
Disappearance on Yavin

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Well, I've decided to start myself a new WIP. It's been a long time since I've done anything major, but I'll give it a go once more.


Okay, the title of this project is Disappearance on Yavin. Obviously, it's going to add a significant part of the planet Yavin IV. Plus, there will be other locations that you and your party will have to go.


A little backstory....


A plea from the Republic brings you to the world of Yavin. A Republic pilot and his ship have gone missing. So, you and your party set out to investigate. Upon arrival at the Republic outpost, which was a supply base during the Mandalorian wars, you may begin to realize that all is not as it seems, and that the Republic operation on Yavin IV may have a much larger purpose...


Okay, now to the screenshots.


I've fully reskinned 5 modules at the moment. Some are interior, some exterior, some both. I've decided to go for a pretty foggy Yavin IV. It really seems like a place that a Republic fighter might get lost in.















I'm trying to keep this (fairly) small at the moment. I'm going for an achievable mod. So, I'm going to start with just the main quest, and add sidequests and such in later.


Also, anyone who wants to pitch in, let me know. There is always room for a helping hand.

Edited by Sithspecter
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Looking good, interesting to see the manaan underwater levels used as new interiors. Overall al the new enviroments look nice.

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Dang, now I want to play Manaan even more (hearing the music in TOR was a start).


Gotta do a KOTOR1 run after 1.8's done... *have* to xD

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Wow, just wow. You gotta add more trees though. Yavin 4 isn't know for it's open fields.

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Gua makes a great point. The Shadowlands modules look like a misty prairie right now, not a jungle. Amazing work, though, regardless!

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