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Guest bendarby24

Ideas, improvements and news on kotor 2

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Guest bendarby24

Ok this is a form were you can put your ideas and you can tell us about new mod coming out. I will update this with news on mods and improvements I have for the game. To sum it up this is where if you have any ideas for how the game can improved and if you have any new mods you won?t to cheer with us put them on this form ;) this will also include some things from my over form How kotor 2 can be improved


Empty Modules: there are loads of empty rooms or placeless.

Some of these places need more common people walking about in them like in ondaron, You could put broken droids in them, More side quest, More merchants, more containers and lockers. post-441-129329589036_thumb.jpg.jpg]


Telos: in the residential module there is a room what has nothing and you have to break open. Put containers in there or a person that has a bounty on this head or something.

In the medical facility there is no one there put something in there? Who has played Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium. They change the module and it looks really good. Put a doctor or something in there.


Dantween: there is izrids or whatever they are called in the game files ....put those in the game? You could open the privet doors in khoonda. Put some people in there for side quests. You could recruit them for the battle of khoonda.


Nar Shaddaa: in the new cantina were you put the x-bounty hunter you should put a bar tender and some thugs and a pazaak player. You should also put more merchants in the refuge landing pad because there is a central merchant square. Also in nar shaddaa put more people in it, it is so empty. post-441-129329589077_thumb.jpg.jpg] post-441-129329589118_thumb.jpg.jpg]


Ondaron: in the market square there was supposes to be a lot of merchants. There is loads of room in that module. So put stuff in there. post-441-129329589142_thumb.jpg.jpg]


Doors that you cannot open: In the military base there is a door what you can never open and on the harbinger there is a door you cannot open outside the bridge.


Also put new weapons.

Put high res reskin e.g. telos on the building.

Put more artefacts in the game.

Put the holocron quest in there

Put more ebon hawk battles.....Space battles.

Put more encounters with the huts. post-441-129329589176_thumb.jpg.jpg]

More crystal formations.

In kotor 1 they put crystals in the kinrath eggs.

Put more thermal detonators in the game.

There should've also been a few more Republic officers trying to stop the Exchange from effectively running the place as well. I mean, there was a warship straight there when Goto's Yacht turned off its cloaking device, so shouldn't there have been some spies trying to get its location from the Exchange planetside?


Really just make the game not feel empty and put more side quests and merchants and containers.


This is what heartseeker thinks: I agree that there a lot unfinished parts in the game. It could've been much more than it is right now, I mean thanks to TSLRCM there's lots of improvement for story but generally the game feels empty.


And Nar Shaddaa especially the most. It was supposed to be a big, crowded place, people walking around everywhere, gangs pressure refugees, poors and beggars at every corner, lots of people in need of aid, desperately awaiting some savior, in this scenerio ofcourse, the Last of the Jedi. But instead we get 3 beggar at the very begining of the game asking for coins (influence oppurtunity) and then the Refugee Landing Path, a huge emptiness in a place that supposed to be crowded or at least looks crowded. I'm not suggesting there should be more NPC aimlessly walking around, but there should be more stuff around the streets, garbages, broken droids, speeder parts, junk piles where some people trying to scavange everything they can. Perhapds a side quest item inside all the garbage, not broad empty streets, that doesn't feel right. There are A LOT of empty rooms, which in a place supposed to be such crowded it's a bit absurd. Refugee sector is also crying out for more side quests, everyone should be in need of something here, be it few credits, to some other items maybe, sick might ask for medpacks, some might be fighting over a place (those container like places) and your aid might be needed to solve the problem etc ..

Also Gang issues here is too easily solved. You don't have to be smart about it just bash in a gang territory (too easy if you already have a lightsaber) cut your way through to their leader, kill them (works for LS and DS both, gang or not, outright killing shouldn't be a LS solution I think but usually they attack "you" so there's nothing to do but self-defense, but a Jedi should know a better way to solve this without resorting to violence) and quest done. There should be difficulties for meeting Gang leaders. Maybe little errands, quests for you to gain their trust before you can meet them. A bit more "sense" needed in the game at some parts. Cantina and Pazaak Den is also in desperate need of more content. More people to play, more trouble to have (if you ask any). Nar Shaddaa is a bad place, fight or die, take or lose, you have to be smart to stay alive in a place like this, oppurtunity rarely visits this city and when it does, you have to know the quickest way to take it. Streetwise is everything. The NPCs around here should carry this spirit, not just cry for help, they would do anything to get out of this place.


Anyway just some stuff comes my mind about Nar Shaddaa.

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Guest bendarby24

OK, here's a brand new update on how I think KotOR 2 can be improved . . .


I was playing on Dantooine - it's my favorite planet - and it was just after the battle of Dantooine at Khoonda. If you side with the Khoonda people (the light side choice), you get a choice of taking reward money, giving it to help rebuild Khoonda, or suggesting they use the money to build a Statue of the Exile. I was thinking when you go back to Dantooine - to meet the jedi master at the end of the game - if you picked the second choice, you could have more things in it and stuff like that, so it look like has been rebuilt. (You could also put the merchant back at Khoonda.) If you picked the third choice - to build a likeness of the Exile - there should a statue of the Exile.


It's just a idea.

Edited by Sith Holocron
Spelling. Dear God, the spelling!

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Guest bendarby24

VarsityPuppet told me that there's a new Rebalance mod coming out and It will put Achilles' Rebalance to shame.

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I've got an idea for the empty room in Telos, I'll have a go at making it when I've finished what I'm currently doing.



There should've also been a few more Republic officers trying to stop the Exchange from effectively running the place as well. I mean, there was a warship straight there when Goto's Yacht turned off its cloaking device, so shouldn't there have been some spies trying to get its location from the Exchange planetside?



Yeah, that was lifted off my post (:))

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Guest bendarby24
"There should've also been a few more Republic officers trying to stop the Exchange from effectively running the place as well. I mean, there was a warship straight there when Goto's Yacht turned off its cloaking device, so shouldn't there have been some spies trying to get its location from the Exchange planetside?" Yeah, that was lifted off my post (-:


I put that in here because you said that on the other forum.

Edited by Sith Holocron

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No problem, it's cool.


The only problem with putting the Holocron quest back in is that there isn't enough data to be restored, so it would have to be partly new content like the GenoHaradan mod or M4-78EP, but since it's smaller than them there's not much anyone can do.

Edited by Sith Holocron
Added more info.

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Guest bendarby24

no i mean i put it in there allready so you did not need to post it agein :/

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No problem, it's cool.


The only problem with putting the Holocron quest back in is that there isn't enough data to be restored, so it would have to be partly new content like the GenoHaradan mod or M4-78EP, but since it's smaller than them there's not much anyone can do.

Incorrect. There is enough data for it to be restored. It has more content than the Genoharadan quest, percentage-wise.


Geno: 33%

Holocron Quest: 72%

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Geno: 33%

Holocron Quest: 72%

Now I really want to know how you calculated those numbers. lol


But he's right, the most important thing for the quest is all there: the dialog. We're only lacking the holocrons, we don't know if they were meant to be placeables or just items (I originally thought there were icons for them, but I was wrong). The rest really is minor stuff.

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Guest kelvin albarn

In the Nar Sahaddar fight srquencw where atton and bao dur have to get to the docks could the enimeis in the landing pad sector be more stratigically placed the hks gand and duros groups seem a little "CLUPMPY" also would liketo see holocron quest restored...

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Guest bendarby24

Me too! I personally would like to see Dsiciple's holocron quest, the Genoharadan revisioning, M4-78EP, VarsityPuppet and bead-v's "Malachor VI - An Ending Mod", a new rebalancing mod, and a new version off TSLRCM that would be compatible with all of that. Then I will play the game again because I have not played TSL in ages :)


I'd also like to see more mods that add stuff to the game . . . more side quests, that is. (In addition to the stuff that I have mentioned.)

Edited by Sith Holocron

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Guest bendarby24

update 2.0

This is addition to the post above.


there is a lot off unrestord data in tsl but now one is makeing mod for them ( some have been done all ready but they are not compatible with tslcm!


e.g. 1. Czerka takes control - where Czerka takes control of Telos Citadel Station. The makers of the "TSL: Un-Restored Content" mod put this in their mod. (There's also other stuff that TSLRCM has not got in there. sad.gif;97454


also there is A Bounty for Vrook - Originally, the player could capture Master Vrook and Azkul would send him to Nar Shaddaal


.Spa Treatment at the Jekk'Jekk Tarr


.Magic Eight Ball - In the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, there was to be a Weequay who had an orb where you can ask questions. (That would be cool.)


.Controlling the Beast - somewhere within the tomb of Freedon Nadd, a scene where the Sith are controlling a beast and onlookers wonder how it's possible. (Someone could make this because in the game files there is the force power already made- if you have KSE, go on force powers and it's there smile.gif


.The Sith Revelation - If the PC sides with Vaklu, the Sith will notice that the beasts no longer obey them. The Sith order Vaklu's death for the betrayal.


.Dustil Onasi - The dead Jedi in the tomb was supposed to be none other than Dustil Onasi. He was to be insane and then attack the PC. (There is a mod allready that has done this _ I use it and its fully compatible: ...dustilins.html There is a still-living Jedi inside the hidden tomb on Korriban--who is it? He says he is Dustil, he looks like Dustil, but the bag at his feet contains a datapad suggesting he may be for the visions, they are there. Disturb the bag at Dustil's feet and face hssiss after hssiss...


This is a very simple mod that restores what little there was to restore regarding Dustil in the Korriban tomb with the visions. I just added some animations to the already existing dialogue; there's nothing added or taken away except what was necessary to make it possible to talk to Dustil. You don't have to fight him if you don't want, there are two ways out of the dialogue, one where Dustil will attack, and one where he won't, so he's safe to talk to. He's not the strongest opponent you'll find in the tomb, but he's not weak either (he's been stuck in there who knows how long with hssiss, shyrak, and long-dead Jedi he may or may not have killed). The bag at his feet contains the datapad that used to be on the dead Jedi's body, and if you want to, you can keep opening the bag to force the game to spawn pairs of hssiss as many times as you like.


This is just a drag and drop affair--to install, copy n_jedicounm002.utc, dustil.dlg, and jedi_cont.utp into Override. To uninstall, delete the files.


There are several mods that include n_jedicounm002.utc in order to make that particular dead Jedi *not* look like Dustil (including many of mine), so if you want to use this mod, you'll have to check if other mods replace the file and install this mod after installing those. Or you can check in Override and see if you have a copy of that .utc file and rename it in case you want to easily change the dead Jedi back to some random guy instead of Dustil.


Originally the player was allowed to leave the Ravager without replacing the broken proton core. This results in the Ravager crashing into Telos IV and exploding. On Youtube, there is a video of this.


OK, news on mods:

1. for the Genoharadan Revisioning mod: Last I heard, LOH had written up a script, but then decided that he wanted to do some revisions on it . On M4-78EP I believe Sith Holocron said that Zbyl ha s taken over the project from Stoney so I'd assume (I may be wrong) that he is going to be starting work on it soon. that is all from me smile.gif

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also there is A Bounty for Vrook - Originally, the player could capture Master Vrook and Azkul would send him to Nar Shaddaal

Unless someone found content of this on Nar Shaddaa I am pretty sure someone confused trying to let them ship Vrook off is misinterpretated as missing content. When doing that he still shows up in Khoonda though ("I thought you got shipped to Nar Shaddaa!")

.Controlling the beast - somewhere within the tomb of Freedon Nadd, a scene where the Sith is controlling a beast and onlookers wonder how it's possible.

( some one could make this because in the game files there is the forces power allready made- if you have kse go on forces powers and it there :)

This is already ingame in vanilla. Another sign the person who made the 'cut content list' wasn't 100% right on everything listed in it...

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I stand corrected on the Holocron quest then.

I really would like to see the Ravager crashing into Citadel Station, though I imagine it would be pretty hard to do. Not that I know much about modding, being only a beginner at it...

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Guest HaVoKeR
VarsityPuppet told me that there's a new Rebalance mod coming out and It will put Achilles' Rebalance to shame.

Another guy doing a rebalance mod? jeez it has just became common now...

Why dont you test mine? haha it has the bounty hunter for mira integrated, but its almost cosmetic; some changes to skills, VP and other few stuff. (

and yeah i agree with most of this changes you said bendarby, the game is EMPTY for sure.

It fells like the end of the world, were 3 people in the streets are a lot... one or two extra quests in every planet, random thug/sith encounters, trash, and some secret boxes (HIGH awareness skill required) are needed in most of the game.

TSLRCM would score lots of points with it, for sure, people will love the mod more than ever. xD

Edited by HaVoKeR

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In fact, leading on from the "random encounters" that you mentioned, I just had the idea that you could actually have Sith Assassins doing their job and actually trying to assassinate you ~BRAINWAVE~ whilst you're looking for the Holocrons!

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Guest bendarby24
In fact, leading on from the "random encounters" that you mentioned, I just had the idea that you could actually have Sith Assassins doing their job and actually trying to assassinate you ~BRAINWAVE~ whilst you're looking for the Holocrons!


good idear :) for mandalore :)

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Guest bendarby24

This is already ingame in vanilla. Another sign the person who made the 'cut content list' wasn't 100% right on everything listed in it...

No, I'm talking about you can actually get the force powers because there is a scene where you get to learn how to do it, IIRC.

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Guest HaVoKeR
no, im talking about you can actally get the forces powers because there is a seane were you get to learn how to do it ..... well i think :?


dont think so, and yes, i remember this scene when i was on DXUN... its good enough.

Yep. Darker peragus owns, but i think it should be *DARKER*, like, you cant see 3 metters in front of you hahaha... so you could get a lantern or something, maybe a broken lightsaber (not upgradable and nerfed)... Anyone who knows how to edit texture files and create a random corpse with this saber can do it? hahaha it think it will rock

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Originally the player was allowed to leave the Ravager without replacing the broken proton core. This results in the Ravager crashing into Telos IV and exploding. On Youtube, there is a video of this.


Unless I'm mistaken, that's probably my video. One half of that video is not in the game files as it was acquired from a Prima DVD guide. The other half of the video was part of the hi-res video pack that used to have that clip in it. From what I recall, the newer versions of the movie pack had that clip removed. It makes no sense to restore this into TSL. If you're thinking to have it blow up after leaving the Ravager, how would you get the Ebon Hawk back. (It's in one of the docking bays.) No comments by the characters remain in game for this event - which in the in-game world would basically destroy the Republic. I also won't offer up my video for this as I've already lent it out for a total conversion mod already.

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No comments by the characters remain in game for this event - which in the in-game world would basically destroy the Republic.

Not entirely true, Kreia has predictions for Telos if it's destroyed.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar
Unless I'm mistaken, that's probably my video. One half of that video is not in the game files as it was acquired from a Prima DVD guide. The other half of the video was part of the hi-res video pack that used to have that clip in it. From what I recall, the newer versions of the movie pack had that clip removed. It makes no sense to restore this into TSL. If you're thinking to have it blow up after leaving the Ravager, how would you get the Ebon Hawk back. (It's in one of the docking bays.) No comments by the characters remain in game for this event - which in the in-game world would basically destroy the Republic. I also won't offer up my video for this as I've already lent it out for a total conversion mod already.

Yep, it actually sais that it's your video.

I don't think it would make that few sense, for example it could be solved with a team-member like Atton staying behind and flying the Ebon Hawk off of Telos.

Would be a neat content to restore if maybe a bit difficult. But as long as you're the only one with hands on that video, I guess it's up to you to decide anyways :D!

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