
Need help to find angle from vector.

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Could anyone tell how to get the right angle in degrees from, what I think are Vector coords?

It's to setup a emitter, I've found the parameters in another area model, but I've got NO clue how the emitters: pitch, yawn and roll thingy is. 


Does that make sense?

But 3Ds Max works in degrees. So I need to convert these numbers. I've googled and found handy calculators, but I don't understand them all that well... Math is one of the things Quanon sucks at sadly o_O


Here's what I got:


Pos X: -26.7609

Pos Y: 45.0396

Pos Z: -70,7704


Orientation X: 0.4982017

Orientation Y: 0.4930216

Orientation Z: 0.5025856

Orientation W: 0.5060952


Or am I that stupid and already looking at degrees for an angle?

It's the W that throws me a bit off.



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Or am I that stupid and already looking at degrees for an angle?

It's the W that throws me a bit off.

X Y Z, as used in Max and other 3D apps, are Euler angles. The X Y Z W is a quaternion. It's a different way of expressing rotations that avoids the possibility of gimbal lock.



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