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Does this increase number of badguys/make them stronger?

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I went to Nar Shadaa right after Telos, and I am just exiting the droid factory and when I get to the landing pad 6 or 8 Duros guys run up and attack my squad.


The thing is, these guys are super badass compared to my team and butcher them easily, every time. I've tried 7 times in a row and it's just no contest. I'm lucky to kill 2 before they finish me. I have the best gear that you can get up to this point since I cheated for money since I've played this game through many times already.


What gives? They must have 300 health or more each. Stun weapons/Droid Neural pacifiers NEVER work on them. I can use all 10 charges on 1 dude and it'll never affect him. Plasma Grenades, anything, never hurts them for more than like 14-20.


My people are all level 15/16

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They are tough, sure, but not impossible.


Also if they do prove too much, remember you can run past them, and let the Exile mop them up later. For him they're nothing. Bonus is that this gives XP, since the XP you get when fighting them as Atton etc. evaporates. Of course difficulty is keeping them alive while running away...

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Hm. Were you paying attention to your team's equipment? Are you using good weapons, with workbench upgrades? Are you wearing items that help your combat abilities (dexterity for people using ranged weapons, for instance)?


I don't seem to have much of a problem with these bounty hunters, using only 2 party members at that... but then again by the time I get to this part of the game, I'm on my second planet and everyone is Jedified. Which helps.

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Wow, I can beat 'em with Improved AI on hard. It's just about having Mira/Mandalore/HK-47 with a mega upgraded Mandalorian Repeating Blaster or whatever it's called, Atton with the Lightsaber finnease feat with a powerful saber and my guy with a 70-100 lightsaber xD

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I got them finally by having T3-M4 rush up and distract them while spamming shields and tossing grenades, which would get collapsed in about 4-6 seconds while Atton and Mira slowly killed them. Everything else has been pretty easy oddly enough.

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Were your weapons bad/unupgraded?


Or did the bounty hunters get some silly constitution value set that made them get lots of hitpoints as they scale up to higher levels... I always do NS as my second planet so I have no idea what they'd be like later on.

EDIT: yeah I just looked... they must be the only non-boss creatures in the game that have more than 10 CON. :P. I don't know how hard that scales up, I still suspect the original poster just didn't upgrade his weapons...

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Meh, mines are cheap.


Upgrade your weapons :P /is a stuck record.


If you're a consular, use Force Horror, then Storm, then Horror again as needed. Kreia's lightsabers have low Wil saves.


If you're a melee class, wear equipment that helps your attack bonus (Strength or Dexterity, depending on what weapon you're using and if you have appropriate Finesse). Use Master Speed to gain extra attacks. Run away to heal up and recast Speed as needed. Activate a Verpine shield if you really can't win otherwise.

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Guest DH-010

Or just kill Kreia... The 3 Lightsabers will also be defeated and Kreia won't fight back.

It is the lamest way ever to beat a game though, I'd like to see it changed in a new version of TSLRCM or in VP's Malachor VI mod (hint hint)...

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I FINALLY did it. Just layed a crapload of Plasma mines every where and went for a run. Managed to kill 1 with the mines then just switched between Force Storm and Health.


(BTW, I had a dualblade lightsaber upgraded to the max. So there wasn't much I could do with it!)

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Or just kill Kreia... The 3 Lightsabers will also be defeated and Kreia won't fight back.

It is the lamest way ever to beat a game though, I'd like to see it changed in a new version of TSLRCM or in VP's Malachor VI mod (hint hint)...


Why? Depending on your setup, Kreia might not be easier to beat. She has higher saves than her sabers, for instance. And a lot of hitpoints to last her while the sabers are cutting you up.


Unless you first lead the sabers away and then abuse their pathfinding, you mean, so you can hack at her with impunity... then yeah that's cheap.

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Guest DH-010

Unless you first lead the sabers away and then abuse their pathfinding, you mean, so you can hack at her with impunity... then yeah that's cheap.


Yeah, I meant that. It's a very easy, but very very cheap way...

The sad thing is it's so easy to do, just walk around one of the pillars and BAM, the lightsabers are messed up.

Edited by DH-010

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Guest staticjoe66

Markus I was looking forward to taking on Sion and Kreia as a DS Consular/Sith Lord using your guide as base but Malachor is jacked up--due to a mod conflict I think but have no idea which mod may be the culprit as I installed nothing modifying the Ravager or Malachor--and I really don't want to have to start yet another new game...




Why? Depending on your setup, Kreia might not be easier to beat. She has higher saves than her sabers, for instance. And a lot of hitpoints to last her while the sabers are cutting you up.


Unless you first lead the sabers away and then abuse their pathfinding, you mean, so you can hack at her with impunity... then yeah that's cheap.

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I hit my 2nd roadblock. The Droid Factory. They rest of the game has been quite easy other than the issue I originally started this thread for.


HK-47 is level 26 and he's absolutely no match for any single enemy in the place even when I set the difficult on easy. He's got the best gear I could buy/find at this point. He misses 70% of his shots. When they do hit, they do like 14-30 damage which looks like it's about 5% of their HP. His +hit on the loadout screen is +39. I've tried different armors (like the energy resistant one) and have tried with his defense at 50. If I use Ion Blast III items, I have to use it like 20 times for 1 enemy. I also have to go through 5-8 shield charges per enemy. When there are like 3 enemies in a room? It's horrible. I can drop like 10 deadly mines and it'll barely scratch one of the droids.


What the hell? With his insanely poor accuracy and their high HP, this is just a pain in the ass! I've tried with fully a upgraded (with the best stuff that can be made) Combat Enforcer rifle and Heavy Repeating Blaster, which are the highest damage ranged weapons I've found in my game. All his mods are combat oriented and such.


What am I supposed to do? Anyone know a way to reset a character's level/feats so I can re level him and try different abilities? Not that he has much of a selection anyway.. If there is no way to do that, anyone know how many feats he should have at 26? If I know that I could use KSE to remove all his feats and reassign them, because either this scales more than the crappy ranged weapons in this game can do or somehow I leveled him very poorly even though I'm usually pretty good at that.

Edited by BoogieMan

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Guest staticjoe66

BoogieMan you have an interesting dilemma and one I've never experienced in any of my 6 TSLRCM playthroughs--when I go through the HK factory I make sure HK-47 has Master 2 Weapon Fighting, Master Rapid Shot, Master Gear Head bumping his Repair skill as high as the game will allow me and I buy all the Advanced Repair Kits and Construction kits I can find before getting the factory itself. I also arm HK-47 with any droid/ion weapons I have again buying them if I have the cash preferring pistols to rifles...I have Shem's Super Enhanced mods installed and still have no problems within the factory, even at the point in which you talk to the HK-50 then the whole room unloads on you I usually don't die so again what you're experiencing is probably not the norm and I would be most curious as to what the cause and resolution are... :P




I hit my 2nd roadblock. The Droid Factory. They rest of the game has been quite easy other than the issue I originally started this thread for.


HK-47 is level 26 and he's absolutely no match for any single enemy in the place even when I set the difficult on easy. He's got the best gear I could buy/find at this point. He misses 70% of his shots. When they do hit, they do like 14-30 damage which looks like it's about 5% of their HP. His +hit on the loadout screen is +39. I've tried different armors (like the energy resistant one) and have tried with his defense at 50. If I use Ion Blast III items, I have to use it like 20 times for 1 enemy. I also have to go through 5-8 shield charges per enemy. When there are like 3 enemies in a room? It's horrible. I can drop like 10 deadly mines and it'll barely scratch one of the droids.


What the hell? With his insanely poor accuracy and their high HP, this is just a pain in the ass! I've tried with fully a upgraded (with the best stuff that can be made) Combat Enforcer rifle and Heavy Repeating Blaster, which are the highest damage ranged weapons I've found in my game. All his mods are combat oriented and such.


What am I supposed to do? Anyone know a way to reset a character's level/feats so I can re level him and try different abilities? Not that he has much of a selection anyway.. If there is no way to do that, anyone know how many feats he should have at 26? If I know that I could use KSE to remove all his feats and reassign them, because either this scales more than the crappy ranged weapons in this game can do or somehow I leveled him very poorly even though I'm usually pretty good at that.

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He misses 70% of his shots. When they do hit, they do like 14-30 damage which looks like it's about 5% of their HP. His +hit on the loadout screen is +39.


Sounds like all of my HK factory playthroughs. To be fair though, it's not like I upgrade HK-47 optimally.


I'm thinking that the autobalance may have something to do with this. Perhaps there is a great jump in difficulty around levels 20-25 in the autobalance.2da. This might explain why some people think it's crazy easy, and some crazy hard.


Just theorizing though, I could be totally wrong.

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I removed his points in power shot and moved them to rapid shot, and quit using the Bothan Droid Disrupter and instead used the heavy repeater and it's going better this time. Power Shot appears to suck, badly. Especially against multiple opponents. Grenades and droid projectors are mostly pointless above level 20. The enemies HP outscales them into oblivion, however.

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I've found that when using Powershot and dual wielding, it would only do 1 shot. So, +5 damage or so for a shot less, actually giving you less damage.


As a result; I never use it in my games. Rapid Shot for the win.

Also, my HK is generally 28 at the factory, no problems.

Then again after TSLRP I am double so careful in making an excellent HK :P. Don't really need it here in TSLRCM though.

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Either you guys really suck at developing HK-47 or you're playing with some hardcore difficulty-adjusting mods. I find the HK Factory level easy while playing at highest difficulty. After I find the Capacitator Armor, I find it very easy indeed.


Here's what I make sure I have on HK:

- Agrinium armor (until I find Capacitator)

- Two good pistols: Mandalorian Rippers or ideally Disintegrators, if those dropped

- all 3 two-handed combat feats, to use the pistols without penalty

- for both pistols, best possible upgrades of the following line: Mandalorian Chamber, Rylith power cell, Accuracy scope

- Master Sniper Shot (with rippers/disintegrators you can get a high % of critical hits)

- A lot of Construction Kits for self-repair, and some points spent into Repair to make these more effective

- equipment that increases Dex or Con.


With all that, the Factory is a breeze. No point in activating shields in the middle of a fight, as the Agrinium armor means your own hitpoints absorb damage better than a shield would, so it's better to just self-repair as needed.


Note that the above is not the only possible good setup. Also it's not even optimised for the factory, wher eyou only fight droids - I'm sure I could get better anti-droid damage if I used some ion upgrades. The setup I described is good all-around, against all sorts of targets.

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Either you guys really suck at developing HK-47


That could very well be the case, honestly. I've only really ever played the HK factory to test it though (sadly) and for that particular playthrough, I didn't give him much attention.


I hope it's not because I suck at the game :P. I've been playing it for 5 years.

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*nod* what particularly makes me curious is the various reports of people's HK-47 doing low damage to enemies. This should not happen if you have

- good weapons

- good weapon upgrades.


Regarding upgrades, what I like to do is use T3 as my crafting biatch. He can get a lot of skillpoints, especially if you improve his INT. Also, he can cross-class every skill, so you can get all his skills very high eventually, 25 and more. On top of that he can equip the various droid upgrades that affect skills. Thus he can create any upgrade in the game except the ones you create with Stealth or Treat Injury skills. I like to use Kreia for those two.


Of course you have to make sure the guns you're using are upgradeable, especially regarding chamber and power cell (scope is nice too though). And two pistols are better than a rifle because you get to fire two shots rather than one, especially as a nonJedi character like HK who can't get Master Force Speed. Two fully upgraded Rippers or Disintegrators do a LOT of damage. But honestly, two Watchman's Blasters with good upgrades would do the job.


I don't know what else to say :) maybe this will help someone. Probably not, but I tried.

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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