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Shader issues: the final topic

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So here's my idea: we have been plagued by multiple trouble regarding shaders, particularly the shiny metal being transparent. I've grown quite tired of these issues. I've had Nvidia cards with these problems, Radeon too. so what the hell, what can we do to resolve this plaguing issue? I like my HK's to be shiny, not ghostly. I'll post a few screenshots sometimes, you'll see what I mean if you don't already know. I know a few workaround to this situation, mind you. One of em being that I had to take the modified tga and remove the Alphachannel through photoshop, but that just make the characters mate and even if you can't see through, no more shiny droids (actually, that is not entirely acurate, some light entities do some weird issues too. I'll post a shot of this too...).


So guys what are your solutions to these issues? Can you get to see the shiny, or do you need to "make everything mate"?

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I get shinies. Don't know why or how but it has to do with graphics cards. Nvidia in my win7 made stuff shiny and my MacBook has an Nvidia card so things are shiny still.

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I made sure I got a real graphic card on my laptop, not one of these cheap phoney internal graphic card, so I don't know what the problem seems to be, hell, I run MAss Effect 3 at full hi def without any trouble, but TSL, that bugger eludes me...

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I had a few issues with the shiny textures showing up transparent (specifically the mandalorians) and my solution was achieved by going into the appearance.2da with kotortool and changing the entries for the texture from ****** in the EnvMap column to CM_Baremetal or whatever the CM is supposed to be.



I had a few problems with the file actually saving the changes (I can try to help if that happens), but once the appearance.2da was changed, it solved the issue.

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I'm playing both KotOR games on nVidia cards (first on GF 6600, then 9800 and now on 450) and had this problem only once (on my old 6600). In my case, reinstalling the graphic card driver solved the problem (before reinstalling, clean your system from the old drivers).





I had a few issues with the shiny textures showing up transparent (specifically the mandalorians) and my solution was achieved by going into the appearance.2da with kotortool and changing the entries for the texture from ****** in the EnvMap column to CM_Baremetal or whatever the CM is supposed to be.
Changing appearance.2da have one drawback - if you change envmap for PC which have alpha channel in head skins (like PMHC06 or Mira) it will look awfull. Having a metal-glossy plate in the hair isn't a good idea.
BTW, when I had transparency problem editing appearance.2da didn't changed anything. Shaders just didn't worked at all.
Edited by DeadMan

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Okay, I'll try again changing the appearance.2da. Also, how can I "clean my system from the old drivers"? I am by no mean an expert in this, but doesn't that involve having a period without having any graphic driver? Won't I get a blackout or something??

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 but doesn't that involve having a period without having any graphic driver

Yeah, a short period between reloading your system and installing the new driver. Shouldn't be a problem on WinXP and newer.

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