Hassat Hunter

New forum; confusing and ugly?

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Well, that was a shocker. Actually at first, when opening the front page I thought the page got hacked due to all the non-sense news and stuff being displayed.


Anyway, coming to the forums everything was ugly default blue, so I put it to our well know green, and now everything is... well, still pretty ugly but at least more bearable.


Threads are still in the old blue giving a weird blue/green/gray eyesore, sticky threads for some reason are bright white so you can't even read the title.


I hope these are infant issues and get fixed soon? Cause looking at this, I find 3.6.x a lot better...


EDIT: Stuff to the left (like username etc.) is unreadable too, white on white...

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I'm sure these and other things will get fixed or updated soon. I think it won't be that bad in the end, when all of the issues and colors are sorted out.. Well apart from the white on white you mentioned, I don't think it's that bad right now either, it's just a simple plain site, not really ugly..


Though there is one weird thing that was already happening before these new blue forums showed up: whenever I click my username in the top right corner (where all the other options are), it opens up the user page of 'Alexander V'. What the heck?

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I already put back "green" in the options, since I really can't stand the basic blue.


And there's still too much blue. And as I say, it REALLY clashes with the green...

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How did you change it back to green? IIRC, the controls used to be in the bottom left corner, where are they now?

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Guest Darth_Shan

How do i get rid of (most of) the blue? How can you change the color layout?

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Upperright corner.

And it seems Doctor fixed the colors, so it doesn't look horrible anymore... yay!


EDIT: And the frontpage doesn't look weird anymore either. So, all is good I guess.

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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Guest Zander

OK, I give up. I can't find the option to change the colour back to green anywhere. Not Top right, not Bottom left..... Also on the forum list I don't see the icons, although IIRC This was the same on the previous version, and only worked correctly when I used the green option.

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Upperright click settings, then in the bar under "my account" select general settings.

Scroll down till you see Forum Skin: and put it to Green.

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Guest Zander

Sorry, there's no such option available in general settings, at least on this computer - Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, in case that matters.

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Guest Senka

Me too cannot find where to change forum scin. How to change it?

Edited by Senka

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OK, now I see black text on near-black grey background. Hard to read. Especially with all the white elements of the rest of the page shining in my eyes.


It wasn't like that, so I doubt it's final.


It wasn't final, I'm still tweaking things and most likely will be for the next couple of days.


If you see anything that doesn't look right or don't like please let me know.


Me too cannot find where to change forum scin. How to change it?


It's at the bottom of the screen at the left.

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Guest Senka
It's at the bottom of the screen at the left.



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Guest Zander

OK, still can't see any way to change the skin colour, but since it has gone back to green/grey and the icons are visible again, I'm a happy camper. :D


Only niggle is that grey on grey contrast is poor, so difficult to read. Example, the breakdown of who's online.

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Try clearing your browsers cache, that may be the problem.




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Guest Senka

Nothing help... :D Adblock Plus and No Scripts disable...

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I think I know the problem now.


Green is the only style available at the moment so as you can't choose others the chooser is most likely hidden.

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Yeah it will be, I'll be making a blue, red and yellow style like the old forums.


To be honest I will most likely wait until vBulletin 4.1.0 as the style system will be changing, again, and the styles will probably break. However I will definitely wait until this green style is perfect as then it will just be a case of replacing the green with the other colours.


User profiles still need some major changes which I'm working on but I think most of the other aspects are complete now.

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Guest Senka

You see I have very bad sight and dark colors is just breaking my eyes. Well, I will wait. Thank you for your efforts!

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I'm not too fond of the dark either but last time we made styles it was voted to be dark.


Would you like me to make another style/styles and keep it the default colours but change the blue to green/yellow/red and better blue?


I've enabled the default vBulletin style again so you can see what I mean.

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