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Found 8 results

  1. Version 1.1


    *********************************** Knights of the Old Republic *********************************** TITLE: Ebon Hawk Camera Replacement AUTHOR: LDR FILENAME: ebon_hawk_camera FILESIZE: 3 KB -------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- Simply put the 2da file and the vis file into the Override folder in the KotOR directory. To uninstall, remove the 2da file and the vis file from the Override folder in the KotOR directory. ------------ Permissions ------------ You may not use any assets of this mod in your own mod without first contacting me (and Darth Parametric). ------------ DESCRIPTION ------------ Changes the Ebon Hawk camera to where it reduces the zoom on the player, akin to the "default" camera. ----- BUGS ----- None I hope. If you find any please post them in the comments. I will address them as soon as I can. -------------- COMPATABILITY -------------- So long as there isn't another mod that makes edits to the camerastyle.2da or m12aa.vis, there shouldn't be any mod conflicts with K1R or any other KotOR 1 mod. Note: there will be a hard incompatibility with any other mod that edits the m12aa.vis file. It can only be resolved with manual merging, since TSLPatcher doesn't allow for dynamic patching of VIS files (or LYTs). ------- Credits ------- Darth Parametric for his m12aa.vis file that fixed an issue where some Ebon Hawk rooms weren't visible due to the increased camera radius. Fred Tetra for his very useful KotOR Tool. Fair Strides. All of you who downloaded this mod! Thank You!
  2. Magnetiicz


    From the album: Magnetiicz

    Endar Modernized
  3. Magnetiicz


    Endar Modernized
  4. Magnetiicz


    From the album: Magnetiicz

    Ebon Modernized
  5. Magnetiicz


    Ebon Modernized
  6. File Name: TSL Ebon Hawk Camera Replacement File Submitter: LDR File Submitted: 04 Mar 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes ****************************************************** Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ****************************************************** TITLE: TSL Ebon Hawk Camera Replacement AUTHOR: LDR FILENAME: tsl_ebon_hawk_camera FILESIZE: 3 KB -------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- Simply put the file into the Override folder. To uninstall, remove the file from the Override folder in the KotOR 2 directory. ------------ Permissions ------------ You may not use any assets of this mod in your own mod without first contacting me. ------------ DESCRIPTION ------------ Changes the Ebon Hawk camera to where it increases the zoom on the player, akin to the Ebon Hawk camera in K1. ----- BUGS ----- None I hope. If you find any please post them in the comments. I will address them as soon as I can. -------------- COMPATABILITY -------------- Not that I'm aware of. ------- Credits ------- Fred Tetra for his very useful KotOR Tool. Xuul for the idea. All of you who downloaded this mod! Thank You! Click here to download this file
  7. View File Ebon Hawk Camera Replacement *********************************** Knights of the Old Republic *********************************** TITLE: Ebon Hawk Camera Replacement AUTHOR: LDR FILENAME: ebon_hawk_camera FILESIZE: 3 KB -------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- Simply put the 2da file and the vis file into the Override folder in the KotOR directory. To uninstall, remove the 2da file and the vis file from the Override folder in the KotOR directory. ------------ Permissions ------------ You may not use any assets of this mod in your own mod without first contacting me (and Darth Parametric). ------------ DESCRIPTION ------------ Changes the Ebon Hawk camera to where it reduces the zoom on the player, akin to the "default" camera. ----- BUGS ----- None I hope. If you find any please post them in the comments. I will address them as soon as I can. -------------- COMPATABILITY -------------- So long as there isn't another mod that makes edits to the camerastyle.2da or m12aa.vis, there shouldn't be any mod conflicts with K1R or any other KotOR 1 mod. Note: there will be a hard incompatibility with any other mod that edits the m12aa.vis file. It can only be resolved with manual merging, since TSLPatcher doesn't allow for dynamic patching of VIS files (or LYTs). ------- Credits ------- Darth Parametric for his m12aa.vis file that fixed an issue where some Ebon Hawk rooms weren't visible due to the increased camera radius. Fred Tetra for his very useful KotOR Tool. Fair Strides. All of you who downloaded this mod! Thank You! Submitter LDR Submitted 02/23/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. Clearly this Blast Door is open, but the game says otherwise...