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Found 4 results

  1. Version 1.6


    This is a fix for a number of issues present on the supermodels, the stock animations used for most characters in the game. First, Obsidian added several combat animation variations for K2, but they messed up a couple of the names, causing the game to play animations that don't exist and resulting in characters freezing in place. This mod fixes that. Second, the animations for dual blasters had the hand objects in the incorrect positions. For male characters, the blasters would clip through the hands, and for female characters they would hover above the hands. I've restored them to the positions they were in K1. Third, when wielding dual melee weapons, male hands would clip through the weapons for some animations, notably the looping ready pose. The issue seemed to be that the fingers were gripping the weapon too tightly, so I loosened them up for the male models. I have also added an option to change the melee running animations to match how they are in K1. I included this as an optional part of the installation as it's an issue of preference rather than a straightforward fix. If you think you've spotted any other issues, send me a picture so I can confirm what the problem is and whether it's an issue with the supermodels. If so, I'll add it to my to-do list. 
  2. Version 1.0


    This is a fix for a number of issues present on the supermodels, the stock animations used for most characters in the game. When wielding dual melee weapons, male hands would clip through the weapons for some animations, notably the looping ready pose. The issue seemed to be that the fingers were gripping the weapon too tightly, so I loosened them up for the male models. If you think you've spotted any other issues, send me a picture so I can confirm what the problem is and whether it's an issue with the supermodels. If so, I'll add it to my to-do list.
  3. View File JC's Supermodel Fix for K2 This is a fix for a number of issues present on the supermodels, the stock animations used for most characters in the game. First, Obsidian added several combat animation variations for K2, but they messed up a couple of the names, causing the game to play animations that don't exist and resulting in characters freezing in place. This mod fixes that. Second, the animations for dual blasters had the hand objects in the incorrect positions. For male characters, the blasters would clip through the hands, and for female characters they would hover above the hands. I've restored them to the positions they were in K1. Third, when wielding dual melee weapons, male hands would clip through the weapons for some animations, notably the looping ready pose. The issue seemed to be that the fingers were gripping the weapon too tightly, so I loosened them up for the male models. I have also added an option to change the melee running animations to match how they are in K1. I included this as an optional part of the installation as it's an issue of preference rather than a straightforward fix. If you think you've spotted any other issues, send me a picture so I can confirm what the problem is and whether it's an issue with the supermodels. If so, I'll add it to my to-do list.  Submitter JCarter426 Submitted 08/26/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. View File JC's Supermodel Fix for K1 This is a fix for a number of issues present on the supermodels, the stock animations used for most characters in the game. When wielding dual melee weapons, male hands would clip through the weapons for some animations, notably the looping ready pose. The issue seemed to be that the fingers were gripping the weapon too tightly, so I loosened them up for the male models. If you think you've spotted any other issues, send me a picture so I can confirm what the problem is and whether it's an issue with the supermodels. If so, I'll add it to my to-do list. Submitter JCarter426 Submitted 09/08/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible No