Pops Maellard

KOTOR1 in 3440x1440 modding journey

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Thanks to @Sith Holocron providing a custom VO track to generate lip sync, and @seedhartha for creating a new lip sync tool as part of the reone toolkit, it's getting pretty close. The first line is still a little off to my eyes. Too much lip flapping during the "Dark Side" bit, and the "I can feel its power" needs a small delay. I also need to tweak the timing of the door opening. The framing needs a little adjustment as well - the original seems to be zoomed in a little tighter in some shots.

On the plus side, I think the lip sync for the close-up on Malak's face ("If we pass beyond this door we can never go back") is actually much better than the original.

Edit: Here's a comparison of the original vs the latest attempt.


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Revised version with some of the changes outlined above. Still need to tweak the timing of the star map opening. The framing of the last shot is also seemingly impossible to match by tweaking the Field of View value in the DLG, at least with the star map in its regular game position. I may have to try pushing it a bit closer to the door to see if that allows for tighter framing.


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OK so here's another comparison, this time with the star map timing adjusted and with the (re)addition of the vanilla lighting, as requested by @Sith Holocron. Although I did tweak the light in the first room to switch it from the original yellow colour to the blue of the light in the star map room. I've since made a minor FoV tweak to the last shot (from 11° to 12°) which hopefully should bring every shot to parity - or as close as I can make it - with the original. I think the only remaining changes are to open the door leading to the room where you encounter the droid (and Nemo's corpse), and delete the flag placeable in the computer room just visible off in the background of the close-up on Malak's face. Strangely the lights fixed the issue with the shading around Malak's eye sockets, which was a nice bonus.

The only thing remaining that really bugs me now is the desync between the star map opening and the sound effect for  it. This is present in the original video, so it's a problem with the audio track. I'm guessing they must have made a late adjustment to the animation after they had already finalised the audio. Or maybe it was just a mistake. Not sure what can be done to fix it. We could overlay a duplicate of the map opening SFX, but then you'd get a weird duplicate/echo thing going on. Maybe that back end of the audio track could be adjusted/stretched? That might screw up the music though. I guess I can try playing around with it.

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I still need to fiddle with the lip sync for the Dantooine Ruins scene, but since that's horribly laborious, I decided to look at some of the other scenes. Here's a first crack at recreating the Star Map visions - albeit without the black spiderwebs/fog effect. It's not exactly 1:1, but close enough.

With the animated camera setup done, it should be pretty simple to transfer it to the other three maps to capture their movies, and get the footage for the cross-fade during the revelation scene.

Edit: Tweaked the setup a bit after working on the Kashyyyk map.


Edit 2: Added the Manaan and Tatooine map sequences.


One thing I don't understand is why they are so inconsistent. Some barely show the map opening before they end, others show the later section of the anim where you can actually see the galaxy map. I think it would probably be worth offering alternate versions that follow the Tatooine map's timing.

Edit 3: Maybe the timing differences are because they used those same clips to create the Revelations sequence. I personally took a different approach in order to properly sync their animations and get a seamless transition between each shot.


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