
Malachor VI: An Ending Mod

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Guest bendarby24

It is awesome guys . . . keep up the good work [snip]


Edit from Sith Holocron: Death threats - even when kidding - are never in good taste

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Edit from Sith Holocron: Death threats - even when kidding - are never in good taste

Okay, SH, I think that was totally unnecessary. I'm sure there isn't a single idiot on this forum that wouldn't get the joke..




The Sith Library is VERY cool. Overall, everything looks pretty good, a little sparse, but NPCs will help that immensely.
Aside from that, the rooms that really matter are amazing. I'm talking about the Library, the Storm Beast Pen and the small bedrooms for the Sith apprentices and to a lesser degree the training rooms and the meditation chamber.

The bedrooms look they're used and Library shelves are very fitting. My favorite room is the Storm Beast Pen (from these pictures anyway), the use of the Peragus forcefields for the cages is perfect! I can definitely see some beasts wreaking havoc here!

I think that the Sith Library is very well done too. Keep up the good work :D

Glad you guys like it.




There are a lot of those pyramid/pillar things though and the round rooms look a little empty, but I'm sure you have some use for them.

Too many pillars perhaps? I know there are more than originally in 903, but I was gonna put some more into 903 so it appears more balanced. Would you rather I take some out of 906 and 905?


As for the circular rooms, I actually have no idea what to put in them. Aside from just putting in some crates, I can't think of a functionality for them. Does anyone have any better ideas?

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Guest Slstoev

Maybe single meditation rooms, mess halls or put some galactic TV or info terminals(Malachor style) or special sparring grounds that are for the people that wish the battles would be in secret or for them not being interrupted.

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Glad you guys like it.


Too many pillars perhaps? I know there are more than originally in 903, but I was gonna put some more into 903 so it appears more balanced. Would you rather I take some out of 906 and 905?


As for the circular rooms, I actually have no idea what to put in them. Aside from just putting in some crates, I can't think of a functionality for them. Does anyone have any better ideas?


I'm not seeing the pictures anywhere on the site. Could someone PM me a link?


Update: Thanks to Zhaboka and Bead-V for the links. (I knew I had seen what people were describing here before!)

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Guest DH-010

Too many pillars perhaps? I know there are more than originally in 903, but I was gonna put some more into 903 so it appears more balanced. Would you rather I take some out of 906 and 905?

Well, hehe, either way I'm still going to download the mod of-course and if you like it this way, please keep it the way it is ;).


But, if I had something to say about it, I'd do a little less of these pillars and pyramids in the pictures under 'Training Hall'. I'm especially talking about these two pictures; #1 and #2. I don't see the use of these things in a room specifically used to fight each other.


To have the rooms 'feel' more like a training hall, maybe there should some sort of Battle Circle in the middle, or a carpet like in the Telos Academy training room. I'm not sure that can be done though, if those are just textures on the ground, than of-course it's impossible...


As for the circular rooms, I actually have no idea what to put in them. Aside from just putting in some crates, I can't think of a functionality for them. Does anyone have any better ideas?

Ehmm, ... :D What does one need in a Sith Academy...

Let me think, you can always have more storage space of-course.


Or, maybe;

- 'offices' for the Head-Master (with a desk and a cabinet (or something suitably similar))

- a security room with computer-consoles (accessible cameras?)

- other control rooms


- a Lightsaber-workshop (:P)

- a Swoop garage (lol, that'll be the day)


- or like Slstoev said above me, fill a room with a few large displays or viewscreens

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Is there no torture room at Malachor V ? What kind of Sith academy doesn't have one? Maybe you could put one in one of those circular room.

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Is there no torture room at Malachor V ? What kind of Sith academy doesn't have one? Maybe you could put one in one of those circular room.


There is a torture room, it's on the other side of the academy (Trayus Crescent/Prison)

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Oh, good then! Is there blood splatter all over or something alike? Might add some realism :unsure:

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Guest S4crifice

Something that i came up with:

Since this is an academy, i understand that there will be sparring between sith apprentices and such. Why not have the user watch a pretty vicious fight between a sith master and an apprentice that want's to overthrow his master? like a cutscene scripted figth with force powers usage and attacks with some dialog that show the general feeling that sith always betray each other. Then the Exile can choose to intervene(kill them both :D ) or let the battle unfold with the outcome being resulted by....random or pseudo-random stufff.


Anyways, that was not what i wanted to say, it just came up as i was writing. What i wanted to say is that if we can assume there is going to be physical training in there, will there be a room like a nursery with bacta tanks and stuff?


Edit: Nevermind the first part, i just remembered that there is yuthura on korriban for that.

Edited by S4crifice

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I created this acc just to thank you modders for the hard work you've been putting in this modd, it's definetly the missing piece from this otherwise epic game. I finished KOTOR2 the last time about 3 years ago and i've been eagerly awaiting for modders to finally put together the "TSL Ultimate cut" and let gamers enjoy what was supposed to be the final product. This mod plus TSLRCM is definetely the way the game is ment to be played!

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Guest bendarby24

so VarsityPuppet what up to now on the mod and i give lord of hunger a poke for me because he has not been on deadly streams in ages ;)

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so VarsityPuppet what up to now on the mod and i give lord of hunger a poke for me because he has not been on deadly streams in ages :D


We're finishing up some 905 right now. Can't go into too much detail, but the cutscenes that will take place in 905 are mostly done. Some still need to be scripted, but we're getting there.


I don't know if we mentioned before, but this is the area in which the Exile has the option of saving his/her party members. We made good use of the torture chamber of course ;)

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We're finishing up some 905 right now. Can't go into too much detail, but the cutscenes that will take place in 905 are mostly done. Some still need to be scripted, but we're getting there.


I don't know if we mentioned before, but this is the area in which the Exile has the option of saving his/her party members. We made good use of the torture chamber of course :D


And of course this is my area of constant pestering, allow me to suddenly join in!

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I have one observation to share with Varsity Puppet: You mentioned that to finish the game you have to manually travel to the Unknown Regions. Well, the Exile first returns to Dantooine and then leaves for the unknown regions. Besides, when you leave Malachor you leave together with your companions and you need to go in to the U.R. alone! Am I right?:(

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I have one observation to share with Varsity Puppet: You mentioned that to finish the game you have to manually travel to the Unknown Regions. Well, the Exile first returns to Dantooine and then leaves for the unknown regions. Besides, when you leave Malachor you leave together with your companions and you need to go in to the U.R. alone! Am I right?:(


Dantooine? That's the first I've heard of that. Why does the Exile go to Dantooine first? Pay last respects to the masters or something?

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Guest DH-010

Dantooine? That's the first I've heard of that. Why does the Exile go to Dantooine first? Pay last respects to the masters or something?


To leave all the party-members behind.

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To leave all the party-members behind.

Yes, but why Dantooine? This is the first time I've heard of this too.. As for the problem, we will sort it out once we get there. The traveling to the unknown regions is really just an idea for now, we haven't figured out the details yet.

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Well, this is what I've read on Wookiepedia: "The Exile returned to Dantooine to complete her training as a Jedi, then she ventured into the Unknown Regions in search of the Jedi Knight Revan, and was never seen again. She left her apprentices behind to resurrect the fallen Jedi Order."


Or if it isn't Dantooine, surely it's Telos.

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the above poster's Wookiepedia quote explains why Dantooine :(. She drops them off (yes, Atton too), has her self a little training session and then she leaves, all expect Visas of course, whom stayed at Malacor V as she was instructed to I assume.


so the travel thing to Unknown Regions is not a good Idea imo. let it be automatic, as she doesn't go there right away.

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Hehe, as all my teachers says: «wikipedia is a loosy encyclopedia to get reliable informations». Thus, you'd better find the source wookiepedia's taking this information from or else, if there's none, assume it's unreliable.

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I have one observation to share with Varsity Puppet: You mentioned that to finish the game you have to manually travel to the Unknown Regions. Well, the Exile first returns to Dantooine and then leaves for the unknown regions. Besides, when you leave Malachor you leave together with your companions and you need to go in to the U.R. alone! Am I right?:(


I don't recall where I had mentioned that. I remember we were considering it at one point, but I don't remember announcing it publicly anyways.


Hard to say how the ending will play out. It will probably just follow what makes the most sense, whatever that may be lol

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the above poster's Wookiepedia quote explains why Dantooine :(. She drops them off (yes, Atton too), has her self a little training session and then she leaves, all expect Visas of course, whom stayed at Malacor V as she was instructed to I assume.


so the travel thing to Unknown Regions is not a good Idea imo. let it be automatic, as she doesn't go there right away.


Visas remains on Malachor only if HK destroys the remote, thus the mass shadow generator can't be activated. But in the canon side Malachor V is destroyed, so she can't remain.

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The wookieepedia article says the source is The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. If anybody has that, they can check.


But also, the rest of the MVI content isn't canon anyway, so it wouldn't be so bad if we didn't stick to it in this case too. I don't know, we'll see once we get there...

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