
Level cap

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As most people are aware, the level cap was raised from 20 to 50 in TSL, however the non-boss enemies still cap at level 20 which makes lategame fights rather pathetic... Is there any possibility to change enemies increasing their level past 20?

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Well in theory you could do that because everything the player can do or wear, enemies can do or wear as well, so perhaps but I haven't started modding kotor2 yet just kotor1, so I couldn't tell you if I wanted to. And also the level scaling was bad in kotor2 you typically could only get to level 28 or 30 or at the most 37 legitly before you have to use cheats, so someone needs to make a mod where there is more of the kotor base game so that way you can level up more.

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Reaching level ~30 at endgame isn't a problem. The fact that enemies cap at 20 is, as it makes fights starting with 3rd/4th planet after Telos ridiculously easy. Ravager and Malachor V are a joke. Compare that with Star Forge fights from KotOR which tend to be problematic at Difficult/Impossible even with breaking builds such as heavily Wisdom-invested character with mass stuns.

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Preeeeetty sure enemies level up above 20. I've actually modified the exptable.2da to reach level 50 by the endgame, and they are significantly harder, even on normal.


Also yes, I'm releasing this leveling tweak this week.

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Oh, then I guess opponents capping at Level 20 was just an urban legend... Thanks for clarifying this.

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what they really need is buffed and equipped properly. in particular adding some mods to the late-game enemy's armor and weapons would probably go a long way, particularly the resist energy (for most sabers and blasters). Not that I know if this is possible. or maybe add environmental debuffs to the late game levels. The Ravager in particular really should have some anti-force debuffs, given its nature. Imagine how much harder it would be if you could no longer use tier 2 and 3 powers or it cut your wisdom and charisma scores buy 75%.

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