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Control Lockout with version 1.8.1

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Just picked up the mod this evening, and started up a new character so i wouldn't miss any of the restored stuff, and i seem to be having an issue that puzzles me. Randomly while in combat the character I'm controlling will freeze up and will be unable to move for the duration of the fight, and in some cases indefinitely, the only workaround I've discovered is saving the game and reloading, however that gets incredibly tedious, and if the lockup occurs in the middle of combat, could result in some very challenging encounters. Has anyone else had this issue or does anyone know how to fix it? I'm not running any other mods or add-ons besides this one.

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Perhaps you are pressing the space bar which freezes the game so you can enter the combat you want in, press spacebar to enter and exit it. I hope that helps :)

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Actually no, I'm afraid I wasn't clear, the game is still playing as normal, and the fight is still progressing, my character just cant move. I'm forced into using ranged attacks such as grenades and force skills.

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Hmmm, that is strange. Yeah, that shouldn't happen, Hopefully some pro here will tell you how to get out of this. :/

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This happens to me as well, but I'm not sure the mod's to blame, since ive been having the same problem with K1. Yes, a bit tiresome, but quicksaving & loading is my best solution to this so far

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It's not the mod's fault... this happens even without it. I have only encountered it once of all my years playing - I think the best way to avoid it is to disable the "pause when"-functions and really play the game yourself, as in you pause yourself when you must.

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Just picked up the mod this evening, and started up a new character so i wouldn't miss any of the restored stuff, and i seem to be having an issue that puzzles me. Randomly while in combat the character I'm controlling will freeze up and will be unable to move for the duration of the fight, and in some cases indefinitely, the only workaround I've discovered is saving the game and reloading, however that gets incredibly tedious, and if the lockup occurs in the middle of combat, could result in some very challenging encounters. Has anyone else had this issue or does anyone know how to fix it? I'm not running any other mods or add-ons besides this one.


It only happens during (or after) a fight correct? I have run into this issue also, in my case disabling (or enabling, I can't remember) V-sync in graphics settings cured it for me.

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What are your specs? Or to put it more simply, run the system scan on the launcher screen. If anything fails.... Well it could be a number of things causing the issue.

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Don't modern graphics cards fail automatically thou?

The video card is gven a warning for not meeting the recommended specs but the configuration utility doesn't fail the video card flat out. The OS on the other hand does fail because the configuration utility cannot detect anything later than XP.

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It only happens during (or after) a fight correct? I have run into this issue also, in my case disabling (or enabling, I can't remember) V-sync in graphics settings cured it for me.


Thank you immensely for this suggestion, I rarely use V-Sync as it's caused problems with some other games in my library, so I never considered it. After giving it a shot, I am no longer running into any control lockout problems!

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