a few times...


I guess it's theoretically possible that there should be a second, but a mod conflict prevents them from showing up. I don't think that's likely though.

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There is only one squad on Korriban, on the way to the Sith Academy. HOWEVER, an HK-50 squad spawns on Citadel Station after you get the Ebon Hawk; it's in the hallway in the Dock Module. 

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Guest UltraBoy2011
  On 12/3/2015 at 9:11 PM, Jango32 said:

There is only one squad on Korriban, on the way to the Sith Academy. HOWEVER, an HK-50 squad spawns on Citadel Station after you get the Ebon Hawk; it's in the hallway in the Dock Module. 



I must have imagined the second one - it was pretty late. Dammit. Do you mean a squad spawns on Citadel Station post Dantooine Enclave confrontation with the Masters? And that is not too late to trigger the HK factory? If so - that is great news.

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  On 12/3/2015 at 9:18 PM, UltraBoy2011 said:

I must have imagined the second one - it was pretty late. Dammit. Do you mean a squad spawns on Citadel Station post Dantooine Enclave confrontation with the Masters? And that is not too late to trigger the HK factory? If so - that is great news.


The Citadel station squad spawns after you first leave the Telos academy and get access to the other planets, and doesn't appear during the siege of Citadel Station (After the Enclave confrontation, it's too late to trigger the factory -- it requires a regular Ebon Hawk visit's cutscene).

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Guest UltraBoy2011

Thanks. That makes sense. Back to Dxun it is. 

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  On 12/4/2015 at 6:35 AM, Kexikus said:

You could also use KSE to edit your savegame so that it thinks you met 3 squads. I don't know which global to edit though.

I am sorry kinda new to all this, what is kse 

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