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Any EU players here?

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Just wondering if there are any Europeans here because right now I can only group with a close friend of mine or with some random people for a quick heroic.
P.S. Did you saw Korriban yesterday? 200 people!!!

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im from the uk but not europe so probalby not what you wounted but im a man of the world because i have traveled to so many place inlcuding bulgaria :)

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Wow, didn't expect somebody from the more advanced parts of the world to even know of my country :D Anyway, I'm on The Red Eclipse, playing with a pal of mine (when he's not sleeping or ignoring my phone calls) so you know where to find me. Faction isn't a problem, but all of my characters are level 15 or almost there so I guess you're going to have to play solo the origin world and half of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas.

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Same here, you may find me after it becomes true F2P (or maybe before to finish Kaas for my Maurader without leveling, depends how bored I am) on the EU server Red Eclipse.

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HH, you're going to have some hard time finishing Kaas in trial mode. The Dark Temple is going to be impossible to do.

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