
Unused Columns in Feat.2da & Featgain.2da?

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Pretty straight forward question? Are there any unused columns in Feat.2da & Featgain.2da? I really really want to make custom classes and I need more feat and featgain space to pull it off. Is there anyone who can help me with this?

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Columns are hardcoded and Level cap is 20.


You can't make proper Force Using Classes but you can add Normal classes from the existing Normal classes. for example you have a custom class with soldier feat table, scout saving throw and scoundrel feat gain. Also using class and dialogue will be important

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31 minutes ago, DeathScepter said:

Columns are hardcoded and Level cap is 20.


You can't make proper Force Using Classes but you can add Normal classes from the existing Normal classes. for example you have a custom class with soldier feat table, scout saving throw and scoundrel feat gain. Also using class and dialogue will be important

Thanks for getting back to me! Are they hard coded? I feel like you can convert them to xml with Kotor Tool, change the names of the columns, add your own, and convert them back, can you not?


I just got it to work with featgain! I converted the scd_bon column into nsd_reg. Then in classes.2da, I pointed Scoundrel to draw feat gains from this column and it totally worked! Unfortunately, this method is a little more tricky for feat.2da as I have no idea which columns are actually unused and it's much harder to test.

So, again, does anyone know if any of the columns in Feat.2da are unused?

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