Jorak Uln

TEXTURE error on Korriban

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doing some sith textures on Korriban,  but got weird black frames on my animation:




Note that the upper left part is displayed normal.

I guess that the error might come from the glass background - does someone know which texture that is and/or how to get the problem solved?



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The Czerka logo is lza_logo01 and the glass it's on is lza_win01.


However, the Czerka Logo is done by two "sqares" with the same texture, one on each side of the glass, so the issue you're having is probably from the back of one of the faces, I think. Maybe checking the original texture's .txi and alpha layer?

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Yes! Fair Strides comment gave me an idea: if the logo tex is displayed on front and back, then why doing things the hard way?


So i simply changed names - animation is now on LZA_win01 and the logo invisible:





As you see, the size & coloring is fine now, however, despite i made the tex glowing, it appears way to dark?


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Yes! Fair Strides comment gave me an idea: if the logo tex is displayed on front and back, then why doing things the hard way?


So i simply changed names - animation is now on LZA_win01 and the logo invisible:





As you see, the size & coloring is fine now, however, despite i made the tex glowing, it appears way to dark?

Could be the settings in the model...


You could try either making the texture brighter than you intended to (with a new layer of white at something like 35-50% opacity, perhaps) or blending punchthrough in the .txi...

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