
Revenge of Revan Demo 1.0

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What will be included in the Revenge of Revan Demo.1.0.


The Demo is meant to introduce you to the story as well as the features with in the game. These 2- 2 1/2 hours will help give you an idea where we are taking the game and its mechanics. Continue your story based on your choices in kotor1 and kotor2 as you experience a new original story.


Over 40 PC heads included many alien species (there is a thread with a video of all the heads)


Intro movie.


Species based feat, we now can have NPCs react to the PC based on their species.

(This is not used in dlg as of teh Demo but will be seen in ACT1)

(Players will have an option in the first conversation to wither make the Species affected attributes active or not.)


Lightsaber creation/progression system


Holonet news

(These will be updated after certain main and side quests; in the Demo some side quest results will be selectable news articles.)

New Dialogue options( Diplomatic, Aggressive, Empower them/encourage, Manipulate/control)


Trust system

(Build and lose Trust with Uldir. The system has been moved out of the journal entries area and to the Quest items section to un-clutter your Journal.)


The Demo will be 2 - 2 1/2 hours long.


All alien VOs included and some human VOs

(More Human VOs are coming)





The Team and I look forward to having you all play the Mod and we like to thank you all for your support!



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Just checking: this will be TSLCRM compatible, right? In other words, I won't need to uninstall that to get your mod to work properly?

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Nope, ain't gonna be compatible I believe. However, I wonder there'll be a way to be able to play one or the other without having to fully uninstall/reintall...?

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Guest JediExile

I think I read somewhere that it won't be compatible, but I have the same question as MrPhil (I almost typed DrPhil, btw sorry. :confused:

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Revenge of Revan tells a whole new story and as such, it wouldn't be utilizing most of the sound files in KOTOR2 nor the dialog files. TSLRCM (any version) won't be compatible for that reason.


Logan23, congrats on getting the demo out. It's always a pleasure to see these large scale mods come out for either KOTOR game. There's also some satisfaction watching the cynics that say that "these sort of projects won'y be finished" have to eat crow. :confused:

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Nope, ain't gonna be compatible I believe. However, I wonder there'll be a way to be able to play one or the other without having to fully uninstall/reintall...?


Yes you can jump between RoR and Kotor2 without re-installing.


You simple take the kotor2's override folder and change the name to ORGOverride so the game will not see the file.


Then create a new file named Override folder which will be housing the RoR's content.


Now change the name of the opening movie file to something else then the original name since the RoR's opening movie file will use the orig name for the opening movie.


Now you will install RoR's Demo.


When you want to change back you simple change the Override folder's name with the RoR content to..for example..ROROverride and change the ORGOverride back to Override.


Now you just need to do the same with the opening movie/ bik file's name and also change the 001EBO.mod file to 777EBO.mod so the game will not use it.


I will have all the instructions with the Demo when released and even a Youtube video/audio of how to install and change back to the original kotor2 game.


I hope this clears it up:cool:





Logan23, congrats on getting the demo out. It's always a pleasure to see these large scale mods come out for either KOTOR game. There's also some satisfaction watching the cynics that say that "these sort of projects won'y be finished" have to eat crow.




The Demo's testing is going very well and looking forward to releasing it.


After that we will be hitting the Rest of the content for Act1 of RoR.


The testing and work on the Demo's polishing has been a great help in getting us ready to knock out the rest of the game at a more efficient manner.:)



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when will it be out?


Logan intends to have the 1.0 Demo out in the next few months. Good progress Logan. Better hope I get TSL fixed before you finish the Demo.

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Guest darthkrull

Dude!!!!! I'm gonna have to check this out when it's released. :D

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This is pretty amazing, basically rewriting the whole game. I guess Revan deserves some more story. Although he's already on a mission on SWTOR. It's going to be great playing this, I hope the plot is great.

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Guest jsmith1a2000

thanks to an interview by lord hunger in 2009, i just heard about this project.

congrats to logan23 and his team for making it this far and best success for the rest.

it is great to see skilled people putting their time (blood and sweat?) to create such content.

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Guest dudemako

Looking forward to this one very much!

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Guest kuntilanak

After the SW:TOR announcement, it was really depressing that they (publisher) decided to take this franchise to another direction. However, this mod is beginning to look very interesting. I haven't try out the demo but from the feedback it sounded very promising. Looking forward to it's completion. :D

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After the SW:TOR announcement, it was really depressing that they (publisher) decided to take this franchise to another direction. However, this mod is beginning to look very interesting. I haven't try out the demo but from the feedback it sounded very promising. Looking forward to it's completion. :D


You do know that there's no demo officially out, don't you? If there's one out there, it would probably be a beta version of the demo and frankly, I haven't heard any feedback about that one...

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Guest Qui-Don Jorn

Im proud to actually be a tiny tiny bit involved with this mod.


Looking forward to it!!


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Guest kiirochan

you know Logan, i can't wait for this Premium Mod :D

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Guest Plastic

you know Logan, i can't wait for this Premium Mod :D


Yeah, I'm excited about it too. I just hope I can get KOTOR2 working for it... :rolleyes:

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How will you install this? I personally think that you should have an installer which renames your original override to something else and your opening movie to something else for you.

OT: 100 posts :rtfm:

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Guest Mablus25

Can't wait till the full verson comes out

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Guest Fury of Revan

Nice! When is The Revenge of Revan MOD coming out?!? Please Respond!


Thank You! :thumbsup:

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