
put custom models in kotor

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Hey guys, nice to meet you all.

im interested in put custom models into kotor, I already see this is possible ( starkiller sith assassin mod) I wanna know if any of you now how to do this???


I need help to do it I only have experience in put models in JKA but this is totally different

thanks for the help I hope some answers.


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Hi, thats a great idea. Its always good to have more custom modellers around here!

About modelling for example Sithspecter is currently doing Sleheyron from the scratch, so he should have plenty of experience - then Quanon should be into it too (or you can ask Darth Parametric from Lucasforums, but he seems to be very busy...), then Darth Deadman....hope i didnt forgot anyone..


May i ask, which models do you have in mind?

Currently there are some next gen approaches - in form of retextures - in the making to get  a visually  more sophisticated look  - closer to SWTOR - so about modelling on my personal wishlist would be new TOR armors ;)

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mostly I want to make a robe mod,  based on the clone wars  robe  style.

already have the models ready in  3dmax, but I don't know how put it on game.

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Hmmmm... I'm honestly not sure exactly how the Starkiller Sith Assassin mod was done. Most body models around here are at least based on previously existing rober or armors, and then heavily edited. I think that mod utilized an entirely new body.


I guess that begs the question: are the robes modeled from scratch, or did you modify existing TSL or KotOR robes? I can point you to a few tutorials and help you of from personal experience if it's the latter. If it's modeled from scratch, I'm not really certain. Your best bet in that case would be to PM the mod author.

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Well, I'm just about the last guy to say that I'm a modeller, but I do know a few things about the game's models...


Some basic info about modelling/animations in KotOR 1 and 2:

  • A body/armor model in the KotOR games relies on an "invisible" set of "bones" for animations.
  • NWMax/KotOR relies on Key-Frame animation, where you make position and rotation keys for the various frames of an animation and these frames are transformed into Time-Key animations upon exporting the model.
  • The invisible set of bones is listed here in this picture:


  • If you aren't familiar with the term, "rigging" a model is where you give the model a bone structure that allows it to be animated in the way that the game uses animations.


So, to get your models into the game, you'll need to import these bones from one of the game's supermodels (S_Male01, S_Male02, S_Female01, S_Female02, and S_Female03).


However, your model itself will need to be divided up into the Left Arm, the Right Arm, and then the rest would be labelled "Torso". After that, you'll need to look at another armor model, since the Left Arm, Right Arm, and Torso all should be Editable Meshes with the Skin modifier on them.


The Skin modifier will need the bone structure from another model (AKA look at another model and link your bones together in the same hierarchy if they aren't already when you import them), which you can do by "Add" button on the Skin modifier by the Bones section.


After the bone structure is done, you'll need to "weight" the bones and vertices to have an appropriate force exerted on the pieces of the model when it's moved around (which will also affect how the texture is stretched when the model moves). This part I honestly can't help with, so I'd look up some tutorials online (not necessarily around the Star Wars areas of the net, but more in the Modelling Tool's forums).


Just remember that after you get the Skin modifier on onto the piece, DO NOT convert the Editable Mesh to anything else or the data for the Skin modifier and bones WILL be lost... There's nothing like having to redo the weighting...

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thanks!! its look like its far more complicate that JKA procedure.

shame there is no tutorials about this, to aid in the process.



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thanks!! its look like its far more complicate that JKA procedure.

shame there is no tutorials about this, to aid in the process.





Well, it's not really done all that much, so no one's really bothered to jot down all the little details...


Might this not be something best moved or recreated as a tutorial found within the tutorial section of the forums..?

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Model looks great. The only thing I can see that could be a problem is the scaling of the limbs. 

I get the impression JKA models are bit more skinny and Kotor models more clunky looking.

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Model looks great. The only thing I can see that could be a problem is the scaling of the limbs. 

I get the impression JKA models are bit more skinny and Kotor models more clunky looking.

Quanon you have knowledge of how do this ??

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I think SithSpecter is more qualitfied in this sort of things. He adjusted the Revan model to have a flowing cape.


What I know is you need to link your model to the "bones' and super anim file( this file includes all the animations, fighting, talking, etc... ) of the Kotor games. You'll need the NWmax tools and 3Ds Max or Gmax to pull this off. And MDLops to, I think to convert the model file to what Kotor uses. Then it's 2DA editing I believe.

But I don't know the right steps involved :-/


Nobody so far has tried this stuff before, not this extensive :)

Like I said SithSpecter might be a better help. But it's a serious chunk of work, I don't think you'll get it done in 15minutes :P

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I'll attempt to help what I can, but unfortunately all I've done is animate bones for a model that was already skinned and weighed.


First question though, is this something that you've modeled all on your own, or is it from another game?

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sorry, I miss it.

I have models of my own but I  also want to put models from other  star wars games, particulary the kento model of force unleashed. but this is related to proper models to avoid problems.


that's why I wanna learn this stuff, since kotor is on mobile and kotor 2 is coming ( theory)  I think customization of this awesome game is vital for  a more personal experience. :)

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