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Towards a perfect K2 - 010 - T3 unit dumped into the fuel line

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Towards a perfect K2 - 010 - T3 unit dumped into the fuel line


From the Peragus engine maintenance console, we can use a camera in a fuel line.


It shows a mine (or should shaw a mine) and detritus (a small bag - this is not really identifiable - It's a workbook giving the directions for use to repair the door of the hangar giving access to the Ebon Hawk. It is completely surrealist but, well?).


But it is also tell that we can see a T3 unit.


Well no, not at all! T3 is missing. There is no shadow of a suspected piece of T3 in there! And there never was since K2 exist.


Reflection for fun : Does HK-50 wanted to see those instructions and T3 transformed into elementary particles in a ion engine of the next ship that would fill up with fuel?



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Yeah, this is a known bug.


Various mods have tried to fix this. All have failed. /dramatic voice


Hm. Maybe I'll try to take that one on.


It shouldn't be too hard. All you need to do is spawn a T3 in the fuel line. I don't see what would be so difficult about it, but you never know..

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I suspect a history of T3 not available, in the active group, so we can not see it in the fuel line to precisely see that it is unavailable!


The serpent biting its tail!


We need to have an other character, NPC, a T3 clone.


Or, use 3C-FD. It's in B&W, and T3 is suposed to have been shot down by HK-50. It thus has, him also, the head of through and a broken appearance.

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1.7 didn't do it for me.

Odd, it definitely should, and did when testing Peragus.

Perhaps Stoney or Zbyl forgot a file again?

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Odd, it definitely should, and did when testing Peragus.

Perhaps Stoney or Zbyl forgot a file again?


Tsk tsk tsk. I wonder if the Peragus stuff even made the cut this time. It doesn't seem like anyone's even noticed the new stuff.

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They might have all used Ulic's before, and notice thus barely any changes ;).


Although the 2 additional lines should have been noticed...

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They might have all used Ulic's before, and notice thus barely any changes ;).


Although the 2 additional lines should have been noticed...


What ?...

2 additional lines?... Where?...

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They might have all used Ulic's before, and notice thus barely any changes ;).


Although the 2 additional lines should have been noticed...


You mean the 4 additional lines?

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Kreia, Sion (counted this as 1 instead of 2 since it varies on gender so you wont get both).


What's the 4th I missed? 0_0

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Kreia, Sion (counted this as 1 instead of 2 since it varies on gender so you wont get both).


What's the 4th I missed? 0_0


Atton should have a few lines. The float text (I'm not sure if that was restored or just fixed) and then when you decide to leave him in the cell.

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Ah, yes. They are fixed (they used to run, but had no VO just like with HK-50). Forgot about them since Ulic had them too. Totally forgot about your cell-stuff though.


Sorry, VP.

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Totally forgot about your cell-stuff though.


:'( It's alright. I just wonder if it's in there. Haven't actually played 1.7 yet.


Haven't played it since 1.4

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Yeah, actually haven't tried the whole of 1.7 either (which is kind of bad as the beta-tester, alas).

But you guys ran me often enough through Peragus :D.


Though if people say T3 isn't in the fuel lines either it may appear a few files slipped the 1.7 noose :(.

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