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Ferc Kast

[TSL WIP] Playable Mission Vao v2

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Well, after the release of my K1 playable Mission Vao, I felt like my TSL version needed an update. Partially, it was triggered by the initial hostile criticism of the original version's WIP thread. As I could not include the original lips and eyes, as I did with the K1 version, I did a better job of matching them than the original release.


Words can only go so far. Instead of wasting more words, here is a screenshot of the LS/neutral head for the mod.




v2 of this mod includes the following changes:

  • Headgear fully supported

  • Skin tone matches K1 mod and is not a dark blue anymore.

  • Updated/new head skins

  • New portraits


Release Date: whenitsdone.gif

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Looks good to me. I don't see what problem people were having with the head. I personally think the age progression looks fine. This is what I would imagine she would look during after ten or some odd years.

Naturally people would have different structure to their lips and eyes as they progress in age. (Or twil'eks since they are basically the same sans the lekku)

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I've been thinking - why make Mission when you can make, well, anybody? Why not add red, green, etc. twi'leks, both male and female? I don't think it'll be that hard to remove the hair of one of the already exiting head models and make him/her a twi'lek. I don't know much about modding, actually, I know nothing about modding, but it doesn't look that hard from my point of view.

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