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Found 2 results

  1. I don't know how to mod, nor do I know how to create models. That being said, I had an idea that I thought would be interesting. What if there was a subset of Mandalorians who were able to use their own type of Lightsaber? These soldiers are trained specifically to combat Jedi and other Force Sensitives. (Most of this is just a lore dump. The actual request is at the very bottom.) -Lore Dump- The concept is simple enough. Basically the Mandalorians were able to reverse engineer the Darksaber, but were unable to get any crystals to actually craft them. So they created a special mechanical fixture that turns plasma into a colorless (white) flat bladed Lightsaber known as a Mandalorian Plasma Blade. The wielders of these weapons are specially trained Mandalorians. They have a different armor design to signify their position. The armor itself resembles a Sith Troopers armor, but with a Mandalorian color scheme. The helmet resembles Mandalore's without the respiratory tubes. These soldiers would also have other special weapon, such as jump booster to combat Force Leap, a gauntlet with a short electric discharge to mimic Force Lightning, a gauntlet that has a repulser to mimic Force Push, and a force field generator. They have implants that neutralize most poisons, heal them, inject them with amplifying drugs, enhance their hearing, and even allow them to see further away. These are all on top of the standard Mandalorian weaponry. Mandalore himself gets all of these upgrades as well as a full body electric discharge, a full body pulse discharge, and a special implant that forcefully restarts his heart. He also has his own Plasma Blade that he can upgrade with an actual Lightsaber Crystal. -Request- Now, obviously this is too much stuff to add to a mod. I just added the lore dump so anyone who liked the idea had it for reference. My only request is that someone creates a mod to include some of these guys on Dxun. None of the powers or anything. Just them in armor with their "Plasma Blades". If possible, I'd also appreciate it if Mandalore could get an upgradeable Plasma Blade. I apologize to everyone for the inconvenience.
  2. ****POSSIBLE SPOILERS....if you've never played KOTOR**** Wasn't sure if this is the correct spot for this, so if a moderator feels that it needs to be moved, please feel free to do so. I always thought it felt awkward that, during your initial meeting, Jolee never invites you into his home. He'd been waiting for you (expecting you, even) and here we have what feels like a "Yoda" moment and you just stand outside his front door in the wilderness chatting it up. I think a small mod where he invites you into his studio hole-in-the-wall for a drink (tea, beer, Iridonian whiskey, whatever) would be appropriate. Just one room - Obi-Wan Kenobi meets Yoda's mud-hut. It could add another small but potentially power bit of immersion into a very weird meeting. At most - a table, couple of chairs, some lights - maybe a pot of soup cooking in a corner. Some old crap on the walls. Not sure - single retired-guy stuff. Hell, if it was crappy enough it would at least provide some additional motivation for him to leave with you...