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Hassat Hunter

Looking for animator

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Specifically the "jittery droids" and "cyan saber" (without the 'blue saber' side-effect the one that's popular had, or our bronze sabers had before it got fixed by an user (sorry, forgot who)...

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About the jittery droids. I know which model is causing the problem (c_drdprobe). After removing the files the problem went away but I don't know what the droids files are for. while these files are most likely for m4-78ep, as I haven't gotten to m4-78 I don't know what effect removing the files will have.

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It was a while since I deleted the file so I forgot the exact name. Originally, I had planned to open it in 3dsmax to see what the problem was, but nwmax crashed. What purpose does the model serve? Why do you need an animator as opposed to-say, a modeler?

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By "jittery droids", do you mean the problem with the scout droid used on the surface of Telos? I'm not sure why, but I generally find it develops an animation fault after a while to do with the way it bobs up and down.

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If it helps at all, I noticed that the droids will behave normally unless you initiate dialogue with them. The animation overlap persists as long as you remain in dialogue with them. However, once dialogue is closed, they will stop the typing animation and resume normal idle animations (IE looking around) after about a minute.

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Yeah, we just need someone who knows it's way better with .mdl / .mdx files to fix that, since both zbyl and me really aren't that good with the models...

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Hmm, well, I was just trying to do a more thorough bug report on the issue to make the task easier for whoever actually can fix it. I figure knowing the specific conditions that cause the problem and how it is (at least partially) stopped should hopefully pinpoint its location and make fixing it faster.

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@HH I will assume by typing animation you mean use computer animation. Unless you created a whole new animation for typing the model is not needed. To clarify there already exists a use computer animation in TSL. The model should read the animaton based on it's parents supermodel. Simply put most models do not store their own animations. Instead they are linked to parent models which do contain animations ( example, s_male01). Unless it serves another purpose (holds a texture or model was changed) you can just delete it.

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