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In Your Opinion, what are the best mods to play with this?

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I know there's a long list of mods that are compatible with TSLRCM but that's not what i'm asking. In your opinion, what compatible mods are almost "must have" for you when you start up TSL at this point aside from TSLRCM itself of course.


I looked through the list and, to me anyway, it seems most of the mods are cosmetic at best with texture changes and things of that nature.

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The reason of this is that mods non-cosmetic are often incompatible and even with good intentions, it happens often that a mod supposedly compatible has issues and these compatible mods might be incompatible themselves with one another. Good mods that are compatible with TSL RCM includes Newbiemodder's Korriban expansion, QDJ's HotOR, USaberM (though buggy as hell at Malachor)...

However, there is a cohort of mods "in the making" that are going to add a lot to the game: M4-78 EP, Malachor VI, genoharadan scratch that, for the moment.

Edited by MrPhil
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However, there is a cohort of mods "in the making" that are going to add a lot to the game: M4-78 EP, Malachor VI, genoharadan scratch that, for the moment.


Has the Genoharadan mod been canceled?

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Has the Genoharadan mod been canceled?


Lord of Hunger is MIA. No one else is working on it at the moment. Other folks have expressed an interest in doing it but they already have large projects to finish before they could consider tackling that.


In other words, cancelled until someone says they are working on it.


UPDATE (22DEC2011): LOH has cancelled his "GenoHaradan Revisioning" mod. Exile007 (at LucasForums) has announced his new GenoHaradan restoration mod on this thread.

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I know there's a long list of mods that are compatible with TSLRCM but that's not what i'm asking. In your opinion, what compatible mods are almost "must have" for you when you start up TSL at this point aside from TSLRCM itself of course.


I looked through the list and, to me anyway, it seems most of the mods are cosmetic at best with texture changes and things of that nature.



Must have (once they are finished and released):


Malachor VI



Well, meanwhile, here are my actual installs

All of this is fully TSLRCM compatible.


Patch 1.0a

Patch 1.0b


TSLRCM Patch (TSLRCM 1.7 Unofficial Fix )


Updated Dialog.tlk (File for all the subtitles and all literal data)

For installations in French (there must be the same for English installations but I do not know if the english file dialog.tlk can be downloaded outside the English version of TSLRCM)


Cinematics HQ

Official release by LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment

In fact, wide screen but not HQ


Music HQ

Official release by LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment

Note that there is a thing called "MOD" (Music Improvement (by PastramiX)) totally useless. This is not a MOD but the mere possibility of recording the soundtrack of Kotor 2 in MP3 format. There is no improvement.


TSL Ambience Improvement Mod (by PastramiX)

This work is absolutely remarkable. Listen, for example, bed_403dxn.wav (background noise on Dxun) before and after. Before, we hear nothing but noise. After, you can almost distinguish the wind, the rustling of leaves, the cries of birds and so on. ... Remarkable!


Textures of creature HQ

Download from my site. There is no "readme" file and I do not know anymore where I found this file nor who did it.

Example - Before - After (Shyrack texture)

C_Shyrack01_avant.png C_Shyrack01_apres.png



Bao-Dur Shader Fix by darth_shan

Cosmetic MOD.


Whereami Armband

Opens the doors, all doors. Because, since I developed the trick of the triangle positioning, it is faster for me to use whereami, but ... It is much more fun and interresting to try to enter prohibited areas (doors closed) using tricks like triangle positioning (On XBox, there's only this trick (triangle positioning) that works).


Coruscant High Resolution Textures by Exile007

At the time of Kotor 2 (3951 BBY), the Jedi Temple of Coruscant has been abandoned and is, probably, in ruines. But at the time of trial of Meetra Surik, nine years before Kotor 2 (3960 BBY), this temple is still in perfect condition and the Jedi are not yet pursued. The changes should go further than this mod.


Coruscant Jedi Temple by DeathDisco

This MOD is an invention of its author. However, nothing interferes with the deep frame of Kotor 2 so it can be used, including as part of a canonical progression. It just adds fun to the game (Sith everywhere and an armory that looks like an armory).

Note also that, in a conversation with HK-47, he said he went to Coruscant (since Meetra repaired him), so the presence of this step is not anachronistic at all.

HK-47 : "Statement: Master, there is mention of you specifically in the coreward databases, even in public terminals on Coruscant."


Same warning as for "Enhanced_Merchants_for_TSL" about the Hurrikaine crystal. See below.


Enchanced Merchants by Shem

A feature of irritating Kotor 2: not any merchant has a real stock of objects and weapons. They are just a bunch of small handyman! Though, some merchants are very large merchants, such as Ondar, which has several stores on several worlds! The case of Kex is the most irritating of all: Kex is the sole weapons dealer of the Mandalorians, culture and civilization entirely focused on combat and war. Kex is their gunsmith. The Mandalorians had, in addition, the ground of Dxun, littered of weapons caches they all reopen currently and bring all that to Kex. Not only his weapons stockpile should be almost infinite, but include the entire Mandalorian set of armor and set of weapons, by hundreds. Their supreme leader, Mandalore, offers us to serve us in this stock by telling us that they have too much material for their own needs. But the stock of Kex is quite zero, virtually empty! With the stock of Kex, the Mandalorians are sure to lose a fight against three Indians armed with bows and arrows!


Warning: a little mistake with this mod: it allows to find the Hurrikaine crystal in merchants stocks. This should not be possible: the mythical crystal Hurrikaine exists only in a single copy in the universe. These are the emanations of a Jedi dead in a Malachor cell that crystallized. It can not be found in more than a single copy and only when you open the cell of the dead Jedi and find this crystal on him. The Hurrikaine crystal found in 3951 BBY in a cell of the Academy of Trayus has nothing to do with the Hurrikaine crystals from Hurikane planet, even if they all radiate in purple. Mace Windu will discover them only 3893 years later, in 58 BBY.


Expanded Workbench Revised Revision 2.02 by Vanaheim (AKA Vanir)

It is generally accepted that the fact that we are not able, in Kotor 2, to produce armor at the workbench, is a bug. This mod fixes this bug. Various basic armors can be produced, depending on your Repair skill level.

This mod also adds the ability to produce basic lightsabers, from level 15, and depending on your Awareness skill level. Level 15 is the level from which you can choose a prestige class. Normally, at this time, you have got the parts needed to make a first basic lightsaber. Bao-Dur has controlled their good condition. He shook you so that you produce a new lightsaber (Technique that you had studied, but you no longer dare to use).


Fixed Kreia's Fall Movie by Jinger

"This mod fixes a fairly irking inconsistency that had been present in the original Kreia's fall movie - she'd been missing a hand, which at that point she shouldn't have been. Additionally, it fixes one of the whackier camera angles from the original version, in which you got inside her head. Not very cinematic."


Fixed Mandalorian Banners by J7

Cosmetic MOD.


Goto's Window Fix by Darth Insidious

Cosmetic MOD.


Insane Dustil by Princess Artemis

To see a dialogue without using dlgeditor


Invisible headgear for TSL by Shem

To make clean screenshots and illustrate the site.


Kill the Ithorian 1.1 by Doctor (previously known as Deadly Stream) and Markus Ramikin


Lightsaber Parts Icon Fix by DrGhent

Cosmetic MOD.


Movement Animation Fix for KOTOR & TSL by ZimmMaster

More than a simple cosmetic MOD.


Movie-Style Retextures for Kotor and TSL by DarthJacen

The flickering effect of lightsabers was given, initially, by "blades" made ​​of three whirling "mirrors". This mod attempts to give to Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 the same effects of blades than the movies has define as a standard for lightsabers.


Peragus Tweak by VP

Peragus. Correction for dead bodies lying around and adding bodies, in accordance with what is said in the newspapers we read on the terminals ("corpses everywhere").


Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn

Skybox - Cosmetic MOD.


Remote Tells Influence by tk102

Would be useful for me, while testing and updating my webpages. But this trick has never worked! As I am a masochist and it seems that it works, for some, I install it on a regular basis, and regularly, I am thrown with an error code!


Shem's Realistic Visual Effects

Absolutely a must have. Just run once, in Kotor 2, and see the landscape become blurred, to understand that this setting is totally indispensable! And all these stupid effects around the hands and wrists each time you use a gun...


Sion's Arrival to Peragus Fix 2.0 by Zbyl2

Cosmetic MOD.


Sith Assassins with lightsabers

The "Sith Assassins" is a kind of cult of high-level assassins formed by Revan just after the end of the Mandalorian Wars, from the captured Jedi (and those who were Force sensitive, like Atton). Therefore, there must be numerous Dark Jedi who are supposed to manipulate light saber, everywhere where the "New Sith" are. In the original version of the game, there is no light saber handler in the ranks of "New Sith." This MOD fixes this bug and we perceive the effects as soon as we boarded the Harbinger, on Péragus, at the beginning of the game. This mod is highly recommended.


Telos Shuttle Crash Movie Fix by Zbyl2 & DarthParametric


Trailer Force Crush Sound by Don Kain


Trayus Rank Reform 1.2 by Varsity Puppet

Random locations very useful for those who play and replay the game several times.


Weapon Finesse Icon Fix by Mrmarb

Cosmetic MOD.


Workbench Crystal Attunement by Markus Ramikin

The "Cristal of the Exile" comes into resonance with the Exile. There is absolutely no reason why Kreia intervene in a private process.


VPs Kreia Green Fix

Corrects the greenish color of Kreia clothing. Even if this does not change anything in the adventure, it changes the tone "dirty aquarium background overgrown with algae because it has been abandoned for months!" for clothing Kreia. The game is pretty grim and cold as this, without adding cadaveric color at the main character!


The others MODs are not used and, some of them, are strongly discouraged.

Edited by ttlan

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Nope. TTlan lives in a land of dream lol. They will be must have. However, for now, they are merely WIP'S. So unless you plan on waiting for all of these to play, I suggest you choose some mods that are already out there...

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Nope. TTlan lives in a land of dream lol. They will be must have. However, for now, they are merely WIP'S. So unless you plan on waiting for all of these to play, I suggest you choose some mods that are already out there...


Euuuhhh... That's what I say :


Must have (once they are finished and released):


Malachor VI


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Euuuhhh... That's what I say :


Well ttlan, I actually added your highlighted portion in after MrPhil's statement. I also changed one of your lines to this: "Well, meanwhile, here are my actual installs"

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Boom! Roasted.


Some of my must-haves include Invisible Headgear, No Armor Force Power Restrictions, Warp Band, RedHawke's various Exile item mods, and VP's awesome Peragus and Malachor tweaks.

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Boom! Roasted.


My purpose for changing ttlan’s post was not to roast him but for clarification purposes.


My list:

I’ve included only mods that are compatible with TSLRCM for my list. If I've forgotten any, I may update the list later.


For the Ebon Hawk

Hi-Res Ebon Hawk Retexture by νυrτ


For Peragus

Mining Laser by e-varmint (It's only the announcement thread - the download link in it is dead, sadly enough)


For Telos

First National Bank of Coruscant by Darth HK-3000


For Nar Shaddaa

Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn


For G0-T0’s Yacht (The Visionary)

Goto's Window Fix by Darth Insidious


For Dxun

Fixed Mandalorian Banners by J7


For Onderon

Onderon Museum Upgrade by Mono_Giganto


For Dantooine

Dantooine and Korriban Textures by νυrτ


For Korriban

Dantooine and Korriban Textures by νυrτ

Insane Dustil by Princess Artemis

Tomb of Azgath N'Dul (2.0) by Darth InSidious

Patch 2.2 for Tomb of Azgath N'Dul by Darth InSidious

Korriban Expansion by Newbiemodder


For Malachor V

Trayus Rank Reform 1.2 by Varsity Puppet


For Coruscant

Coruscant – Jedi Temple by deathdisco

Jedi Temple Expansion (3.0) by HK42

High Resolution by Exile007

Female Twi'lek Exile by Stoffe


For Exile and NPC specific mods

G0-T0 Reskin by 90SK

Bao-Dur Shader Fix by darth_shan

Kreia Green Fix by Varsity Puppet

Visas Black Robe by Stoffe

HandSister Fix by Varsity Puppet

Protocol Droids Retexture by νυrτ

Female Twi'lek Exile by Stoffe


Other Categories

Flickering Lightsaber Blades by Mono_Giganto

Cyan Lightsaber Fix by Marius Fett

New Force Power: Force Zeal by Stoffe

High Level Force Powers – Version 2.1 by Stoffe

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Euuuhhh... That's what I say :

I know that's what you said, I was merely pointing out that this is a recommendation post. The author wants to know what are the best mods to actually play with (at least, that's what I gather from his post...). And no offense to the modders working on them, but as of yet, we did not play them and as such, can't tell the experience is good or not. (Though I don't doubt it will be good...)


Boom! Roasted.Some of my must-haves include Invisible Headgear, No Armor Force Power Restrictions, Warp Band, RedHawke's various Exile item mods, and VP's awesome Peragus and Malachor tweaks.


Yay, someone actually thinks my mod is a must have :)


νυrτ does some good reskin work, that's for sure.

Edited by MrPhil

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Sith Holocron is right.

I've added links and the reason why.

I will update this post on a regular basis.

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