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Your Favorite Movie Trilogies?

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Mine are...


Star Wars Trilogy

Back to the Future Trilogy

Harry Potter Trilogy

Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy


The best one out of those though is either the OT part of Star Wars or the Back to the Future trilogy in my opinion. 


What are your favorite movie trilogies?

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Of course Star Wars, also Back to the Future, Pirates of the Caribbean (the 4th wasn't as good), Iron Man, KotOR...Probably some more I can't remember.

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SWOT, Back to the Future, Lord of the Rings, Men In Black (third one was surprisingly good), and to a lesser extent the Cornetto Trilogy.

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the living dead trilogy (classic)

blade (the first super hero flick that was real good)

austin powers (too funny)

hangover (too funny)

mad max (duh) except the last one was kinda weak

the naked gun (too funny)

aliens (my fave space scifi flic)

indiana jones (classic)

the bourne trilogy (the only movies I ever seen that were as good as the books)

 the godfather (duh)


my fave trilogy is; The Matrix


I don't include star wars because it is a series, a trilogy starts at 1 and ends with 3 and that's what makes it a trilogy.

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Epic Back to the Future Remix.



Also epic win.  Somebody is actually developing Power Laces like the ones Marty gets ahold of in 2015 in Back to the Future Part II.  I want shoes like that, these better be available to order by 2015.

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