Fallen Guardian

Ebon Hawk Hyperspace Skybox Glitch

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So when you're first traveling from Pergaus to Telos instead of just normal stars there's a moving hyperspace field that can be seen outside the Ebon Hawk's cockpit. Only problem is, it isn't moving in my game. I tried loading a save game and even restarting the game but the skybox still won't move. I haven't had this problem prior to doing a run through with TLSRCM 1.8.2 and M4-78EP being installed, so I'm willing to bet they're causing the problem or conflicting with one of my other mods to cause the problem. Could you guys think of any reason why it's doing this?

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Loaded up my save with TSRLCM and M4-78EP, and it works fine. Doesn't quite look like I remembered, but it works.

So, like SH said, other mods?

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Sorry for the very late reply, but here's my list of mods (be warned, this is quite extensive):


TSLRCM 1.8.2



Bodies Stay TSL by Space Alex and jonathan7

Class Clothing by JCarter426

Force Fashion II (I took out all the stuff that was incompatible with TSLRCM) by jonathan7, Marius Fett and Ender Wiggin

GO-TO Reskin by 90SK

Nihilus Zombie's Death by Hassat Hunter

Admiral Onasi Reskin by Silveredge9

Party and Player Underwear by RedRob41

Pike Sabers (with the add on making Sith Assassins wielding them) by DeadMan

Equippable Uniforms by Ferc Kast

Space Suit Movement Rate Fix by Achilles

Trailer Crush Sound by Don Kain

Trayus Academy Rank Reform by VarsityPuppet

Bits and Pieces of 90SK's TSL Ultimate Appearance Upgrade

Vao Armband Restoration by Hassat Hunter

Movement Animation Fix by ZimmMaster


Coruscant High Res Skybox Textures by Exile007

Dark Harbinger: PMHC04 Reskin by NiuHaka

Ebon Hawk HD Textures

Extended Kreia Party Scene by Hassat Hunter

Fixed Mandalorian Banners by jonathan7

Goto's Window Fix by Darth InSidious

Dialogue Tile Fix by Sammi_DC

High Res Telos Backdrop by Quanon (got it off a request thread that he chimed in on over at Holowan)

Inverted Droid Feat Gain v1.0 by Hassat Hunter

Khoonda Militia Armor by Silveredge9

Kinrath Egg Bash Crystal Drop v0.9 by Hassat Hunter

VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans by VarsityPuppet (I only installed the default saber models)

Kreia Green Fix by VarsityPuppet

Modified Influence System by Hassat Hunter

Realistic Nar Shadda Skybox by Sharen Thrawn

Various model changes to the Peragus weaponry by me

Various model changes to the Sonic weaponry by me

Bits and Pieces of Xarwarz's Visual Enhancement 2012

The few pieces of Vurt's Exterior Textures by Vurt, released by Sith Holocron

Various model changes to the regular weaponry through a combination of ToastyFresh's models for KotOR 1 and Captain Hair's enhanced blaster pistol model

All right, that seems to be it...

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Hmmm, many mods. Wouldn't be unlikely for one of them to mess up the animation. Sadly, can't tell which.



Goto's Window Fix by Darth InSidious

Inverted Droid Feat Gain v1.0 by Hassat Hunter

Kreia Green Fix by VarsityPuppet


You know these 3 are *already* in TSRLCM 1.8.2, right?

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This might just be a shot in the dark, but  perhaps the hyperspace texture is one of the special animation textures that won't animate when replaced in the Override unless they're rebuilt (such as the ritual animation and the Malachor lightning to a degree)


Maybe one of the Ebon Hawk retexes put a copy of the hyperspace animation texture in the Override, and that's what's causing it not to animate. 

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Hmmm, many mods. Wouldn't be unlikely for one of them to mess up the animation. Sadly, can't tell which.

I kind of expected as much. Thanks anyway.



Goto's Window Fix by Darth InSidious

Inverted Droid Feat Gain v1.0 by Hassat Hunter

Kreia Green Fix by VarsityPuppet


You know these 3 are *already* in TSRLCM 1.8.2, right?

I figured as much when I was installing them, but better safe than sorry, right?

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It can be 'unsafe'. For example, VP's separate mod may break the Rebuild Academy scene, something the one in TSLRCM doesn't do...

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FG: Do you have a copy of that Hi-Res Telos Backdrop I can use?  I was checking out the Holowan thread, and it looks fantastic!

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It can be 'unsafe'. For example, VP's separate mod may break the Rebuild Academy scene, something the one in TSLRCM doesn't do...

Ah, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the heads up.


FG: Do you have a copy of that Hi-Res Telos Backdrop I can use? I was checking out the Holowan thread, and it looks fantastic!

I'll PM you.

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Ah, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the heads up.


I'll PM you.

Check my email on the same subject. :)

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Do you have a "LEH_hyper01" tga in your override anywhere? That is the texture for the moving space outside the windows. Save for being edited to be so, it isn't an animated texture in the vanilla game.

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It *is* animated in vanilla...


I'd think its the area that is moving(just not the Ebon Hawk interior), rather than the texture. I can't see any hint of the animation code in the hex data, and the texture doesn't look like some of the vanilla examples. In editing the texture for one of my mods, I added edges to the texture(perhaps not intentionally, as I didn't know how they would look in game), and the lines spiral away past the Ebon Hawk's windows(heading towards and past the camera), this being without adding any effects to that texture.


Though I haven't looked at the area model itself, so this is a bit of a guess.

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