Aru 0 Posted March 5, 2015 So Hello my Friend`s i decided that i want to replay this lovly Game last Playtrough was like.. in 2005. 10 Years Ago as a Child. And while it always was on my Replay list i never Had Time or Energy or whatever to get through it again. That means after 10 Years i will see my "Youth Love" again, and i guess with TSL in a better way than ever. So its like you met a Girl you always loved after so many Years and she even got Hotter... so im trying to get the Best out of this Game. While i never really had the Time to keep up to Track im asking you for a bit of Guidance how to Deal with her. I propblaby wont have the Time to play it like 3 Times so i have just this Try and i want to modd the Best out of it. At the Moment I have the following Mods installed: TSLRM 1.8.3B M478EP_11b Duplisaber Beta Loot & Immersion Extended Enclave That was the Easy Part in my Opinion, but while I looked alot at Textures and Skins and Stuff im a bit confused..there just so many "small" packages and im not that deep into the Game to decide whats a real "improvement" to vanilla. So...what Texture Mods you have? I mean you are The Guys who are into that right? You played it over and over again und you should have an Opinion which you like the most I Guess? So in my Mind as addition to the above Mods I could use this ones: Reshade for Kotor/TSL Animated Galaxy Map 2.0 Protocol Droids by Vurt ( just because..its from Vurt...and jeah..every game i see where he makes Stuff it`s the good stuff ) Hi Resolution Skin for Ebon Hawk (TSL) [TSL] High Quality Starfields and Nebulas High Quality Ravager Backdrop K2 Exterior Textures, Part 1 K2 Exterior Textures, Part 2 ( Im really not sure there..idk if it makes a Difference?) Hi-Res Beam Effects Textures Improvement Project ( Not sure if its too metallic for me) Aliens Redetailed Mod After That the Real Question isn`t done right? When im right here I need a Retexture Pack for every Planet by himself. And the Most completed seems to be Xarwarzz OTE series, so when I Grab his Peragus OTE Harbinger OTE Onderon OTE Telos OTE Telos OTE Animated Signs Ebon Hawk Past And after that im still missing something for Nar shadda, Malachor V, Korriban, Dyun and Dantooine right? And...( jeah im a bit proud of me..Hours of researching xD ) now i have these more or less complete List and im asking You: Did i forget something that really enhances your Gameplay Experience? Did I oversee something that`s incompatible to something? Oh and pls give me Advice with this Retexturing Packs :c Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 5, 2015 Test the game out and make sure the Duplisaber install didn't mess up your installation Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted March 5, 2015 K2 Exterior Textures (yes, you need both parts) retextures Korriban, Dxun and Dantooine if I'm not mistaken, so you'll have those aswell. For Malachor I'd use Malachor Exterior Reskin by Quanon. That'd only leave Nar Shadaa but sadly I know of no texture pack for this planet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 5, 2015 Always find something good with Xarwarz' mods There's a Nar Shaddaa retexture on the page Xarwarz OTE Also, this is a must-have for Nar Shaddaa Realistic Nar Shaddaa skybox 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Medragor-des 10 Posted March 6, 2015 I'd suggest the Korriban Hi-Res textures 1.1 and Dantooine Hi-Res textures 1.3, both from Angelus6 on KotOR Filefront. There's also a Coruscant Hi-Res texture there, as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kate The Bionic Uterus 12 Posted March 10, 2015 I'd suggest the Korriban Hi-Res textures 1.1 and Dantooine Hi-Res textures 1.3, both from Angelus6 on KotOR Filefront. There's also a Coruscant Hi-Res texture there, as well. You really should add links. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Medragor-des 10 Posted March 12, 2015 Oh, right, apologies. Dantooine Hi-Res Retextures 1.3:;88702Korriban High-Res Retextures 1.1:;88750High-Resolution Coruscant Retextures:;10565 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites