
Questions about ending stuff (spoilers)

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So, gonna be that guy.  Oh well ;)


I just finally got the time and finished up my first ever play through of KOTOR 2.  Did it with 1.8.1 (I think I was partway through and decided 1.8.2 wasn't a big enough change to risk patching to).  I did lightside and at one point had handmaiden mad at me.  So following from that, I had some questions at the end.  I went to go look around online, and saw on Wookieepedia they were talking about Nihilus being one of Kreia's students, and how him and Sion teamed up to cut her off from the force.  I was a little shocked until I dug through and found the 'Kreia's Fall' video.  So my question is, why did I miss this in my playthrough?  Should I always get it, or does it have to be triggered?  If always, at what point is it?  I have a few save files, I might go back and try to see if the game just glitched and I missed it (if I know about where).  Also, wasn't the council the ones that cut Kreia off from the force when she was judged and exiled?  I'm not sure it was directly said, but I remember a few times it was very strongly hinted at.


My second question was about Visas.  Her and the handmaiden got in the fight on Malachor V (well, the argument that I assumed was followed by a fight), but then that was the last I saw of her.  She wasn't in the prisons, and Kriea didn't talk about her at the end.  Did I miss something, or is it always like that?  It seemed a little inconclusive with them talking like they were going to fight, but then I didn't know who won or what happened to the victor.


Definitely planning on a DS playthrough, but am just in that curiosity mode.  And it's tough to dig for solid information when it's unclear what's vanilla, restored, or just kinda left unresolved.  Thanks in advance.

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So, gonna be that guy.  Oh well ;)


I just finally got the time and finished up my first ever play through of KOTOR 2.  Did it with 1.8.1 (I think I was partway through and decided 1.8.2 wasn't a big enough change to risk patching to).  I did lightside and at one point had handmaiden mad at me.  So following from that, I had some questions at the end.  I went to go look around online, and saw on Wookieepedia they were talking about Nihilus being one of Kreia's students, and how him and Sion teamed up to cut her off from the force.  I was a little shocked until I dug through and found the 'Kreia's Fall' video.  So my question is, why did I miss this in my playthrough?  Should I always get it, or does it have to be triggered?  If always, at what point is it?



Also, wasn't the council the ones that cut Kreia off from the force when she was judged and exiled?  I'm not sure it was directly said, but I remember a few times it was very strongly hinted at.

Someone wasn't paying attention when they played this game . . .

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Someone wasn't paying attention when they played this game . . .

YOU cut yourself off from the Force. Longer explanation of this on this page. (Read it thoroughly.)


Eh, the question was about Kreia, not the Exile.


Which, I rather doubt that Kreia was cut off from the force twice, and even then, it wasn't enough that she needed very much to regain her abilites. Although perhaps only a reason to have Kreia start of at a level near the Exile, it's likely that she's regaining her connection as well, just as the Exile is. Think of it like a broken bone - where the Exile was a complete fracture, Kreia was only a sprain.


I don't really think she was Exiled from the Jedi, but rather from the Sith - i.e the "Fall" scene.


Hmm...not sure if that needs spoiler tags, but I'll add them if needed.

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Eh, the question was about Kreia, not the Exile.

My mistake. I apparently don't know how to read posts! Now rebuked, I'll say that these screen caps - from the vanilla game - should explain who stripped Kreia of her power.






Nihilus and Sion did it.

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Interesting about the Fall trigger.  I think I remember that, but don't remember when it was.  I had awareness and not intelligence.  Would I have gotten the option to get it?   It seems like I would have taken it if I did.


Again, I didn't see the Fall video at first, so parts of the game led me to believe it was the council.  Like when you ask Kriea why Atris didn't recognize her, she says something about them not noticing people they assume gone (or something like that).  When Kriea first comes before the regathered masters, they act confused and say things like 'how could you have come back?'  If they don't know about Sion and Nihilus, I doubt they know about the events in Kriea's fall.  And multiple times in the game the masters and others talked about how you could cut someone off from the force, but it was only reserved for those very special occasions.  Obviously this was mostly referring to the exile, and some a foreshadow for Dantooine.  But I felt like some of it was a hinted reference to someone who was already cut off from the force by the council.


Also, stripped of my power could mean a couple things, not just stripped of the force :P

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They didn't know about the Triumvirate - she was exiled from the Jedi Order (for teaching Revan and many others who followed him to war), and from there they simply assumed she lived away from the Jedi, so they didn't expect her to turn up as the teacher of the Exile.

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If you have no skills, influence can also be used to unlock the Kreia's Fall movie.


They didn't strip Kreia of her power... they just figured her dead. Kreia uses her powers (as also demonstrated with Disciple) to mask herself for the Jedi Masters.

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Ok, thanks for the responses all.  Perhaps on my second playthrough some of the things I thought were hinting at Kreia being stripped by the council, will be more obviously different in a new light.


Any responses on the on the Visas question?

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Any responses on the on the Visas question?

They both are dead, I believe.

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I didn't have the clash between Handmaiden and visas in my playthrough :/

This occurs if your influence to Visas higher then to Handmaiden. And your PC is a male of course

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