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Guest Pavijan357

TSLRCM with optional instalation

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Guest Pavijan357

As I have just seen in this topic Kaevee Dialog Rewrite? lots of people (including me) felt that Kaeve's inclusion did somewhat ruin the feeling of Enclave sub-level. On the other side some people liked it, each with their own reasons.

So to stop further pointless debates, as someone will always be dissatisfied with outcome, I propose (as Working Class Hero already suggested) that she, along some other things that I will list later, will be made as optional add-on to TSLRCM, with it's own installer (or TSL Patcher). This way anyone could choose whether they want that parts in their TSL, and I think that it shouldn't be so hard for TSLRCM team to accomplish that without lots of work...


Things that I suggest to be made optional:


1 - above mentioned Kaeve

2 - Visas-Mandalore conversation part on the Ravager (along with unbelievably placed mine on which Mandalore steps) - which is, as I said before, but nobody bothered to answer me about it, thing that ruined Ravager ending for me and it feels terribly out of place, (especially that those two begin such conversation, without never said a single word to each other before).


Main reason for this that I like to look at TSLRCM as "community patch" rather than just some mod, and some things as those above eventually produce that "obviously modded" feeling. Especially because they seem to be cut for reason, as designer decision, not because of time constraint, as lots of people fail to understand and want "absolutely everything" in their game including lots of failed and tossed bad ideas. KOTOR 1 wouldn't be better game if they had put every idea that just passed through their heads at some point of development of it in the game... On the contrary, it's the polish and sense of completion that is important, and it's among KOTOR 1's greatest strengths. Don't get me wrong, I like Visas-Mandalore conversation, and it should eventually be seen, but not at that place, and it should be saved for VarsityPuppet's Malachor VI, where it will be put in to appropriate context.

With those made optional everyone will be happy, everyone will have "their perfect TSL", there will be no more discussions and no need for further work on Kaeve's dialog, and TSLRCM guys could dedicate their time on fixing more important things in their work on 1.8...

So what do you say? TSLRM crew? Others?

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And what if other people find other parts ruining their mood? Like the party on Nar Shaddaa... Or the HK-50 encounters? Or the Khoonda battle? Or what-ever-else.

Do we just have to fragmentate TSLRCM? Which I may remind is impossible?

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New TSLRCM launcher, which is really nice, and skillfully made, but lots of us play with canonical female Exile, and "Jedi Jesus" on it just bugs me. :P So original one is best left as default and new one offered as option.


All you have to do is substitute the picture with one of your own, right?

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Guest Ajunta

Now, this really bothers me: There is this bunch of dedicated modders, diligently at work for years(!), and they give us all a new experience with a restored game (free of charge). And then, complaints start flooding in: This is not good, that should change, this is not as I like it. After all these hours of painstaking work, this has to be frustrating!


Instead, everybody should give thanks for this wonderful achievement. I would never have believed it possible that there would be a real restoration of TSL; but, here it is! And it works! Thank you ever so much, again!

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Guest Pavijan357

Now, this really bothers me: There is this bunch of dedicated modders, diligently at work for years(!), and they give us all a new experience with a restored game (free of charge). And then, complaints start flooding in: This is not good, that should change, this is not as I like it. After all these hours of painstaking work, this has to be frustrating!


Instead, everybody should give thanks for this wonderful achievement. I would never have believed it possible that there would be a real restoration of TSL; but, here it is! And it works! Thank you ever so much, again!


I simply knew this would come... I offer one simple suggestion and everyone thinks that I'm spitting on everything done here. Which is completely untrue. Of course that I'm grateful, for TSLRCM is our hope to play KOTOR 2 in as much completed way, and I realize the MAMMOTH (understatement) amount of work that has gone in it. Which is PRECISELY why I had proposed this... So there would be no more nitpicking, and you should leave big controversial matters which would require more additional work to fix, especially in VO department, optional, because people who like it, like it as it is now.


All you have to do is substitute the picture with one of your own, right?


OK, I realize that I was been nitpicky. :P I knew that, but lots of people didn't, nor they would know that they would need to save some files from original installation to replace them later. But never mind that, I deleted that part. But you could maybe make a note about it and backup files in case...


And what if other people find other parts ruining their mood? Like the party on Nar Shaddaa... Or the HK-50 encounters? Or the Khoonda battle? Or what-ever-else.

Do we just have to fragmentate TSLRCM? Which I may remind is impossible?


I have just edited (removed the suggestion question, and launcher part :P )... options should be reserved only for BIG controversial matters, like ones mentioned above, not some random attacks, some old geezer's face and such things. If you don't like it, live with it. There are worse things in vanilla TSL. Controversial are those that are WORSE than vanilla in terms of content and placement, regardless obvious modding skill required to make them, like those proposed. And more direct answer, Hassat, I don't remember seeing anywhere that someone complains about anything that you mentioned before ( HK encounters, battle, etc... other important things), actually nobody, (including me) complains about anything else. Everybody agrees that they are excellent addition to the game and appreciate them fully... So why should we let these two issues ruin the feeling for this otherwise PERFECT package for some people, when it can easily be done.

If there were other complaints about other things, I would even start this thread, exactly because issue of fragmentation...


If installer is such a big deal to make/change (I don't know, never messed with such thing), add-on could be made simply of files that we could toss in our override folder, and be done with it. Or maybe "revert pack" with only responsible files without these changes... In that case you shouldn't make absolutely anything new, and no work is needed. So?

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OK, I realize that I was been nitpicky. tongue.gif I knew that, but lots of people didn't, nor they would know that they would need to save some files from original installation to replace them later. But never mind that, I deleted that part. But you could maybe make a note about it and backup files in case...

There is this "backup" folder, which contains a pristine version of the original launcher. So, no, that's not an excuse.

Although why you want an inferior launcher because of 'canon' (which sucks by default) beats me.

options should be reserved only for BIG controversial matters, like ones mentioned above, not some random attacks, some old geezer's face and such things.

IE. Reserved for things *I* dislike, be damned if others dislike stuff, that should be part of TSLRCM. Got it about right?

If you don't like it, live with it.

A good rule. I suggest you learn it tongue.gif.

Controversial are those that are WORSE than vanilla in terms of content


not modding skill required to execute, like those proposed.

Well, if they are so easy to modify (they aren't) that you don't even need to be a modder to modify them why not remove them yourself? Saves us this "easy" task.

And more direct answer, Hassat, I don't remember seeing anywhere that someone complains about anything that you mentioned before ( HK encounters, battle, etc... other important things), actually nobody, (including me) complains about anything else.

Then either you have a bad memory or are shorter here than I am. But congrats, you're the first to complain about the Ravager scene as is in 1.7.

Everybody agrees that they are excellent addition to the game and appreciate them fully...

If only.

So why should we let these two issues ruin the feeling for this otherwise PERFECT package for some people, when it can easily be done.

And by some you mean you, right? And by "easily done" you mean "impossible" too, right?

If installer is such a big deal to make/change (I don't know, never messed with such thing), add-on could be made simply of files that we could toss in our override folder, and be done with it. Or maybe "revert pack" with only responsible files without these changes... In that case you shouldn't make absolutely anything new, and no work is needed. So?

"no work is needed"



Anyways... If I sound bitter it's cause I am. Too much crap going on IRL...

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Guest Pavijan357

There is this "backup" folder, which contains a pristine version of the original launcher. So, no, that's not an excuse.

I haven't noticed that. It was a long time, so I apologize.


Although why you want an inferior launcher because of 'canon' (which sucks by default) beats me.

Because it just one of "Exiles", and many people use different one. Old TSLRCM launcher that didn't show him/her was better. But it's REALLY not important at all. And there is solution, as you said, so we will forget that I ever mentioned it.


IE. Reserved for things *I* dislike, be damned if others dislike stuff, that should be part of TSLRCM. Got it about right?


A good rule. I suggest you learn it tongue.gif.

Well if I wanted to bitch about everything I dislike I could easily do it... For instant that guy with atmospheric sensors in Khoonda who is inexplicably turned in to white guy just because there was unique head with his name which didn't suited his voice and was discarded for reason... It bothered me but it wasn't a big deal so I say anything, because didn't want to BOTHER YOU at first place over such not-so-important things.

There was also bug in somewhere in 904MAL module (I beleave) in 1.7 version, which led to wrong ending (DS instead LS) been executed in some case, but I didn't say anything because I was sure that you will fix it in next iteration . I'm sure I could remember something else in such league, but I won't. I don't care really...

That's only for you to see that I'm NOT a nagger at all. And I'm most certainly not asking for my personal "Tailored for Pavijan" TRLCRM edition, as it seems that you have understood...

If someone else knows something big as Kaeve issue that is that important to lots of people, of course he should mention it so that could also be (eventually) made optional. But only if there are other who want it... Which brings me to the next issue:


Then either you have a bad memory or are shorter here than I am. But congrats, you're the first to complain about the Ravager scene as is in 1.7.

Well, that puzzles me, but hey, somebody has to be first to bring it out. Of course that, (as everything) is just suggestion. If absolutely nobody else agrees with me, than nothing should be done about it. If they think that it's fine it is, as you are concerned. You wouldn't change TSLRCM installation just for me. It's your project, and you can do, and include in it with it whatever you want, no matter of how bad that idea somebody else think it is. But if it, eventually, comes close to bigger level of disagreement you should think about it...


Well, if they are so easy to modify (they aren't) that you don't even need to be a modder to modify them why not remove them yourself? Saves us this "easy" task.


And by some you mean you, right? And by "easily done" you mean "impossible" too, right?

Actually I already did it (in Ravager case by editing a_end.ncs file), because I happen to have some modding knowledge, and I'm using it. If anybody else is interested I'll be happy to share it. And I'm bringing that on the table only because of discussion on link I posted above, because I thought that somebody else will maybe feel the same way I as did. That's all.

But even if we completely forget the Ravager (as it seems that will be, based on your answers) considering Kaeve disagreement allready exists and is , you should seriously think about it. At lest in that ONLY case...


Anyways... If I sound bitter it's cause I am. Too much crap going on IRL...

I can see that, and I can understand somewhat, but there is really no need for it man. :-D I am not insulting nobody, nor I have some pathetic need to quarrel over the forums, which is what I most DEEPLY despise. This is actually the only internet forum that I have joined in my life.

I just want to help you all with small suggestions, because as I have said have some knowledge and I REALLY KNOW how hard it is what you guys are doing, but not so much time to actually help you more with modding, which is something that I'm really sorry for. We all love this game and want to see in come out in best possible way.

So no need for hard feelings... :-D

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Guest Pavijan357

Hmmm, what end game issue??? :unsure:


I can't remember exactly, I played it a few days after 1.7 release. So it was long time ago... I was playing LS female and shockingly my LS Exile threw Kreia in Malachor core...? Hk factory was finished properly (with HK-51 joining). Nobody mentioned it among the bugs (then), so I starred picking among files and found that some dialog node or some script was pointing to the wrong place. I figured that somebody will report it eventually and fix it in 1.8. So I didn't bother to post it.

Don't know which file I had to edit for that particular issue, saved them all, but can't remember which was for what. :blush: It could be somewhere in 904MAL.mod (I had also edited global.jrl, globalcat.2da for some reason, but doubt that it has anything to do with this issue).

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I may be one of the few, but I agree with Pavijan here on fragmenting at least parts of TSLRCM.

I mean c'mon guys, the HK factory, while ALMOST complete, is a total mess to deal with and the last 15% of the quest is added content.... this isn't what TSLRCM is about. Least of all, I was never really happy with the Visas and Mandalore scene on the Ravager. It makes more sense on Malachor to me, however, the notion that it was supposed to happen there seems to have been misinterpreted.

Plus I've heard people complain about the fixed loot - which I think is, for a lack of better terms, total bullcrap.

As it is though, were it possible to be able to separate some of the more questionable sections of the mod, I think that would be best. I mean, it's one thing to fix bugs or typos in scripts (Hassat knows what I'm talking about ;) ) but it's another thing to add new material to 'complete' areas of the game.

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Seriously, how hard is it to remove Kaevee from dantooine? I have not taken a look at 1.7 in a while, but if memory serves me, kaevee adds only another way to discover vrook in the crystal cave...removing her still leaves the old way of speaking to the disciple.

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I mean c'mon guys, the HK factory, while ALMOST complete, is a total mess to deal with and the last 15% of the quest is added content.... this isn't what TSLRCM is about. Least of all, I was never really happy with the Visas and Mandalore scene on the Ravager. It makes more sense on Malachor to me, however, the notion that it was supposed to happen there seems to have been misinterpreted.

So, let's remove probably the most anticipated and most loved part of TSLRCM for... what exactly?

Not to mention the factory is pretty much woven in the ENTIRE GAME. From HK's convo to the HK-50's to the Ebon Hawk cutscene to everything on Telos...

Did I just worked on 1.8 to have to release pretty much nothing because everything has to be cut out of it?


And if it was up to me it went;

Nihilus meeting, Visas stunned, Mandalore knocked down.

Fight mano-a-mano Nih and Exile.

Mandalore scene after Nih dies (if Visas lived)

Visas returning to look to Nihilus after running a bit down the bridge.


But of course it's a restoration project, not a "make the game as HH sees it mod"... and I just fix bugs anyways...

Plus I've heard people complain about the fixed loot - which I think is, for a lack of better terms, total bullcrap.

How the hell can they even do that? Did they already play 1.8 or something?

As it is though, were it possible to be able to separate some of the more questionable sections of the mod, I think that would be best. I mean, it's one thing to fix bugs or typos in scripts (Hassat knows what I'm talking about ;) ) but it's another thing to add new material to 'complete' areas of the game.

"were it possible"... best choice of wording. Fragmenting TSLRCM would lead to massive mod-conflict. Inside the same mod. It would be completely fucked up.

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Guest Pavijan357



So, let's remove probably the most anticipated and most loved part of TSLRCM for... what exactly?
Not to mention the factory is pretty much woven in the ENTIRE GAME. From HK's convo to the HK-50's to the Ebon Hawk cutscene to everything on Telos...
Did I just worked on 1.8 to have to release pretty much nothing because everything has to be cut out of it?

Wow, I'm sure that VPuppet didn't mean to say THAT. HK Factory is one of the primary reason that why TSRCM exists in the first place. It's a heart and soul of this mod and removing it would simply DESTROY it's purpose... Nobody wants that... :eek: I hope that I'm right V?


Plus I've heard people complain about the fixed loot - which I think is, for a lack of better terms, total bullcrap.

What do you mean by fixed loot? Never heard of that. And why would they complain? Any bugfix is always welcome...


And if it was up to me it went;
Nihilus meeting, Visas stunned, Mandalore knocked down.
Fight mano-a-mano Nih and Exile.
Mandalore scene after Nih dies (if Visas lived)
Visas returning to look to Nihilus after running a bit down the bridge.

But of course it's a restoration project, not a "make the game as HH sees it mod"

EXACTLY!!! Not a "make the game as HH sees it mod", not a "make the game as Pavijan sees it mod", not a "make the game as anyone else who wasn't original developer sees it mod". As I am lead to believe, goal is to be "restoring as much possible that Obsidian wanted to be in final project" mod. I cannot claim that I know their opinion about everything what they wanted to include and what not. Nobody does but them. But it's painfully obvious that Ravager conversation, was not intended where it is placed.

I want to ask you all (modders, gamers) a single question, and try to be objective, no matter how pissed at me you feel:
Is it possible that absolutely NOBODY haven't noticed that Visas-Mandalore dialog was written for occasion when Exile WASN'T AROUND AT ALL?!
Wasn't it awkward to you that Mandalore steps on a mine, Exile doesn't bat an eyelash about it? And says absolutely nothing.... While Mandalore is comforted by the person who had absolutely no prior private connection with him, Exile just stands far , stares into stars, contemplating about meaning of life... tongue.gif He/she have no lines in conversation because he/she wasn't envisioned to be there in a first place...
It seams that is VERY clear that it should happen during eventual situations when Mandalore and Visas are completely alone, like on Malachor, or somewhere during Stonys "Ravager Rewrite" mod before Exile arrives. There it could function. Here - not.
And this is not based on my "personal preference", but on common sense reasoning and it doesn't have anything to do with what I "like", and what I "don't like". I don't like lots of things, but I'm quiet about it unless I have some logical arguments except "liking".
So, could anyone give me objective opinion?

Uh... Sorry for such long post, but it seams that if I don't explain myself properly I will always be misunderstood, and people will start hissing on me for some reason.

P.S. And yes, I know that Mandalore was briefly seen laying down after Nihilus confrontation. That proves only that hes was considered at some point to be knocked down by Nihilus before the fight, and nothing else. Exile is here - so no conversation.

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Without the Ravager Re-write the exile is always there, so... that's really not an option is it?

At least it's not as horrible as TSLRP's version.

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Guest Pavijan357

At least it's not as horrible as TSLRP's version.



Without the Ravager Re-write the exile is always there, so... that's really not an option is it?


Which is precisely why it should be moved to Malachor, where they were intended to be alone based on loading screens and other dialogue between them.

If, unfortunately, it can't be done within TSLRCM because of lack of original content, than it should be removed and saved for some other mod, like Malachor VI and/or Ravager Rewrite, where people can enjoy it appropriately. They can use whatever work has been done with the scene by now for TSLRCM, so it wouldn't get wasted.


Which reminds me, does anyone know if Stony is planning any further work on RR? Haven't heard anything about it for a long time... I believe that he's busy with lots of other things right now, but eventually...?

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So, let's remove probably the most anticipated and most loved part of TSLRCM for... what exactly?

Not to mention the factory is pretty much woven in the ENTIRE GAME. From HK's convo to the HK-50's to the Ebon Hawk cutscene to everything on Telos...

Did I just worked on 1.8 to have to release pretty much nothing because everything has to be cut out of it?


Calm down, Hassat. I'm just saying that I can see it as a separate mod. At the same time though, it is pretty well interwoven into the mod that it's hard to separate the two.



Wow, I'm sure that VPuppet didn't mean to say THAT. HK Factory is one of the primary reason that why TSRCM exists in the first place. It's a heart and soul of this mod and removing it would simply DESTROY it's purpose... Nobody wants that... :eek: I hope that I'm right V?


Pavijan would be correct. I have said though a number of times that I would like to have a separate version of the HK factory where I could go all out on it and not have to worry about the 'added content' aspect of it. TSLRCM doesn't have to get rid of it - all that would be required is a generic version that is playable... you understand what I'm getting at, right?


Look, I'm all for restoring as much content as we possibly can - you know this Hassat. Hell if it was up to me, any bit of restored content we could reasonably do would be re-cut into the game. I'd find a way to include ALL of it.


Alas, I'm not the main guy of TSLRCM, so I don't decide these things. It would seem like common sense to separate the aspects of the mods that have that 'added content' though. It would give us a chance to really work on that compatibility.



I want to ask you all (modders, gamers) a single question, and try to be objective, no matter how pissed at me you feel: Is it possible that absolutely NOBODY haven't noticed that Visas-Mandalore dialog was written for occasion when Exile WASN'T AROUND AT ALL! Wasn't it awkward to you that Mandalore steps on a mine, Exile doesn't bat an eyelash about it... And says absolutely nothing.... While Mandalore is comforted by the person who had absolutely no prior private connection with him, Exile just stand far , stars into stars, contemplating about meaning of life... He/she have no lines in conversation because he/she wasn't envisioned to be there in a first place...


I'm on your side here, Pavijan. This is why it's somewhere else.


Point is: I think TSLRCM should be a strong base patch to add to TSL. Once we start delving into things like Kaevee and where to put Visas and Mandalore having their chat, those should be optional. Enough people have complained about it - why not take some of the bigger things and start branching out?


M4-78EP is an optional add-on, Malachor VI is an optional add-on, Genoharadan Expansion too, and I'm sure Disciple's Holocron quest will be too - Yet I'm sure people will still argue about whether or not any of those mods should be included in the ultimate TSL experience.


So maybe it's a good thing TSLRCM 1.8 will be the last - maybe it's time to start working on the customization of the TSL experience.

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Guest Pavijan357


Pavijan would be correct. I have said though a number of times that I would like to have a separate version of the HK factory where I could go all out on it and not have to worry about the 'added content' aspect of it. TSLRCM doesn't have to get rid of it - all that would be required is a generic version that is playable... you understand what I'm getting at, right?


Look, I'm all for restoring as much content as we possibly can - you know this Hassat. Hell if it was up to me, any bit of restored content we could reasonably do would be re-cut into the game. I'd find a way to include ALL of it.


Alas, I'm not the main guy of TSLRCM, so I don't decide these things. It would seem like common sense to separate the aspects of the mods that have that 'added content' though. It would give us a chance to really work on that compatibility.





I'm on your side here, Pavijan. This is why it's somewhere else.


Point is: I think TSLRCM should be a strong base patch to add to TSL. Once we start delving into things like Kaevee and where to put Visas and Mandalore having their chat, those should be optional. Enough people have complained about it - why not take some of the bigger things and start branching out?


M4-78EP is an optional add-on, Malachor VI is an optional add-on, Genoharadan Expansion too, and I'm sure Disciple's Holocron quest will be too - Yet I'm sure people will still argue about whether or not any of those mods should be included in the ultimate TSL experience.


So maybe it's a good thing TSLRCM 1.8 will be the last - maybe it's time to start working on the customization of the TSL experience.


I cannot agree more, that's all that I'm really trying to say.


I WOULD like to see as much restored content that is possible to do in time, even with large amount of quality added content in it. Why not? If it's done properly and patiently it could be awesome. But not in TSLRM, it should be developed as much conservative it's possible. Maximum of added content in TSLRCM should go to the HK factory, to bring it to the same level as rest of the game.


When 1.8 is done we would have our neat, patched ("canon" :P ) TSL. And when all these mods come out, because I like the ideas of all them and eagerly awaiting time when all of them will be finished, I will install them all (including Kaeve addon - which because of VO, IS by large part added content, and why not, eventual "beefed" HK-Factory on which modders can go loose) and enjoy our Great Big TSL - Huge Edition which will serve as testimony to the modders community...

And if someone just SIMPLY CAN'T wait for Malachor VI to come out to see V-M conversation it should be available to them as separate option, not forced on everyone.


I really fail to see anything wrong in that. :-D

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I think that RCM should provide the platform for other mods to build upon...I feel that it does a good job of that, but I don't like the ending changing for each version....which happened 1.4-1.6, which proves that the factory was going beyond just restoration.


Kaevee may be pure restoration, but she's annoying and is the single worst part of rcm. It needs to be either fixed in 1.8 or cut.

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Anyway, I say so what. As in real life, there are some people that are going to be annoying and that your'e not going to be able to get rid of them. What if you got the perfect job but one of your collegue just pisses you off? Gonna get rid of him? No. What I'm trying to say is that even though some characters can be infuriating, they still are there. What about Jar-Jar Binks? He pisses off a lot of people (including me). But you ain't gonna get rid of him and complaining would not change anything about that. I have a lot of movies that have these moments that pisses one off. It does not change that they are still great movies. So what I'm getting at is that if Kaevee pisses you off, why don't you just avoid her? You can, yup, you really do. All you have to do is tell Sluruu or something like that to beat-it, and just get to the disciple room, avoiding Kaevee in the process. Voilà.

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Guest Pavijan357

What about Jar-Jar Binks? He pisses off a lot of people (including me). But you ain't gonna get rid of him and complaining would not change anything about that.


Yes, but are you saying that where you, by some chance, anywhere near Lucas during filming of Episode 1, you wouldn't suggest him to toss the bugger out in recycle bin, and make the whole movie at least a little bit better? Really? Now when it's finished we can only fell pissed off, but what can we do...


So what I'm getting at is that if Kaevee pisses you off, why don't you just avoid her? You can, yup, you really do. All you have to do is tell Sluruu or something like that to beat-it, and just get to the disciple room, avoiding Kaevee in the process. Voilà.


Sure, we who had played this a countless times know that. But, for example, when my colleague decided to play TSL for the first time 4-6 months ago, don't know exactly, I have joyfully pointed him to TSLRCM. What do you think what part exactly he described as "lame" ...? This is, for instance, one of the things we want to avoid and why I started this discussion in a first place.

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Guest Ajunta

It is really annoying to read all this criticism when Hassat Hunter has done all he can to give us an enjoyable experience. So you don't like Kaevee? You don't like the Visas-Mandalore dialogue? Get over it! Others do.

Effectively you're saying to Hassat: I don't like what you have done here; I don't care how much work you invested in this, change it, work more. This, in case you have forgotten, is not a game you have purchased; this is an almost unbelievable present for all of us.


The fact is: We can play this game as we never could before, and it's great. There are no major bugs, it works. And it's free!


I feel simply thankful for this wonderful gift! As should everybody.

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Guest ADG12311990

It is really annoying to read all this criticism when Hassat Hunter has done all he can to give us an enjoyable experience. So you don't like Kaevee? You don't like the Visas-Mandalore dialogue? Get over it! Others do.

Effectively you're saying to Hassat: I don't like what you have done here; I don't care how much work you invested in this, change it, work more. This, in case you have forgotten, is not a game you have purchased; this is an almost unbelievable present for all of us.


The fact is: We can play this game as we never could before, and it's great. There are no major bugs, it works. And it's free!


I feel simply thankful for this wonderful gift! As should everybody.


Hear Hear!

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Guest Pavijan357

It is really annoying to read all this criticism when Hassat Hunter has done all he can to give us an enjoyable experience. So you don't like Kaevee? You don't like the Visas-Mandalore dialogue? Get over it! Others do.

Effectively you're saying to Hassat: I don't like what you have done here; I don't care how much work you invested in this, change it, work more.


Well isn't just wonderful... How I like when people are actually take effort to read what I have trying to explain...


I'm not asking them to do any MORE SERIOUS WORK!!!


First of all:

As I have understood, Hassat did't made Kaeve or V-M dialog, he is tasked in fixing bugs (please correct me if I'm am wrong). And removing them should have minimal impact on his personal area of work.




I don't know how much times I have to say this, I DON'T ask them to discard ANYTHING that has been done so far, nor to CHANGE any of it. Just to move it part of it from core TSLRCM to standalone install (pack), or to THEIR OWN other mod projects, that ARE already been worked on. Not to give it to somebody else, but to use them themselves. If they want to change it later, or leave it as it is, whatever. Suits me eather case. I will use them whatsoever.


More specifficaly, VPuppet is already planning to insert and improve this scene in Malachor VI REGARDLESS of the outcome of this discussion, which makes amount of additional work by rest of the team around Ravager issue to practically negligible (as I will explain below).


And V-M dialogue has NOTHING to do with me "liking" it or not. Point is that it ISN'T properly restored and that's a fact. And that's why it needs later proper fixing outside of TSLRCM. But if you like them so much, you can install them separately, in this current state, from standalone pack and you have lost one big NOTHING.



And most importantly third:

I don't ASK of anybody else to work more. I MYSELF will work if needed.... As I have pointed before. I had removed V-M dialogue from TSLRCM 1.7 version of post-Nihilus fight script(a_end.ncs), and on a plus side fixed lying Mandalore bug from vanilla, so you shouldn't see him lying down after fight.

If TSLRCM crew want it I can send it to them, and their job is only to swap two files with the SAME NAME and rebuild 852NIH.mod module in KOTOR Tool. Which, really, is a few minutes work (I know, I have done it). Installing script for 1.8 (or whatever that is used) needs not to change by a SINGLE BIT...

And that little file has absolutely NO impact on the rest of the game, and so introduces absolutely NO new bugs, in case that anyone thinks that I want to swarm Hassat or anybody else with tons of new work to deal with.


And if removing Kaeve from MAIN TSLRCM install is such a problem, I'm ready to help with dialogs and some scripting, just will possibly need a few pointers from more experienced modders what should be done, and to point me in right direction so I don't loose my time wandering around files aimlessly and lose a few globals in the process and such... But considering that they know what they have changed I should know what to modify quickly, right?

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Guest lavabug

I rather liked kaevee. The only thing that bugged me a bit was the quality of the voice-overs (dunno if that could be fixed though).

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Guest Ajunta

I rather liked kaevee.

So did I!

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