JK JA's Jaden Korr

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Everything posted by JK JA's Jaden Korr

  1. sooooooooo bored

    1. Zhaboka


      Haha, it's me, age 3 or so. Those were good times.

    2. JK JA's Jaden Korr

      JK JA's Jaden Korr

      Lol funny, cool dude.

    3. Zhaboka


      Definitely didn't mean to comment on your status... whatevski.

  2. Oh, I could never delete all of my mods. Maybe one or two.
  3. hey hh could you release that main menu from the sreen of the week section

  4. Your talking to H.H. not me right? edit also im typeing on my kindle ereader so its hard to type;)
  5. Did you delete the files from the first install?
  6. Well I have about every mod SithLordReven has, if that helps, but it will take me days to look up all of my mods. I said before my override folder is over 3 GIGABYTES of data so... it will take a long time for me to find them all. It will take even longer to find the links. I'll start with some big ones a) TSLRCM 1.8 (I don't think a link is needed), ALL of SLR's mods except the dancers outfit one,Cap. N fix, ADJEC,All 3 TWO Retexture packs,and some others that I know are compatible that are on his list. More to come later
  7. No, that would just change the quest text not the globals. If you just did that then the game would just go as normal, I think.
  8. Try Handy Force Powers (2.0). Look at this mod, 1 of the Force Powers can open doors
  9. I don't think my browser history goes that far back but I'll try. Edit: oh now I see my recent mods, never mind!
  10. Sorry I meant KSE not Force powers and the cheatcode is a_robe_187
  11. Version Beta


    Description:Well this is my first mod, a simple robe that belonged to reven and somehow the Exile ended up with it. Warning:Makes game very unbalenced(but how many of you actually care?) It has lots of feats,skills,Enviromental protection (like the enviromental baston armor in K1)and does not restrict force powers.You must use KSE or cheatcodes(a_robe_187) to get it Bugs:nope, but I put beta becuase I haven't run through the whole game with it, I'd love feedback, oh and only a male PC can use it It's my first mod so please don't be harsh
  12. On my computer, KotOR2 cheats only work in administrator mode... but then your saves would be gone. (Just a thought.) Edit : I tried both save games but they both froze halfway though loading so no go there. Just try re-downloading your own save game(from this page),rename it,and put it in your saves folder in your swkotor 2 directory, then right click on the TSL icon and select run as administrator and try cheats then if they work warp somewhere Contact me on via PMs if that doesn't work. Edit 2: Oh, I just thought of something much easier. Download Handy Force Powers (2.0). That should solve the problem as one of the powers included in that mod opens doors. The mod is compatible with everything. Oh and use KSE to get it.
  13. This would be an awesome main menu, Please Release it!!!
  14. Yes, I've also recently had this exact problem too but I'm not sure of all the mods I have got. I do have most of the mods that SithLordRevan has but as my override folder is over a gigabyte I don't know all of them. I've been careful to make sure most of them are compatible and it must be a recent mod because I have never had this problem before. I tried to just use a warp console to get past it but it is causing the Visas Marr cut-scene after the Ravager movie to freeze half way through. I also have the same problem with Kreia's cut-scene in the dormitories.